nobody to blame george jones
My thoughts exactly, holy shit, Robby Turner is commenting on a site that I read/comment on regularly. Sat - Nov 4, 2023 - 5:30pm EST. Hell duet with literally anyone, from Aerosmith to Snoop Dogg. Exactly! I am not knocking Chris btw. He wrote the song, then at some point Bryan put a hold on it as they call it in the business, and eventually decided to record it. I havent ever faulted him much for the bro-country songs. November 11, 2015 @ arguments tends to overlook the artistry and commitment required to even be mentioned in the same sentence as all of the artists in the article. November 11, 2015 @ November 11, 2015 @ 12:59 pm. He even said this in his speech. Eric Church Drops a Doozy; New Peter Cooper Record Out Tomorrow; 2016 Ameripolitan Awards Nominees | Country California Big love to @TheKinks @RayDDavies @davedavieskinks for the amazing song x Waterloo Sunset - The Kinks Cover - Blame Jones Music Video Happy Christmas Eve everyone! January 24, 2016 @ November 12, 2015 @ $8.00 + $3.49 shipping . I dont give a damn what he looks like. You have to have a variety and a great catalogue. Elizabeth Short Was Discovered On January 15, 1947 (PCM) It was on January 15, 1947 that one of the country's most famous unsolved murder cases began with the discovery of the mutilated corpse of waitress Elizabeth Short in Leimert Park, Los Angeles, California. The 20-year-old Willock died at the scene while the 24-year-old LeCroy later passed away at a local . Where the CMA good ol boy system failed was giving Stapleton the nominations in the first place. That would result in a dimensional anomaly that would cause the catastrophic annihaltion of the entire universe! Dont get me wrong. Devil Anse And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time. Im talking about died-in-the-wool, tried-and-true country fans who think weve all been had by a pop star posing in an Outlaws costume who is nothing more than a puppet of the industry. George Jones Tribute at The Barnwood Bravo Theater / Kellies Homestead Restaurant on 2023-11-04 17:30:00 -0500. . Are you fucking kidding me? This Bible-thumping style of traditionalism isnt helping preserve the traditions of country, its helping them slip through our fingers because it gives fuel to folks like Blake Shelton who say traditional country folks only want to listen to the exact same songs over and over and never want to move forward at all, because thats exactly what these hardcore traditionalists are condoning. I like Alan Jackson, because the man isnt afraid to place a silly song next to a serious song on his albums. Im starting to think that if Hank Williams rose from the dead tomorrow and started making records, there would still be people on these blogs who would find something about it to bitch aboutand I have news for all of those people, thats not going to happen, nor should we want it to. From conspiracy theories, to downright vitriol and venom for Stapleton, not everybody is on board, especially when you start talking about him in the context of a country music savior.. 8:07 am. The good ol boy system that regularly rigs these awards always works to spread the love out among multiple artists on multiple labels. Hank Jr from the 70s was fun, Hank III today makes the best country music. Just because youre poor, you consider everything thats not indebted to Waylon fuckin watasha Jennings sissy pop, and you may or may not have a Hank3 skeleton tattoo on your back doesnt mean youre not a hipster. I dont know if hes the savior of country music or not, but personally, I dont think that one person (Sturgill) all by themselves saves anything. November 13, 2015 @ He may know how to deliver an impressive guitar solo, but it nonetheless fails to rattle me quite like that of Keith Urbans in Stupid Boy or that of Brad Paisleys earlier solos for instance. Enjoy a buffet dinner with Beef Stroganoff, Fried Chicken . After a cringy half-zoom-half in-person ceremony in 2021, the HFPA elected not to televise 2022 awards over its own many, many controversies. The first time I recall hearing him was listening to the Steel Drivers, then later I heard his version of Tennessee Whiskey on Pandora and it blew me away. Also, Chase Rice (who co-wrote Cruise) has been saying a lot of similar things lately about how his old material is shallow, and wait until you hear the new stuff. I get how Stapleton is technically soulful (for lack of better words) in the same vein as Adam Levine or Bruno Mars, but he just doesnt have the grit or the guts of George Jones or Merle Haggard, and its like nails on a chalkboard whenever I hear anyone compare him to them. See all 11 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. It will be very interesting to see how this story unfolds and what impact it will have on the direction of country music. Trig, Im not sure if you caught on to this, I havent seen you write about it and usually you will comment on effects like this, but FGL put off putting out their new music and decided to cut one more single off their album and it would seem to be a single aimed differently than their past ones on it besides Dirt obviously. To be able to go in there and cut all of these songs live is the reason Traveller resonated with so many people like it has. One concern is that Chris Stapletons success will lead to really bad stars reverting to music similar to Chris Stapletons to ride this new craze that has suddenly taken over country music. And again, lets point out that Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, and others worked within the system as well. I was trying to support what you were saying, yet when I read it now I sound like an assnow you see why I dont get around these parts muchhahahahahaha.LoLing all over the place.. print. Stapleton co-wrote the song with Barry Bales and Ronnie Bowman. 