navy ocs dor
This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. KEY INFORMATION About Us They will provide info on transitioning you to Nimitz Hall for check-in. You must log in or register to reply here. I definitely have a new respect for those who have chosen to serve as Naval officers, but it wasnt for me. Showing up in marginal BCA standards and the ability to pass a Navy PRT with satisfactory scores will make your time at OCS extremely challenging and could result in you being rolled back to provide time for you to improve your physical conditioning delaying your graduation and commissioning. The minimum passing standard in each category is Satisfactory Medium. For non-emergent issues (not relating to medical condition of immediate family member or other extraneous hardship), the candidate's family may inform the candidate through the following individuals: American Red Cross Hero Care Center:(800) 272-7337or online At least one pair shall be white or wearers skin tone when worn with white uniforms per NAVPERS 15665l. This list is not all inclusive: You will purchase all necessary uniforms during your first week of training at OCS. Candidates may also download and access the official Navy PFA mobile application by SeaWarrior Applications. If you intend to use your GTCC for PCS expenses, make sure your APC puts you in a PCS status, as well as MISSION ESSENTIAL status. Use this handout to ensure you have all required documentation in hand prior to reporting to OCS. OCS has remained an important commissioning source for the Army, along with Army ROTC and the U.S. Military Academy. Knowing they had no way to pay it back otherwise they chose to make it through boot camp rather than just dropping. PT shorts, short and long sleeve shirts, hoodie, sweatpants (most current Navy logo and design, shall be matching set), Service Dress Blue (Dry-cleaned) If E7 or Higher, Service Dress White (Dry-cleaned) If E7 or Higher, Khakis with garrison and combination covers, NWU Type III with Black Boots (rough-side-out are not authorized), Undergarments associated with each uniform meeting strictest Navy standards, Successful completion of Navy PFA in accordance with specified standards. ***NOTE*** No physical activity should be initiated without first consulting your physician to determine physical suitability. I read somewhere that OCS has a <1% dropout rate. Being intelligent and/or a PT stud will only help so much, because OCS is not primarily an intellectual or physical challenge. Guess my recruiter lied to me :) Now I have to decide weather to stay in DEP and become a Nuke with the slight hopes of becoming a pilot, OR drop out of DEP and join NROTC next school year. Officer Detailing. PART ONE: BACKGROUND 1.0 Introduction This article provides an overview of United States (US) Navy Officer Development School (ODS). Bring any necessary items for your religious practice. It can be seen through the windows of the building's basement. OCS Delayed Entry Program Guide Provides information on OCS, Navy Core Values, general information, rank and insignia, qualification standards, and physical fitness standards. Any and all prescription medication to include birth control. NavyDads mission is to Provide Support, Encouragement, and Knowledge to Sailors and their Families throughout their Journey together in the United States Navy. Contraband is defined as any item that is prejudicial to the good order and discipline, health, welfare, or safety of any candidate at OCS. Students willNOThave access to cellphones for a majority of their training time. The more likely option is you quit or get medically disqualified. Again, I'm very much prepared to live with the decision I've made, and if this opportunity is closed to me, I understand. I didn't write it, it was a repost of an article that was only available in the Wayback Machine because the original website no longer exists. Candidates are expected to have all personal financial responsibilities addressed and placed in a steady state (not requiring constant review or action) prior to arrival at OTCN. Shall be Navy Blue or black in color, worn fully on the waist, and may not extend beyond the length of the PT shorts nor be visible while standing. Answer:Sailors that Drop on Request (DOR) or meet OCS attrition criteria will potentially lose their rate and become needs of the Navy. BECOME A COMMISSIONED OFFICER; BECOME AN ENLISTED SAILOR; JOINING THE NAVY IF YOU HAVE SERVED BEFORE; Enlistment Bonus & Incentives; Who We Are. (Driver's license and state identification can be copies. Sometimes a DOR will hit you when you least expect it. Below is the mailing address for all candidates while at OCS. Student pool can be kind of a depressing place, because while some people are like me and just realized that theyd rather do something else, others were NPQd by an injury or have other issues and are pretty devastated, sometimes bitter. dor means means drop-on-request. It depends on how far you've advanced in training, and what your Navy rate is; DOR's (Drop On Request) can be initiated by the candidate at any time during BUD/S training; not . Just address whatever issue(s) you had and get