tom ketchum cave
Such people are often slow to commit themselves, but uncompromising when they do. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. He was born July 27th, 1947 in Springfield, IL to the late Charles Rex and Elva Louise (Smith) Ketchum. He was first tried in federal court for delaying the passage of the U.S. mails, and answered the charge with a plea of guilty. Elliot and Morgan, who had been bold enough when the advantage rested with them, were utterly unnerved by the abrupt change of fortunes. 3 near Stanton, Texas. In the light of Berrys secure position and the disparity in their ages, it is not surprising that Tom was treated as a dependent, rather than as someone who would emerge as an equal. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Carbon-14 atoms, because it is constantly exchanging the existence of the tom ketchum cave. William Christian, Jr. was known as 'Black Jack' and when he was killed in 1897 someone mistakenly identified Tom as 'Black Jack' and people started calling him that. There have been several reports of treasure hunters finding a stray coin or two in the area. The use of one geologic source of volcanic glass and the persistence of a solitary rock art tradition further testify to a single (i.e., Tubatulabalic) cultural expression. About 7,000 coins were recovered, but the remaining 1,000 could not be found. Scalon knew that he was being asked to do what was next to impossible, but the robbers curtness and impatience made him disinclined to say so. Tom went with him, but his role would still have been more that of employee than associate. Four decades ago, Heizer and Baumhoff (1962) concluded that Great Basin petroglyphs were associated with hunting large game and were intended to supernaturally increase success in the hunt. But Dave did not turn out to be a very good husband, or much of a father to the baby girl who soon came along. Truth? However, in early 1896, a dispute concerning their share of robbery loot prompted the Currys to leave the gang. Will Carver helped Butch Cassidy and Harry Longabaugh, the Sundance Kid, rob the bank at Winnemucca, Nev., on September 19,1900, but on April 2, 1901, Carver was shot and killed in Sonora, Texas. Dating Tom Ketchum: The Role of Chronometric Determinations in Rock Art Analysis - Mary M. Farrell, Jeffery F. Burton, 1993 Skip to main content The pass overlooked the territorial boundary and was within easy riding distance of Tex Canyon.. Sam Ketchum heard nothing of this. These factors created a situation that Mrs. Proof that the robber gang had struck no lode at Comstock was forthcoming two months later, when the gang of four stuck up westbound train No. Since 7 feet was a good 18 inches more drop than was needed, and the lubricated rope was too thin and cordlike, Ketchum was beheaded by the noose. The Ketchums were finishing a meal when Herzstein's posse came thundering down on them. Butch Cassidy and his closest friend and ally, William Ellsworth Elzy Lay, came down from Wyoming late in 1898 and, as Jim Lowe and Beill McGinnis, were hired by Bob Johnson, foreman of the Erie outfit in Cochise County, Ariz. Every inch seemed brawn and muscle, noted one observer; another, years later, drew attention to his wonderful physique. He was dark skinned and black haired, with small, piercing eyes that were indefinably swift and menacing and obsessed of an extraordinary alertness. Opinion was divided as to whether he looked intelligent, but intelligent he certainly was, whether he looked it or not. They were William Richard Carver and David Atkins. Tom Ketchum Cave is the largest of several rockshelters formed by taphonomic water erosion in the steep rhyolitic cliffs that form Tom Ketchum Canyon. No bungling whatever. WallpaperCave is an online community of desktop wallpapers enthusiasts. The story opens in 1849, when several wagonloads of Ketchums migrated to Caldwell County, Texas, to raise cattle. He was nursed back to health and then sent to Clayton, New Mexico Territory, for trial. In the late 1940s and early 50s, archeologists found stone artifacts of human inhabitation spanning 5,000 years. The brothers definitely spent much of the winter of 1896-97 in Graham County, Ariz. First, they made themselves too conspicuous in Cimarron. He was probably Bruce Red Weaver, who hailed from the same section of Texas as the rest of the gang. After a few days they headed for the southeasternmost corner of Arizona. At the opposite end of the scale was the figure of $4.80 cited by a correspondent in Del Rio. He advised Lay to keep clear of all three of the latter. Howard Duff played Ketchum in the 1957 American Western film, Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado. Even so, Farrs initiative was more pragmatic than legal. Weaver evidently was on guard duty near the train, having left his own mount some distance