Co-author and frequent lecturer on bankruptcy and insolvency issues for over 30 years. together, but didn't start a romance until he was in University. Ballotpedia updates federal judicial profiles at least once a year. Premium products come with our highest level of protection, guaranteed for life. He joined the court on March 11, 2013. text-align: center; What are your thoughts on floors that show the natural character of the woodvariations in color, graining, streaks and filled knots and splits? Plus, its easy to maintain just a regular sweep and occasional mop will keep your floors looking beautiful for years. Chief Bankruptcy Judge These floors are valued for their long-lasting beauty and durability. } Then, in 1985, he was elevated to the Superior Court, where he presided until his retirement in 2000. There is really little that can be done about the heightened isolation; its just something that you need to accept and deal with. But thats not to say that Im not conscious of the newly imposed distance. Often that template helps focus the analysis necessary to reach a decision. Warren B. Rudman U.S. . The interview was conducted by Jay Geller, cochair of the committees Business Bankruptcy Litigation Subcommittee. font-weight: bold; Private practice? I think that baby judge school is a very good idea. You can even refinish hardwood floors to make them last your lifetime. Overnight on Wall Street is daytime in Asia. My former firm had a litigation department, and the bankruptcy group was not part of it. 55 Pleasant Street Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world. Cases by Type. Judge Harwood received his B.A. Click. "Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors" is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. When .courts-container hr {background-color:#f0a236;padding-bottom:2px;}, First Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. District Court: District of New Hampshire U.S. Bankruptcy Court: District of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Supreme Court .widget-row.Green { New Hampshire Probate Courts Snap. Renew Your ABA Membership It's time to renew your membership and keep access to free CLE, valuable publications and more. Neither counsel is asking the question(s) you want answered. He enjoys good food and good wine, and is an avid reader. background-color: #f9d334; Im fine with that. A Bankruptcy or Magistrate Judge? Demographics. The ensuing two years of litigation taught me a lesson about the varied aspects of bankruptcy practice. I would first rely on cross-examination, but then I would feel free to ask. from Loyola University in 1955. New Hampshire Superior Courts from Washington University School of Law. background-color: #f9f9f9; For example, even close friends might feel better introducing me in public as Judge Harwood. background-color: #003388; The middle core comprises layers of crisscrossing plywood that are bonded for extra strength and stability. I became a bankruptcy lawyer without realizing it. A: Fortunately, I havent encountered this very often in the courtroom. background-color: green; I have more control over my schedule, yet I am working as hard or harder than I have ever worked. It took a while to get accustomed to being in the courtroom with such a different perspective. Decisions need to be supported by an adequate record, yet given the case-loads, we also need to be efficient. What colors and tones work with the overall look youre trying to achieve? I used to see a lot more of fellow attorneys whom I now only see in passing on the elevator or on the street. He or she is in a position to exclude potentially important evidence or introduce potentially damaging evidence. Q: Have you had to deal with out-of-town professionals who want to charge significantly higher rates than prevailing local rates? Biography. As a lawyer, you dont need to be right; you need to be an effective advocate. Bruce A. Harwood U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of NH Bankruptcy Judge Hon. Densitek core is an engineered wood composite material created by compressing real wood fibers. The same is true with email. This site is maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the Federal Judiciary. Sottile began his judicial career in the Los Angeles Municipal Court. Do you intervene or do you let the prepared counsel win the case? width: 250px; Some hardwoods show more natural character than others. The clerks generally do first drafts of orders and opinions, but only after discussing them with me. It was not a traditional big firm experience where I participated in an organized, dedicated training program. Familiar Faces. background-color: #f9f9f9; color: white; It is the judges job to decide, not to advocate; that is the lawyers job. I also was concerned about getting up to speed in Chapter 13 cases. Some attorneys from Boston have appeared in cases before me, but their hourly rates have been close to