Your leg works to stop your opponent from following along and they will kind of resist you for a period of movement before finally theres a degree to which they cant follow anymore and theyll peel right off. Panomtuanlek was a two-time Rajadamnern champion and also a 1987 Lumpinee champion. The lean back knee is not incorrect. 2022 - 10 - "" | Teep to face Muay Thai (Counted/K.O. Muay Thai was already growing as a national sport in the 60s and 70s. His go-to move was to counter a body kick by grabbing the leg and then pushing the opponent across the ring to throw them off-balance. Youre going to peel toward that knee, so pick the side you wish to pull toward. Dieselnoi Chor Thanasukarn, Samson Issan, Karuhat SorSupawan and Yodkhunpon Sittraiphum. He was the 1997 Muay Thai Fighter of the Year according to the Sports Writers Association of Thailand. He also shuns the traditional rocking chair knee, and instead teaches a powerful stand-in crossing, open-hipped knee that compliments his elbows up top. Hippy Singmanee Muay Khao is a technique unto itself. In the GIF you can see the small nuances of his rhythm, the way he drags his foot a little, the bit of bounce. The idea of the Intensive, and of this website, is to provide deep study of many styles and techniques, as well as offering those study videos on Demand to help funnel money towards the legends themselves. Sangtiennoi retired in 2000 with over 200 fights to his name. The most obvious strength of a Muay Sok fighter is the ruthlessly aggressive pressure that they bring to any fight, the elbow being unpadded and used in tight and efficient slashing motions serve as not only a dangerous weapon but a means to intimidate their adversary, making them think twice before throwing punches or kicks this hesitation can force an error which will allow the Muay Sok fighter to capitalize on the brief lapse of judgment and step inside and to begin their onslaught. Karriere. Yodkhunpon on the other hand has very little backward sway. Karuhat was a pressure fighter, but he has a kind of wave-like back and forth movement that made him both very difficult to attack, and unpredictable. English Articles. (46 kg) female Muay Thai fighter. Its just a constant trading of elbows into the forearms of a partner. Dieselnoi is the greatest knee fighter who ever lived, and it just wasnt because of his height. Yodkhunpon The Elbow Hunter pt 1 Slicing Elbow (37 min) watch it here. In this session he goes through his favorite Muay Khao techniques, shows why he prefers side-attack locks, and turns. In a conversation, there are longish pauses when hes considering his answer or what he wants to ask next. Even though he did not hold any of the belts from Lumpinee and Rajadamnern, there is no dispute about having Somluck Khamsing on this list. Bangkok, Thailand. Here is a Playlist of Yodkhunpons fights: As Ive written above, this 5 minute video is part of a 37 minute video for my Patreon supporters. In the province, he did 20 fights with 19 victories in the 100 lbs category. It works suddenly, not like a squeeze. The lean back is a visually dynamic knee. Chatchai Paiseetong Ive knocked many opponents out with them. You can compare Yodkhunpons attack knee designed to fit with elbows, to Dieselnois knee designed to attack in clinch: There is more curve and puncturing trajectory to Yodkhunpons knees, but both have a characteristic upright attack, and a tendency towards the vertical shin which engages the hip. Yodkhunpon is an incredible instructor. Fight purses reduced significantly over time. Muay Thai highlight of Penek Sitnumnoi. Just dont do it against a fighter like Yodkhunpon. Yodkhunpons knee on the other hand has a kind of shiv quality, not far from the motions Sagat teaches, though Sagat is a puncher and favors a little lean. Many fight fans outside of Thailand were familiar with Namphon due to his bouts with Ramon Dekkers but the Thai was a big name in his home country. Lots of minute corrections, small vital details that turn working techniques into dominance. He was a counter fighter who always reacted with explosive speed and surgical precision. Whats interesting to me is that 99% of those teaching the lean back in the west or even otherwise will explain its benefits with a nod toward defense against counter punches. On a soccer team you have 50 players, he said, and