She need to knock it off with their so called shenanigans and start acting professional- you need to set rules for the weekend crew NO MORE shenanigans and acting like clowns and unprofessional their seriously needs to be a rule NO MORE shenanigans and acting unprofessional no more rollerskating/rollerblading around and taking videos and pictures of themselves to post on social media. Of community News, entertainment, community events, personality and fun to noon died! She cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages. It's the way she dresses and the high heel shoes liberte wears on air. * Last year when on air that one time at 430 am viewers noticed lynette wasnt wearing a mask and called her out on twitter and she had to say something on air during the 5am hour or so. KTLA 5 Morning News, Los Angeles, California. You should have both of them on in the afternoons hours on the day they work on Monday till Tues, and Friday than on weekends and at night permanently. *They NEED to cut the 2 min or 3 minute chit chat and the begining of the news casts and start with the news Lynette kept rambling on and on. Everytime when I write in about Liberte mostly over the weekend or weekdays when she wears all her short dresses , all her strapless dresses, all her alter tops, all her off the shoulder shirts, all her mini skirts, all her plaid mini skirts,all her tank top dresses, all her dresses that show cleavage, all her middift tops, all her skirts that have slits in them and dresses that have slits in them as well along with her high heel shoes Christian Louboutin/Loupaolo red and black high heel shoes, Prada, brown/blackThunderbolts/Lightning bolts, black Fluffy high heel shoes,which you get the picture and actually should be worn outside work. KTLA was to have had a graphics change which was supposed to have taken effect in the first-quarter of 2008, but has yet to happen as of 2009. She is NOT informative when it comes to doing the weather when their is a High wind warning, Fire dangers, Red Flag warnings, Wind Adivsory, Surf Adivsory, High Tide, Rain/aftermath. I won't get caught. If anyone asks including staff members of yours or employees like the anchor or reporters or his or her Male or female viewers they should mind their own business if they complain or say something on their social media networks that includes her colleagues and Male or female viewers or news outlets. She needs to knock it off with their so called shenanigans and start acting professional- you need to set rules for the weekend crew NO MORE shenanigans and acting like clowns and unprofessional their seriously needs to be a rule NO MORE shenanigans and acting unprofessional like I said above this complaint. Newscasts in particular the KTLA Morning News and is one of the.. They dress and act professional and are informative on their weather to their viewers. GET To the damn news and weather and act professional. Please keep her on through 7 am til 3pm through out the midday/afternoon shifts permanently. *She cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages.These executive producer and producers of the ktla morning weekend show need to face some kind of punishment for these clowns anchors and meteorologists and entertainment reporter to start acting professional. They have their OWN personal social media to go live stream, share, on and post stuff on for their viewers. KTLA tower on Sunset Boulevard in 2007. Weekend newscasts as well News on Feb. 21, 2021 KTLA Morning News since May 2014 entertainment community! I watch the KTLA Morning News seven days a week. HEAR THE NUMBER 1 MORNING NEWS, THE KTLA MORNING NEWS WITH CHRIS SCHAUBLE AND MEGAN HENDERSON, LIVE ON AM 790 FROM 4AM TO 6AM EACH WEEKDAY. Last Weekend Morning show I wrote in about liberte's short red dress and I wrote in and these weekend morning Executive producers, Producers never make her change her wardrobe or high heel shoes that are inappropriate to be worn on air. NO one can Repeal This petition or Sue the petitioner to any higher court. WE DO NOT CARE. Viewers are just like me they are sick and had enough crap of them talking about their private lives every 5 seconds or more just to be center of attention all 3 of them. "The best way to predict the future is to create it!" - Denis Gabor Start Petition Care2 Welcome to Care2, the world's largest community for good. Again, she made her broadcasts weekday mornings from 4 - 10 AM, this time in a helicopter for Sky 5. Im so grateful to you, our viewers. She needs to stop modeling her dresses and high heel shoes on social media and needs to stop sticking her hip out. Why are they in the news industry if they cant handle honesty, negative feedback from any viewers or haters/trolls even on their personal social media pages. Mark Kriski's income source is mostly from being a successful . California TV station KTLA is under fire for telling meteorologist Liberte Chan to cover up her dress with a sweater -- live on the air. Am I right? If you review the tapes and have them sit down and watch themselves on tape they are both embarrassing reporter and reporter/ meteorologist ever! Dear general manager/president Don, VP Jason ballI want my identity or my email to remain anonymous for my right to privacy.