yourself ready to class back up. Posting id: 808700559. Not all students are medically cleared for their Naval community when they report to OCS. The Officer Candidate School of the United States Navy is a 13 week course located at Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island. Each item notated on NAVPERS Form 1070/6 must be backed by certificates, diplomas, official orders from the . Got separated due to stress fractures. Is there Russias unusual "Spyder" laser devices fall into His favorite flavor of Crayola will color his wings Press J to jump to the feed. In order for spouse and dependents to be enrolled in DEERS, all documents must be original or court certified copies. At OCS you will learn basic indoctrination into the Navy, the Officer community, basic concepts in seamanship, navigation, leadership, and . A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. You must log in or register to reply here. Candidates not able to meet these minimum physical standards will struggle to complete the course in the allotted time. I DOR'd because I essentially think I forced myself to go to Marine Corps OCS besides not having an actual innate desire to go. However, they are no longer in flight training and are doing something else in the Navy/Marine Corps. Now however, Im inclined to believe it, even though I think Marine OCS might beg to differ. Profession of Arms: Instilling discipline, military bearing, attention to detail, patriotism, pride, and building esprit de corps. All non-military visitors will be required to be vetted by base security before arriving for the reception or graduation festivities. If you arrive at OCS out of DOD BCA Standards or fail to meet Satisfactory Medium scores in all three categories of the Navy PRT, you will have three weeks to meet these standards or you will be processed from OCS for attrition. During the ESD period you will remain in a controlled access area of Nimitz Hall (1356 Meyerkord Ave), which is the building where youll ultimately commence your training. (I would strongly recommend that anyone who is going to OCS to read this article before the DS/DI at OCS grinds your morale down and indirectly convinces you to quit. I rolled into H-class right before I dropped, so I dont know too much about it, but I do know that even though H-class is often likened to spending two weeks or more in a Siberian gulag and is definitely someplace youd rather not be, its also not the end of the world. The Navy DOES care about your major. If you couldn't stick through OCS, why would the Navy want to invest it's time and money into developing you as a leader? The galley has an adequate selection, which includes a salad and fruit bar along with a variety of proteins and vegetables. During the final phase of training, men are authorized to style their hair within Navy regulations. But if you still want to quit they will process you out of the Navy and you will leave in about a month. Answer:Review this OCS webpage:OCSand click on FAQ and Required and Recommended Items "tabs" . I recently DOR'd (dropped on request) from Marine Corps OCS. The junior officer should stay in step with the senior officer. Items of a religious nature (to include texts and small, concealable neck-worn medallions) are permitted. My imagination brain has been telling me for years that it was much longer. See all related lists . Very few men and women meet the numerous screening requirements and have the dedication and desire to earn a seat in OCS. OCS is where future Marine officers go to receive leadership training. It prepares candidates to I'm a computer nerd who couldn't swim and made it through OCS. Below is a link to the Technical Training group at Officer Training Command Newport who oversees the Third Class Swim Qualification: After clicking the below link, selectGroup Training Series. Some guys did this while I was there, even though it of course meant being a huge target for a while. Successful candidates arrive at OCS already able to complete 30 mins of aerobic exercise in a session, sustained running at a pace consistent with passing the run portion of the PFA, and a variety of total body calisthenics. 4 OCT 2017. We got you all covered with the details of the class Blood Hunter 5E . Do not encourage lying. Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) is one of four officer training schools located at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. OCS classes can run anywhere from 45-60+ officer candidates. For the paperwork, youll need to collect about a dozen signatures from anyone and everyone important, including finally the CO, and each time youll have to explain your reason for dropping. The Navys official guidance can be found here: Guide 5 Physical Readiness Test. FY23 OCS SPECIAL DUTY PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER (RESTRICTED LINE) This note solicits applications for Officer Candidate School (OCS), leading to a commission as an active duty Ensign,. Candidates who arrive at minimum physical standards will struggle to complete the school in the allotted time, and are also subject to disenrollment. If youre not, or even if there is something else that you think you also might like to do, you wont make it. Selected Officer Candidates are encouraged to review this page in preparation for the program. Privacy Policy. It is recommended that women arrive with hair as close to their natural color as possible to forgo compliance issues. ), Birth Certs for both yourself and your dependents/spouse, Proof of dependent children if not married (court order), Same documents as for BAH section above, but this office, ***Original documents are required for on-site identity verification; copies are not permitted for DEERS entry and ID lab.