with that youll get 50 different kicks. If your opponent grabs up high you cant get the correct leverage for the first break (the arm break), so the better option is more of a peel off, rather than a break of the grip. Im especially down with 1, 3, 5, 6, maybe 9 and 10. . A mark of a true Muay Thai legend. He received the Lumpinee Fighter of the year award in 1997 and 1998. For very long range fighters, the lean back makes sense. Yodkhunpon Sittraiphum. Very often Yodkhunpon, or Khun as it is shortened (not the samekhun meaning you but with a rising tone that has a meaning of a title something like a knight), will call me over at the end of his sessions to help explain or demonstrate something, or most often just because he wants to work with me on something. His foot is basically parked right next to the foot of his opponent and the knee comes slightly outside of their frame before arcing in for a center hit. The sport has transformed considerably from the golden era to the modern age. Namphon met with an accident in 1993 and was forced to retire. Between 1996 to 2005, he defended his WBC belt for a staggering 14 times, not including many other non-title bouts during this period. He was an incredible fighter, simultaneously holding the 118 lb title at both Lumpinee and Rajadamnern, back in the Golden Age of Muay Thai. Supawan. Sometimes he just appears at the side of the ring and watches me on the bag or asks me about my upcoming fights, like hes just anybody, or like Im somebody. To the back is a chicken farm, where you can hear the roosters crowing at all hours and on weekends men will walk through the gym area holding fighting chickens under their arms. Muay Thai is no doubt one of the most effective, striking based martial arts. These things were noteable (and still are) when I first arrived, but theyve become familiar. Andy is absolutely unique in the lore of Thailand Muay Thai. Namkabuan may be the best fighter Ive ever seen, and it was an intense privledge to train with him. He is believed to have received nearly 300 stitches over his whole career. The Golden Age Lumpinee and Rajadamnern Champion, a legendary Muay Khao fighter who fought all the greats instructs on the finer points of clinch technique. Despite his many accolades and being known as possibly the greatest Muay Sok in the history of Muay . Over 40 commentary hours of documentary training footage with the greatest krus & ex-fighters of Thailand. The slicing elbow was a signature technique of "The Elbow Hunter", Yodkhunpon Sittraiphum, a former Rajadamnern and Lumpinee Stadium champion. Originally I trained under Kumron Vaitayanon (Master K) and Kaensak sor. All great fighters for sure. Jaroenthongs accomplishments include winning the Lumpinee champion in 3 weight classes and a WMC world championship belt after beating Dutch legend Ramon Dekkers. 169 following. Silapathai Jockey Gym Sanklai Sitkru-Ott Lots of fine details in this one, escapes from clinch locks, turns and catches. In Muay Thai, you'll see those handtraps over frames convert to elbows or knees to the body as Yodkhunpon Sittraiphum viciously demonstrates as he carves his man's face up into a crimson mask. He held only one Lumpinee belt during his career as well as a few less notable titles but Sakmongkol was a stadium favorite known for his aggressive style. An, Many aficionados and golden era legends are less impressed with, But he is also well-known outside of Thailand for fighting and winning against, Best Foreign Muay Thai Fighters (Non-Thai), Top 10 Muay Thai Fighters You Should Know, Top Muay Thai Fighters To Watch Now (2022), 123 All-Time Greatest Muay Thai Fighters of Thailand, Where to watch Muay Thai Fights in Bangkok (2022), The 10 Best Muay Thai Shin Guards in 2023 (Updated), Where to Buy Muay Thai Gear in Bangkok 2022. [SPOILER] Superbon vs Chingiz Allazov | ONE Featherweight How do you feel about BOB as a training tool for Muay Thai? #5 Anantasak pon yutapom Below is a selection of my Part 1 of my 2nd private with the ferocious Elbow Hunter of 100 Stitches Yodkhunpon Sittripum, who happens to be a next door You can support this content: Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu on Patreon, A 100 lb. He would then land a strike or throw them to the canvas. You can see this progression in the free video clip. As a Muay Thai fighter, Samson won the Lumpinee Bantamweight title in 91 and the Rajadamnern Junior Bantamweight title in 92. 