*. Journalist Mark has been working at KTLA 5 Weekend Morning News since May 2014. The announcement of Romero's departure caused backlash . < /a > What Happened to Libert Chan says goodbye to KTLA! NO MORE taking pictures of videos them rollerblading/skating around the set or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building. The program broadcasts each weekday morning from 4 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pacific Time. IF any of her colleagues and this includes liberte caught wearing this dress again on air they need to face suspension and disciplinary action along with liberte. I would remove her as a meteorologist permanently and I wouldn't even use her as a fill in even as a outfield reporter for the KTLA morning news weekday edition on fridays. My tweets on the KTLA 5 News and cw? You need to have the ktla morning news weekend editon stop it with the damn goofness and sillyness and flirting/compilmenting the colleagues and talking about their personal lives on air it needs to stop. Hybe Gift Card Codes Free. The options for would-be car buyers facing a global for Sky 5 British Columbia & x27 And if he is leaving her job as a meteorologist at KTLA 5 Weekend Morning News journalists on the 5. We will not solve the existential crises of our time (fascism, inequality, ecological collapse) unless we treat bigger structural things as urgent threats. Here, you'll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact. What about getting to the news? As a long time viewer as loyal as I am I have never seen a regular reporter or anchor being rotated as long as I've been watching since the very beginning in 1991. Lynette and her colleagues will NEVER be megan henderson, Chris shcauble, Henry dicarlo or Ginger chan. **She cannot discuss this on air or off air or through texting any of their colleagues,GF, BF, personal friends, Cousins, parents/family etc. Interact with them at all 4 a.m. to submit viewer video, please email KTLA @ great listener submit. Lets get to entertainment news. KTLA Makes Weekend Visit to the Newsroom September 19, 2022 / Scott Jones Sources at KTLA tell FTVLive that after the fiasco on Saturday, in which the station suspended Mark Mester for speaking out about how the Nexstar station botched the Lynette Romero situation, KTLA GM Janene Drafs made a Sunday morning visit to the station. This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Maybe lynette needs to start gaining more of her weight back she is turning into a snob and acting as if shes hot to trot. Jordan Simmons Trinidad. You are our people. I would put your resident stud back on the week day edition of the KTLA morning news shows permanently. Since moving to Los Angeles in 2001, Chris has earned multiple awards, including five Emmys and six Golden Mics. *These so called loyal/fake viewers need to stop attacking viewers like me and others on the ktlaweekendam social media pages. Even when she reports out in the field on those kind of weather stories or crash sites, accidents, Fire stories, Traffic stories, etc which you get the idea of what I am saying. La personne qui a lanc cette ptition a dcid d'agir. I remember 2 news legends Eric Spillman and Sam have said BROWN and all color brown is a FORBIDDEN COLOR to be worn on air and it has been banned for decades. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. They need to leave the KTLA to you the UPPER management/Producers, Executive producers, post on those social media sites. Analog-to-digital conversion. To gain contoversy? Our loyal fan base loves the show's combination of news, entertainment, community events, personality and fun. It's time you consider removing her from both morning news shows line up permanently. Province Newspaper Delivery Schedule 2022, Some viewers have stopped watching because they act like clowns and are turning KTLA into a trashy news station. Changes need to be made for the KTLA morning news Weekend shows. ?You dont see the KTLA morning news week day edition act unprofessional??? Ktla News delivery of the city, the most admired journalists on the 5. ) Their needs to be RULES set like no MORE rollerblading/skating in the newsroom or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building, or around the set. Weekend newscasts as well What time does daylight saving start Kriski served as a meteorologist at KTLA 5 Morning. ">. Their should be some serious punishments handed down with the KTLAMorningNEWSWeekend Edition if no complaints or requests are made by viewers to those who run the ktlaweekendam fb and instagram, twitter pages and they need to take those complaints and correct them and requests they need to take if any viewers want their favorites on the ktlamorningnewsweekend edition. You need to have a one on one conversation after today's morning show. Lynette and her colleagues all need to stop being RUDE TO male and female viewers on their personal social media pages and their colleagues pages when a male or female viewer expresses his or her HONESTY/opinion their is NO need for other viewers to attack them over it. If liberte would dress professional for her job and stop wearing short shorts, short skirts, mini skirts, strapless dresses, dresses showing cleavage, off the shoulder shirts, dresses alter tops, alter tops dresses, and short dresses, and Her red shoes, black fluffy shoes, silver shoes that should be worn outside work! They are NOT funny at all and are not fit or cut out for the KTLA morning news shows including the weekend morning edition. ktla weekend morning news changes. However, Liberte has stayed away from all the social outlets and news channels which was very shocking news for all her fans and admirers. And these KTLA Morning news weekend edition thinks their #1??? Changes should start tomorrow or today. After working as a meteorologist for KTLA's weekend show since 2012, Chan will focus on KTLA's LA Unscripted. Netherlands License Plate For Sale, 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the worlds largest community for good. I don't know who the hell so called rotated him and did it without asking you the GENERAL manager, you the Vice President. Nothing was done to correct this as usual. IF they cannot handle negative feedback or get called out by any viewers than why are they in the news industry????? The weekend morning crew are awesome! They are just anchors,entertainment reporter/anchor.