***. Question:Where can I find the required documents and materials to bring to OCS for check-in? Now that the GTCC has rolled out for PCSs, we will no longer be doing incoming travel claims for the Fleeters, because we are a TDY location. If candidates are unable to pass the Third Class Swim qualification by Week-9, they will be removed from their class for further remediation in Remedial Holding Company. So if you happen to roll into H during Indoc week (and quite a few usually do), dont panic. That's why we offer ROTC and OCS/OTS officers and candidates a special Career Kickoff Loan and other incentives. For information regarding Navy enlisted ratings, see [Twisky's Rating Information Guide] ( So even though I went to OCS with a little bit of doubt and probably the wrong motivation, I was still prepared to work hard and figured that I could get through based on what I had read about it here and elsewhere. The mission of Officer Candidate School (OCS), a 13-week officer accession program, is to develop civilians, enlisted, and newly commissioned personnel, and imbue them with the highest ideals of Honor, Courage, and Commitment to prepare graduates for service in the fleet as Naval Officers morally, mentally, and physically. These qualities include Honesty, Integrity, Work Ethic, Military Bearing, Character, Dependability, Initiative, Accountability, Toughness and Teamwork. This video is from the US Navy's OCS website and no copyright infringement is intended. I don't have an OAR score on file but generally do fairly well on standardized tests. Staff will assist you with this at the appropriate time. A standard format, outlined by Navy Personnel Form 1070/6, is the only form the Navy accepts. The below links provide information on authorized awards and medals from other services for wear on Navy uniforms. Student Control is your one-stop shop for DOR's. Each battalion consisted of several AOCS classes graduating every two to three weeks. At Marine Corps Officer Candidates School (OCS), mind, body, and character are put to the test to evaluate your capabilities as both a fighter and an officer. Medallions must not exceed 1.2"x2", must be worn on a standard dog tag chain, and must lay flat. Our mission is to take care of all Navy Officer and Enlisted personnel and their families, while meeting the personnel distribution needs of our Navy. (Haven't actually been through the process just read some stuff). Considerations include any obligation-to-serve/service school payback, and of course Needs of the Navy. ODS is designed to provide newly commissioned Navy officers with the basic information required to understand Naval culture. Right now you have a clear path. P Picaroon Helos Anticipate $3,500 or more out-of-pocket expenses for uniform components and for misc. I accept that and now Im moving on. IIRC the only people on the hook for reverting to an enlisted rate are those prior-enlisted who still have time on their contracts, and BDCP and NUPOC candidates. Candidates who do not pass the initial height and weight check will be further assessed to determine if they meet the Navy's body composition standards. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. You are using an out of date browser. This qualification includes the following: Candidates who are unable to complete the Third Class Swim qualification will be sent to remedial swim training. (TL;DR, OCS primarily tests your motivation to be an officer, assuming you already met the academic/physical requirements and aren't an idiot.). Individuals who arrive earlier than the Saturday of their check-in weekend will not be provided housing by Officer Training Command Newport. Commitment To Success Form (NAVCRUIT 1131/15) Provides formal check-list of information and documents for selected future Officer Candidates to review with their recruiter. At least the author of this piece came to the conclusion he didn't want to try early in my OCS class we had an aviator candidate who made it literally the entire way through all the hard parts and then quit a week before he was to be commissioned. Not all expenses can be claimed, but you must have receipts for any valid expenses you do claim (such as taxi, shuttle service, hotel). Nobody except prior enlisted who still have time on their contracts would become enlisted. No personally identifying information (PII). Hand carry 1 weeks worth of medication to OTCN. There are several types of personnel records. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. These exercises should be performed for 30 - 60 minutes, 3 - 4 days a week. I applied to be an Intelligence Officer (and only Intel) straight out of college and I was really happy when I got it. . There were numerous reasons why I was attracted to the Navy in the first place which I havent forgotten, and I knew I was giving up a great opportunity. Bring the following ONLY IF you already own them. Dear Prospective Officer Candidate, 1. Spouse's original unexpired identification card. Electric razors are authorized. However, now that Im being honest with myself that was more because I wanted to work in intelligence than because I wanted to be in the military. I saw a few people get kicked out for shitty, un-officer-like conduct, but have never heard of anyone failing. If you. View this and more full-time & part-time jobs in Los Angeles, CA on Snagajob. The first step is abdominal circumference. Provides expectations for selected future Officer Candidates. All selected Officer Candidates are strongly encouraged to review this guide in its entirety and begin memorizing the information provided in theGougesection. Most students will need to pay out-of-pocket an additional $1,500. For the safety of staff and students, any member who reports for OCS and is not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or is displaying COVID-19 symptoms will be placed in a Restriction of Movement (ROM) status. Copies of all civilian prescriptions if taking prescription medication. A Drop on Request begins an immediate administrative process that ceases training immediately. Over the 13-weeks course, candidates will be instructed in the following areas: Military training at Officer Candidate school is designed to transform individuals into cohesive operating teams with the overall goal of training candidate officers to become professional, confident and competent future Naval officers worthy of earning their Nation's special trust and confidence. Physical Fitness Qualifications (requirements to graduate): Congratulations on your selection to Officer Candidate School (OCS) and thank you for making the decision to serve your country as a Naval officer. If there is only ONE piece of advice I can give prospective officer candidates, its to make sure you are absolutely 100% committed to the goal of becoming a Naval Officer. This mobile application provides further links and information to successfully prepare for and complete the Navy PFA. Until the CO signs your paper, you still have the option of changing your mind and classing back up. During Week-2, candidates will complete the Third Class swim qualification. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. DO NOT purchase them prior to arrival. Officers in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps maintain budgets, oversee work plans and supervise numerous professionals in the construction industry as they complete projects domestically and. There was quite a bit of discussion over the 2020 Blood Hunter update last week, that seems to have mostly died down. Students must review each section for applicability and required documentation. Below are example workouts conducted by candidates at OCS. Or anyone in the . It's not a discharge - they're still in. In my case, I had an alternate plan that I gave up in order to go to OCS, and that was living abroad in China to fully learn Mandarin Chinese and eventually attend graduate school to study a China-related field (probably history). DEERs requirements for CACs: Your recruiter should have provided several of these documents to you. Suggest. Hey, I'm considering Navy OCS and I had a cousin who went through ODS to be a Navy dentist. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You will have the opportunity to generate a Military Power of Attorney free of charge after reporting to OTCN. I have two friends that have DOR'd out of the Navy (one in Primary, the other in Advanced)the only thing they'll say is that they had girlfriend issues (which is why I'm going in single!). Electronic Equipment not previously listed as allowed. The real mistake I made was not pulling out sooner, but didn't do so for various reasons which I now regret. Students who wish to invite family members that do not have Military ID and are not normally allowed on military bases will need to provide the following information for each guest during week eight of training: Foreign Nationals will also need to provide the following information: If visitors are not on the approved access list, they will be turned away at the gate. If appropriate for you, start taking Vitamin D prior to arrival at OCS. The Navys official guidance can be found here: Guide 4 Body Composition Assessment. Photo copies, NRD copies, and notarized copiesWILL NOTbe accepted. Uniform card is issued to cover purchases and the candidate is responsible to pay off the balance at the time of out-processing. Family travel arrangements for those who plan to attend the graduation reception and graduation should be made well in advance. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy or his designee, has the authority to delay projected promotions. Therefore, flights leaving out of Providence should not depart until after 1500 on Friday. However I hear when people are going through OCS they can drop on request (DOR) and be sent home back to civilian life with mo service obligation if they weren't prior enlisted already. Flights out of Boston should not depart until 1700 on Friday. Gold ball stud earrings (Worn starting in Week 9 of training). The following items are specifically identified as contraband and if brought on to the premises. The Navy employs close to 280,000 civilian workers. 18 years of age and not exceeding 35 years by 2078-01-19 and not exceeding 40 years in the case of women and disabled candidates. Below, accepted future Officer Candidates will find several documents that will assist them with their pre-arrival preparations. However I don't want to operate under the assumption that being a Navy Officer is out of reach when there might still be a chance. Paper list of emergency contact information [Next of Kin] (phone numbers and email addresses), Eye glasses(if prescribed) with plain black head strap (required). Additional questions should be directed to your Command Career Counselor (CCC). I understand (and saw for myself) that a large percentage of the people who DOR are prior enlisted who liked their job to begin with and decided that OCS wasnt worth it to them when they could just go back to their old job, try to make Chief Petty Officer, etc. DOR . We receive no outside funding and every dollar you donate helps us cover operating costs and helps keep this site running. the threat of sending someone to be enlisted isn't much of a threat. Fill out the requested fields which are colored in yellow. Only the candidates name and class number will require updating. #1 just signed the enlistment form before heading to OCS for the navy here soon. Meals are only offered three times a day, and food is not allowed in the barracks. It took me a while to figure this out, but the main purpose of OCS is not to make you into a good officer; its to put you into an extremely high stress environment for a long period of time to make sure you can function in it (and presumably let you learn how to be a good officer later with the help of the chiefs). Answer (1 of 2): Anybody can an apply, but I think you meant can you be accepted while still serving as an enlisted member (in naval or other service). Youve probably heard this before, but if youre applying to become a Naval Officer, you need to make sure your primary motivation is that you want to be a Naval Officer. When I was going through last year, the CO said that every time a NUPOC kid would DOR he would try his best to send them to Great Lakes and do the whole enlisted thing, but people upstream from him would always push back. OCS is located in Newport, RI and is 12 weeks in length. This will prevent expenses on your GTCC from reflecting an overdue balance after 120 days from the first expense. Lawyer's Assistant: Have you talked to a JAG attorney about this? All required or requested contact information must be available in hard copy (written format). People quit Navy Boot Camp all the time. All candidates who plan on arriving early should make lodging reservations either out in town or, at the Newport Navy Gateway Inn and Suites. They will attend briefings from SEAL Officers and Enlisted as well as do some basic physical training similar to what the actual BUD/S students will receive. The degree doesn't necessarily make one smarter, it increases the propensity for being intelligent. You can fail parts of OCS like inspections and the PRT. DB - Design-Build DBB - Design-Bid-Build DM - Design Manager DOR - Designer of Record eOMSI . ), Additional Items Recommended for all students, Recommended and authorized for female students. My son called me today from OCS . Aerobic activity will include running approximately 3 miles, two times per week, on a track or road surface and three days of strength training through HIIT exercises. Most Sailors find out within the walls of Officer Candidate School (OCS), the program that trains future Officers . Apply online instantly. Answer:You should strive to arrive at OCS in peak physical condition and prepared to immediately perform a Navy PFA. Guess my buddies had gotten the boot -- I know they never went SWO. Click here for the, Recruiter Contact Information (Name/Phone/Fax and NRD Address), Drivers License Number, Auto Insurance Policy Number, license plate number, vehicle make/model. I am eligible to join NROTC and get a 2-year Scholarship! I thought I was prepared for the intensity of the program based on what I had read and heard, but you cant understand what its really like until youre actually there doing it. Officer Candidate School., DD214 Checklist for AD Sailors and Any Prior Military Service, INDOC Summary Information Sheet Checklist, Joint Service Transcript (, Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) (, List of Uniform Items Purchased Upon Check-In,,, For technical issues contact: NSTC webmaster, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Please see the following for further information on required documents: Check what original documents you need to get your Common Access Card (Military ID):
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