the rates of the local attorneys who appear before me. See Bruce A Harwood's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. An Interview with the Honorable Bruce A. Harwood The committee is pleased to present an interview with the chief U.S. bankruptcy judge for the District of New Hampshire. Judge Harwood received his B.A. AIRA's membership consists of accountants, financial advisors, investment bankers, attorneys, workout consultants, trustees, and others in the field of business turnaround, restructuring and bankruptcy. Sign up to receive the latest on products, contests, and more! Courthouse 901 Richland Street Columbia, SC 29201 . Heres a closer look at each type of hardwood flooring. The top layer of each plank uses 100% real hardwood veneer, available in a variety of species and on-trend styles. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Judge at United States Bankruptcy Court, D. New Hampshire (March 11, 2013 - Present) display: inline-block; U.S. Bankruptcy CourtConcord, NH 03301USA, Northwestern University, B.A. Solid hardwood flooring is milled from a solid piece of 100% hardwood and topped with a protective finish. Ph: (541) 858-1665 Fx: (541) 858-9187, Copyright 2023 Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors, Avoiding Disaster - Navigating Ethical Issues Relating to Retention and Compensation. New Hampshire Bar Association (1988-) Q: How active a role do you play in settlement negotiations? They included Howard Adelman and David Missner. When deciding what type or style of hardwood flooring is best suited for your project, you can narrow your choices quite a bit by answering these three questions: Engineered hardwood is best for rooms that have moisture potential, such as basements. Engineered hardwood with a plywood core uses 5 to 7 layers of plywood, crisscrossed and bonded together. (2002-05) Another important lesson that I learned from David is that being a professional means treating people with equal respect regardless of how you feel about them or the position that they are taking. It is a dramatically different perspective to sit on the bench. He was appointed to the bench by former Governor Jerry Brown in 2012. Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. In terms of work allocation, the clerks read the pleadings and prepare bullet point summaries. Bruce J. Sottile (Ret.) There were eight or nine people sitting in a conference room for the better part of four days. Washington University, J.D. Listed in New England SuperLawyers. font-size: .9em; Alexandria, Va. - The American Bankruptcy Institute announces that Bankruptcy Judge Bruce Harwood has been named to a two-year term as the Secretary for ABI's Executive Committee. Counsel who does not appear to know what he or she is doing? A: My original mentors were in Chicago. Judge Harwood serves on American Bankruptcy Institutes Board of Directors (Communication, Information and Technology Committee). United States Bankruptcy Court It was from his newsletter that I learned the etymology of the word bankruptcy. The word derives from the Italian banca rotta, or broken bench, a term which I understand originated from the practice in ancient markets whereby merchants and money lenders who became insolvent would literally have the marketplace benches (from which they transacted business) broken. 10 Things to Know About Hardwood Installation. Low gloss hardwood flooring looks natural and can show less wear on your floors. The case involved franchise law, bankruptcy law, and litigation in a David versus Goliath context (I found myself comfortable in the role of David). Q: What advantages and disadvantages do you perceive about being a bankruptcy judge versus, for example, a federal district court judge? All of our hardwood flooring products have comprehensivewarranty coverage, including our Limited Lifetime Structural Integrity Warranty. padding-left: 10px; A: What appealed to me most is that the role of a judge seemed to be true to my personal temperament. The Honorable Bruce H. Hendricks U.S. District Judge P. O. For example, I never recognized how big an impact the phone had on me until it stopped ringing. I always said at the time that if I had to practice in a single judge district, there is no other judge that I would prefer to have in his place. That makes a great choice for living rooms, hallways and other heavy traffic areas. }, Bruce A. Harwood is the chief judge on the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Hampshire. (1978) Share. font-weight: bold; display: block; [2], Prior to joining the court, Harwood was a director and shareholder with the firm Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green. If a green pivot is to happen, power grids must become supergrids, continent-spanning networks that can move green energy thousands of miles. . Hardwood flooring is installed over wood . Natural color and graining patterns vary and impact the wood floors overall look.