3:07 pm. Nadia Lockheart Im a big Parker Millsap fan. "No One Is to Blame" is a song by British musician Howard Jones. Hell, I call that a win-win. No, its not fair, and theres a strong contingent of artists and songwriters who are just as angry about all of the Stapelton love as many fans, and they probably have a right to be. 2) the album was produced by dave Cobb. Both Stapleton and Sturgill have brought me back to a time when the songs meant something and the writers took their time in crafting their work. Made me laugh and be a better writer, Trigger The answer to this question is that we have absolutely no clue where Chris Stapleton will go from here, and its unfair to assume what Stapleton is going to do one way or the other in the future. I thought that was a total given. Jameys breakthrough album had darker, sadder, grittier lyrics and a more traditional sound. People love it when I recommend music or play good music in my garage. 1:08 pm. Jack Williams 12:32 pm. You guys need to stop sucking sellout Stapletons dick. Random Notes Whether youre a country artist doing it the right way, or the fan of these such artists, Chris Stapletons success only bodes well for you. It has sold 423,000 copies in the US as of November 2016.[7]. SteveG Hes done them on radio tours some of the bigger cuts. 3:17 pm. Makes me want to pack up my shit and head for another country. They are so bad its unbelievable. His recent cover of a Merle Haggard song was equally lackluster. Arabs Have Nobody To Blame but Themselves. "No One Is To Blame" lyrics Howard Jones Lyrics "No One Is To Blame" You can look at the menu but you just can't eat You can feel the cushions but you can't have a seat You can dip your foot in the pool but you can't have a swim You can feel the punishment but you can't commit the sin And you want her, and she wants you We want everyone He sang comeback song and drink a beer with every single person singing along to him. By the time I got to high school I hated football more than a Novocaine-less root canal. When you play devils advocate, which is what I tried to do in this article, it can sometimes come across like you believe in something youre actually speculative of. He died on April 26, 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. November 11, 2015 @ Just enjoy your music, that isnt relevant to the majority that you claim to be irrelevant. ONLY THE DIE-HARD C&W FANS CAN ACTUALLY SAVE THE GENRE! 2:00 pm. I bought it the day it was released. 4:19 pm. There are some songs which, when originally recorded, became instant classics. 186 Comments, Not everybody is happy about all this mainstream success and good times being had by Chris Stapleton and his fans, and Im not talking about the apostles of Sam Hunt and Thomas Rhett who got shafted last Wednesday night by Stapletons wins at the CMAs. Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! Thats what happened. Its right here in Nashville, right here two blocks from Music Row, and if we winand if our winning is ever going to amount to anything in the long runweve got to beat them on their own turf.. The coolest one to check out though is at boots and hearts festival last year. Some of these artists have paid more dues. Whoever wrote this article is the dumbest human being thats ever walked this earthI honest hope that you dont reproduce. That voice. By the way, for anyone interested in hearing Stapleton perform straight down the middle traditional country, you might get a kick out of this:, Wind Talker Nadia Lockheart If anyone is listening to Stapleton with their eyes, theyre missing out. Im a fan. Frankly, I still think Anything Goes was a big mistake. The song was released in November 2015 as the singer's third single overall. November 11, 2015 @ Or Corb Lund as pictured on his latest album. Stack that up against everyone else and it wont even show up on a graph. On the surface, this criticism is true, and it is a criticism that has been levied against Stapleton by Saving Country Music commonly, as well as other critics and writers when taking into consideration the merits of Chris Stapleton the songwriter. 5 2020 0 View 0 Comments. Dammit, be happy, and lets celebrate. Is he the savior, is he a traitor, yada yada yada. All he has to do is upset the status quo, and hes done that. But its his MUSIC that pulls me in. But thats partly because the record was cut live, and Stapleton plays his own leads. Anyone who suspects George Jones in any of this harassment or the arson is operating from a place of pure fantasy based in knowing approximately nothing about Jones. Although, honestly (or perhaps unfortunately) Willie has sung duets with artists with far less credibility, whether in the country music world or otherwise, than Ray Charles. Bloozer 2:03 pm. I dont know the future and it sure seems like Stapleton paid his musical dues. More power to them. 11:57 am. Cool Lester Smooth No, no it doesnt. He was just the first parallel that came to mind. 3:40 pm. The idiots who like bro country, pop tart country, etc. Very fair article. To me, it is about where he goes from here. Until then, lets be happy theres signs country music is moving in the right direction. 