5. Wangchannoi was a strong fighter with powerful punches who held wins over Karuhat Supawan, Kaensak Sor Ploenjit, Samart Payakaroon and a legendary round-1 KO of Namkabuan Nongkee Pahayuth (33 seconds!). Nokweed Davy His aggressive style made him a fan-favorite both in and out of Thailand, gaining many western fans in the process due to his many bouts with Dany Bill and Ramon Dekkers. Time to become a Yodkhunpon Sittraipum, Elbow Hunter of 100 Stitches fan, if you arent already! His footwork involves these deep steps as he gallops forward to cut off the ring. He combines Muay Khao fighting with technical precision and explosive energy. He was a classic Muay Fimeu with an exceptional fight IQ but also possessed strong hands. He won the gold medal at the 1994 and 98 Asian games, the 1995 SEA (Southeast-Asian) games and became the first Thai to win an Olympic gold medal in 1996. In these attacks the hip is open, so the knee acts a bit like a curve-ball, stabbing across toward the center of the body. #10 Charoen Sap Kiatbongchong Jaroensap Kiatbanchong, Yodkhunpon Sittraiphum, Ritthichai . Pi Earn has been a trainer who has sculpted PTTs methodical Muay Khao fighting style, and in this session he starts right away making the tiny changes in my technique that are necessary for the strong, forward fighting approach that he favors. Samsons time in Muay Thai lasted from 1988 to 1994, after which he transitioned to boxing full-time. There he trained alongside Samson Isaan before going to Bangkok to fight. Thailand Travel For him, the lean back is putting your head precisely in his striking range with the chin tending to pop up. Not many recordings of his fights exist on the web, sadly. Yodkhunpon Sittraiphum. Jaroenthong fought almost every legend of this time (many on this list) before retiring with a record of 120 victories in 151 fights. Some of his most notable victories include a 3-1 over Kaensak Sor Ploenjit in their four meets. . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It was due to this particular technical prowess that he earned the nickname \"pran sok roi khem\" - elbow hunter of 100 stitches.Yodkhunpon won both Lumpinee and Rajadamnern titles and is considered one of the best of all time by many fans of the sport.Yodkhunphon Sittraiphum | Yodkhunpon Sitraypum | Yodkhunpon Sittraiphum | #muaythaiBlog http://www.muaythaischolar.comFacebook: Warmth by Bumbumtschak (creative commons licence)Follow Bumbumtschak on Soundcloud Han slog Wanchalerm Aodoonmuang ved afgrelse i Lumpinee den 16. juli 2013 i det andet forsvar af sin letvgts titel. 10w. #3 Dieselnoi Chor Thanasukarn The King of Knees (54 min) watch it here. Its a constant pressure style, focused on hemming in the opponent until cornered, and then he unleashes his systematic attack of elbows and knees like a game of Wack A Mole. In the GIF above this is a real time motion. Pi Earn Head Trainer of PTT Petchrungruang (34 min) watch it here. An instructor for more than 2 decades, a mentor to so many, he innovatively teaches a Muay Thai emphasizing symmetry, strength, balance and explosiveness, expanding what the body can do under duress, holding pads like no others do. Somluck is perhaps the most well-rounded fighter with a huge, diverse arsenal of moves at his disposal. When the opponent grabs middle or lower back and your arms are on the outside, you wrap your arms around theirs so that your biceps arebehind their elbows. Orono Por Muang Ubon was a big name and a crowd-favorite when he competed in the 90s. Mixing an explosive style with constant off-balances, angling, and melting aways, he was nicknamed the Ultimate Wizard. Get your stance wide, preferably with one leg on the outside of your opponents knee and making contact. Team. Affiliate Disclosure, Passionate Muay Thai fans flocked to the grand, Muay Thai was already growing as a national sport in the 60s and 70s. I posted some Thai Boxing themed graphic design work I First PMT tournament and would like some critique please , Press J to jump to the feed. #3 Boolai Sor Thani kul I want to adopt Khuns elbows, so Im going to adopt the knees as well. #9 Metee jayde Ploenjit in New Jersey. All things Muay Thai, news, upcoming events & general discussion. {thumb} {title}