} .widget-row.Libertarian { FAQs: Filing a Judicial Conduct or Disability Complaint Against a Federal Judge, Archives of the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Fees, Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination, National Court Interpreter Database (NCID) Gateway, Transfer of Excess Judiciary Personal Property, Electronic Public Access Public User Group, Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary, Asset Management Planning Process Handbook, Judiciary Conferences That Cost More Than $100,000, Long Range Plan for Information Technology, Proposed Amendments Published for Public Comment, Laws and Procedures Governing the Work of the Rules Committees, How to Suggest a Change to Federal Court Rules and Forms, How to Submit Input on a Pending Proposal, Open Meetings and Hearings of the Rules Committee, Permitted Changes to Official Bankruptcy Forms, Congressional and Supreme Court Rules Packages, Preliminary Drafts of Proposed Rule Amendments, Confidentiality Regulations for Pretrial Services Information. color: black; In addition to The X-Files, Harwood portrayed Byers in the spin-off series The Lone Gunmen, which aired thirteen episodes in 2001. They Mostly, I learned by doing. Character varies across wood species and collections. As a result, to go from that sort of practice to being a trial judge was more of a transition that it would have been, had I done more of my own litigation. Bruce was born in North Vancouver but then moved to Prince Rupert. This issue has existed since I started practicing in 1981, and I wish it would get resolved once and for all. This expanded the breadth of my practice, which came to include more out-of-court restructurings, secured creditor work, and creditors committee engagements. background-color: grey; clear: both; Keywords: bankruptcy and insolvency litigation, Judge Harwood, District of New Hampshire, business bankruptcy, consumer bankruptcy, American Bar Association Solid hardwood flooringis milled from a solid piece of 100% hardwood and topped with a protective finish. Keep your Bruce floors looking and performing their best with our full cleaner lineup. Fortunately, Judge Deasy can hear those cases. Courthouse Judge Harwood was elevated to the position of chief judge of the Bankruptcy Court on May 9, 2013. Even on those days, I dress in business casual attire. High gloss flooring looks polished, but may not hide scratches and dust. Q: How did you know what to do in your first days, weeks, and months on the bench? Frankly, incivility is never appropriate, and almost always counterproductive to what people are trying to accomplish. Hon. We welcome him to the Panel and look forward to working with him and his staff. border:1px solid #FFB81F; In some instances, reducing or eliminating judicial discretion can lead to borderline absurd results. } How do you deal with these types of issues (if at all)? I feel that I need to be, and can be, impartial, regardless of how long I have known counsel. AIRA is a nonprofit professional association serving the bankruptcy, restructuring and turnaround practice area. font-weight: bold; He is a registered Democrat. .widget-row { Q: Do you think it was/would have been an advantage to have practiced bankruptcy law before becoming a judge? Both lend themselves to a more rustic appearance. Okanagan Valley, where he lived until going to the University of } I feel tremendous pressure (admittedly self-generated) to get up to speed on all the matters that are before me. .widget-row.heading { Would it be easier or harder to become a judge outside the district where you previously practiced? When he was in elementary school, his family moved to Vernon, British Columbia in the Okanagan Valley, where he lived until going to the University of British Columbia. [1] Education Concord, NH 03301-3941, Judge Peter G. Cary, sitting by designation A: The biggest advantage that I would see in being a district court judge is the absence of ambiguities about jurisdiction and authority that seem to plague bankruptcy judges constantly. For example, maple flooring features lighter tones that make it great for contemporary homes. How do I handle it? 3. It is not stress free, but the rhythms are different. He met Heather when they were in Junior High School A: One aspect of the national political climate that I have encountered in greater detail than Id like is the congressional budgetary processand last falls sequestration machinations in particular. Bruce A. Harwood An avid reader, Harwood worked as a librarian before making a living out of acting and also trained to be a professional ice skater. I would likely start with humor and move to outright admonition only reluctantly. An ABI member since 1989, Judge Harwood is a member of ABI's Board of Directors, past program co-chair of ABI's Northeast Bankruptcy Conference and has served on ABI's Board of Directors' Communication, Information and Technology Committee and as Northeast Regional Chair of the ABI Endowment Fund's Development Committee. One or both counsel is being uncivil. David is a very thoughtful person. The judiciary is being asked to do more and more with less and less. Like things shiny? Bruce Harwood (born April 29, 1963) is a Canadian actor who portrayed John Fitzgerald Byers in The X-Files television series, its first film and its spin-off The Lone Gunmen. A: I participated in hiring the two clerks who are at the court now. These floors are valued for their long-lasting beauty and durability. In those instances, I may try to help the parties bridge the gap and find common ground, but I do not become extensively involved. I read both the pleadings and the summaries. font-weight: bold; float: right; (1978) Washington University, J.D. British Columbia. We jointly hired the clerks to replace them. District of New Hampshire Dress code in chambers is business casual for staff, except on casual days where there are no hearings. There was an error adding the sample to your cart. Being the ultimate decision maker is both more gratifying and more difficult. A: Washington University School of Law in St. Louis. They did not so much as give me instruction, but rather taught me to be confident in my own abilities. vertical-align: top; However, that is not to say that I wouldnt ask a question or two to elicit pertinent information. We had both live and video instruction, and the ability to both ask questions of experienced judges and share our concerns among ourselves. width: 43%; Ultimately, that will not produce results that people are entitled to expect and to get. 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