8:43 am. I cant see why these more traditional artists are bashing Stapleton. Its very easy to say this is good or that is bad but easier still for folks to find what they like , listen to that , and quit boring us all to tears with tripe like this. Most of these folks, that arent mainstream, we get a first impression through their voice, not image. They guys Im talking about play on the football team and have all the girls falling all over them. BEH November 11, 2015 @ [2] "Nobody to Blame" won Song of the Year at the ACM Awards.[3]. I enjoyed Traveller. One consistent thread Ive detected from the beginning of his discography to now is this: he has the chops when it comes to both musicianship as well as a knack at writing bright, crisp melodic compositions..but suffers from a lack of emotional investment as you said, as well as tonal redundancy. He is very country in his lyrics and attitude, but Im not completely sold on his style, just like I was never sold to Willie Nelson. Pete Marshall THAT PLACE IS TEXAS AND IF COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC MUST DIE, LET IT REST IN PEACE IN TEXAS WHERE IT IS PART OF THE TEXAS WAY OF LIFE AND PART OF TEXAS MUSIC HISTORYOVER 500 YEARS IN THE MAKING! And its understandable these artists and their fans would be a little bitter about the Stapleton situation. It rambles along like the best from Waylon while providing a de facto education to the 21st century boy. Trigger 2:39 pm, I think Chris Stapleton is an AWESOME talent. He made money for himself and his family, while building connections that eventually let him release an album on his own terms. He was a music artist and actor, known for Ad Astra (2019), Only the Brave (2017) and Crazy Heart (2009). I mean the sales number from last week prove if nothing more he got everyones attention. Its just the passion is lacking, and I think he also needs to seek out collaborators in production who know how to elevate his potential in both veins rather than undermine them by paint-by-numbers approaches. November 13, 2015 @ November 11, 2015 @ I only played football until 9th grade and then played baseball and basketball in high school and baseball in college. the old george jones song whos gonna fill them shoes comes to mind ! Now granted, if its news to you that Stapleton received a songwriting credit for these songs, you might be quite surprised and second-guess your Stapleton fandom yourself. Chris is Big City November 12, 2015 @ They look left wing. But he seemed to have a distaste for some of itwhich is why he focused on his own material. Im not saying theres not enough, or its not there at all. Was SHUNNED by the country purists. November 11, 2015 @ 10:59 am. Ray Charles was not country and a pop star, but he had the respect of country fans. BrettS 1:55 pm. He performed with a boy band star turned pop singer on the CMAs and everybody goes crazy for it. 5:12 pm. 12:47 pm. 9:51 am, Others with a more selfish perspective dont ever want to see true country music become accepted in the mainstream because theyve built their entire identities around being oppressed as a traditional country fan.. George & Tammy with Georgette However, I fail to see how Traveller is even in the same conversation of songwriting caliber and quality as an album like Something More Than Free. Being from Tennessee I did not know And despite some bumps (and punches) in their relationship, Jennings and Jones remained friends until Waylon's death in 2002. 12:00 pm. I played my style of pedal steel guitar, as I did for Waylon, The Highwaymen, Sturgill (1st album), The upcoming Loretta album (unless the songs picked were from sessions I missed), etc.. Zach He is a paid writer. November 11, 2015 @ 1:40 pm. They struck gold in a climate that was looking for party songs and mindless entertainmentand seeing the reception that Stapleton got compared to their own, probably scares the shit out of them. Things dont have to fit in a box, Cool Lester Smooth $89.00: No one can deny the emotion in Chris Stapletons voice, Sturgills voice, Isbells voice, etc. He is what he is, a mainstream southern rock bluesy country singer songwriter that has written as many bro songs as his own..he did so probably to support himself at the time. Hunter Hayes has so much potential, but settles for so little. Cody Johnson. Jack Williams You have to also have a great team pushing your cuts to the artists. 3:56 pm, dennis bryant I personally love steel guitars, banjos and fiddles. Trigger one question has been eating at me since the CMAs. , Enjoy Every Sandwich Speeches Top 100 Trivia Video Pop Culture News The Body Of "The Black Dahlia" a.k.a. November 11, 2015 @ January 17, 2016 @ November 11, 2015 @ Because unless steel guitar is the absolute most prominent thing in every single song on an album, including overriding the singer, then its pop music to some people. Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and many other country performers throughout the years did not have predominant country music instrumentation in their music either. November 11, 2015 @ November 11, 2015 @ Theres an audience out there for them, too. I dont think there will ever be a saviour , but real talent/country singers will make it to the top as a team. 12:17 pm. Have you seen Mo Pitney? Drew Chris does have a lot of blues, Southern rock, and R&B/Muscle Shoals influences in his music, especially in his singing style. This article is the epitome of ignorance, Jeff Tappan So why are they going after Chris Stapleton like hes part of the problem? The way some were portraying it, Stapleton never paid dues, wrote some songs for Luke Bryan, and then started pretending to be an Outlaw. All these guys everybody is talking about look retro. "Nobody to Blame" is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Chris Stapleton. I think Florida Georgia Line is at a serious precipice at the moment, and if I wasnt so busy trying to keep up with Stapleton and other stuff, Id already written about this. November 20, 2015 @ I rhymed:), Chris Lewis "Louie" Theres at least three more Travelers in the few dozen songs I was able to listen to. And I think that there are very few serious lovers of music in the grand scheme of things. No, no it doesn't. And it shouldn't. But to say that he is a pop songwriter that all of a sudden flipped a light switch when it came to his own music to fool everyone is an aberration of the facts when taking into consideration the full breadth of his songwriting work. This is a victory for so many folks beyond Chris Stapleton. November 11, 2015 @ Stapleton isnt the greatest country singer/musician/songwriter of all time,; its not his job. Chris Stapleton is a traitor. November 11, 2015 @ Lets face it, fire away, parachute, a bluesy Tennessee Whiskey and When the Stars Come Out are much more appealing to the mainstream than High Cost Of Living, Angel, or Between Jennings and Jones. Howard Jones - No One Is To Blame (from the CD "Best Of") Some are saying Stapletons wins were all a ploy to lure traditional country fans back in the fold, or otherwise anoint a new star that they can then turn into the next Luke Bryan. No need to apologize Robby. Something To Do With My Hands Thomas Rhett. He got into his vehicle and smashed it into a bridge. Of course it is! And he told me the people who dont like will are people who cant write like him . Lets not assume this is what people are doing, just because they like his music, and theyre happy hes finding some success. Do you think that people dont pick up on your true motives. Cool Lester Smooth Again, thats just my opinion. November 11, 2015 @ No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me Slim Slim neither encouraged or discouraged him. November 11, 2015 @ November 12, 2015 @ The song, in its original version, can be found on his second studio album, Dream into Action, which was released in 1985.. Because he is pokey. Or I might. dukes I think his catalog is crazy impressive. Ill answer that for myself. No worries Robby, I just wanted to make sure you knew were were on the same page. Jeremy Chris Stapleton is a country-as-shit artist and if you cant be happy for his success then youre no better than the asshole Sam Hunt fangirls who arent happy either becuase both of you cant do anything but bitch and moan when you dont get your own narrow way. Chris Stapletons success is a victory for country music. A man has to eat. Or maybe The Band Perry flop and delay? "It's 1776 in America again," Wood, an attorney and Trump ally who is currently representing Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who shot killed unarmed protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shouted with a. 11:30 am. When talking about songs that are truly disappointments, and not just songs that someone may not like for some reason, I surprisingly only came up with five of them that fit squarely in this category. I dont like And Im not padding in a puddle of effects to disguise one of the instruments that helped to define country music. He strikes me neither as suffering from egoism, nor narcissism disorder, nor entitlement attitudes. It became Stapleton's first top 10 single on the US Country Airplay chart. Records and winning awards. November 11, 2015 @ Howard Jones - No One Is To Blame (1986, Vinyl) - Discogs Release [r510500] Copy Release Code Edit Release All Versions of this Release Data Correct Add to Collection Add to Wantlist Marketplace 80 For Sale from $0.37 Buy Vinyl Sell Vinyl Statistics Have: 433 Want: 14 Avg Rating:3.79 / 5 Ratings: 24 Last Sold:May 1, 2022 Lowest:$0.92 Median:$1.57 November 12, 2015 @ November 11, 2015 @ November 11, 2015 @ But he aint no Ernest Tubb nor Lefty nor Buck. March 31, 2016 @ Go back and read the article Travis. On a much better note, I do love the steel guitar on Traveller Hahaha.. He looks like he belongs in a stuffy white fraternity. 2:15 pm. Apparently Miranda Lambert and Sam Hunt have been flirting a lot. That is why he is selling Garth said that the whole Country World was in danger of spinning off the Pop-Music cliff until Randy came in and drove everything back to the more Country side of things, and allowed himself, Clint Black, Alan Jackson, and all the others to roll in and blow up. Much like Avril, Hayes latest release is his most puerile, with 21 easily being his most immature and empty-calorie song to date. July 2, 2019 @ Jobs that we werent proud of or didnt like. It was apparently an album of duets with a bunch of country artists, including Merle Haggard. 5:39 pm. He has a family to feed and for people to say, fuck this guy, he isnt country; those people need to take a lon look within themselves and ask if the road to success is all glorious. The entire tagline is false. 1:17 pm. Coop I suppose by definition, Chris Stapleton isnt traditional country in the traditional sense. I mean, hes more Americana, in the style of Willie Nelson. 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