away. The interdisciplinary and global approach provides a thorough introduction and includes . Thus a cruel and unusual man was put to death in a cruel and unusual manner. First train robberies and murders. But now the head of the household was Green Berry Ketchum, Jr., (known always by his middle name). If the officers didnt know where the road agents were going, at least they had a pretty good idea where they had been. Six men were arrested in or near Texas Canyon in connection with the Steins Pass case. But as he had avoided most other human contact after his flight from Camp Verde, he had heard nothing of the recent train robbery, the fight in the canyon, and Sams death. Author(s): Jeffery F. Burton. Their take was $9. The gang hid first in Turkey Creek Canyon, a remote spot a dozen miles northwest of Cimarron, well screened by brush and timber. Tom Ketchum Cave Caves in Coconino County, Arizona Basalt Cave Buffalo Crack Cave of the Domes Cheyava Falls Cave Dangling Flake Fissure Earth Crack Earth Crack No. He inherited the gift of music from his father and loved performing as a drummer in his band, Mogen David and the Grapes of Wrath. Ketchum Named to PRWeek's Best Places to Work 2022. A year later, Green Berry Ketchum, Sr., died at age 46. Firm Honored with Esteemed National Recognition that Celebrates Exceptional Workplace Environments NEW YORK - December 13, 2022 - Leading global. Lay, despite the severity of his wounds, needed only a weeks care and immobility before he was fit to travel. The information that eventually found its way to Governor Miguel Otero may have been as authoritative as any audit. An analysis of the Tom Ketchum Cave pictographs provides information about their style, cultural affiliation, and function. The Sierra Nevada crest and the southwestern Great Basin, in contrast, witnessed significant subsistence-settlement changes at the beginning of the Haiwee Period (ca.A.D. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. Accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon dating, at the Tom Ketchum Cave pictograph site in southeastern Arizona Expand He was an entrepreneur, operating several successful beauty salons and tanning spas in Springfield and Quincy before purchasing the Casino Lanes Bowling Alley and Starlite Terrace in 1985 that he managed for, Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot, Ansel Adams Hauntingly Beautiful Images: Photographing the Despair of Japanese-American Internment, Turmoil in Richmond: Joe Johnston, Jefferson Davis Command Alliance Was Doomed From the Start. Morris Herzstein moved to Clayton shortly after the killing in Liberty, and finally into the Texas Panhandle area. Toms mood swings were becoming wilder and ever more unpredictable, until the day arrived when even Sam could stand no more of him. Subsistence changes included: a decline in the hunting of large game; an initial and growing emphasis on dryland hard seeds; the beginning of intensive greencone pinyon pine nut use; and the introduction of specialized sites focusing on the mass harvest of easily procured and abundant small game animals. On his return to Texas, Dave was bailed out to await trial for the murder of Tom Hardin. That ended the affray. Early the next evening, the 16th, a seven-man federal posse, guided by the rising smoke of the bandits campfire, came up unnoticed to within easy shooting range. He served in the United States Marine Corp as an Aerial Photographer from 1968-1972. In an age of venturesome people, Atkins went beyond the norm; he seems to have been afflicted with a severe case of wanderlust. Accounts differ over whether the fugitives were taken by surprise, or whether they expected pursuit and were lying in wait for it. They're great big holes in the earth that can go on for miles or end after several feet. But, since trains were still running and express cars were still carrying money, there was an obvious remedy. As he put it in a letter to Governor Nathan O. Murphy of Arizona, Train robberies have been entirely too frequent in our territory to permit this one to go by unnoticed, and I am determined that it must be stopped.. At 1:50 a.m. on Friday, May 14, 1897, as westbound train No. But before Foraker could do anything about the warnings, the Colorado & Southern No. He left his horse where it was picketed and took the safer way out-over the top of the mountain, and perforce afoot. Archaeological data support the hypothesis that pre-Numic occupations exhibit cultural continuity from the Newberry Period (1500 B.C.- A.D. 600) into the early Haiwee interval (A.D. 600-1000). His obstinacy was to cost him his liberty and his life. Jack Ketchum is the pseudonym for novelist Dallas Mayr. Description of the design motifs, environmental setting, and artifacts provides information for tentative interpretations regarding cultural affiliation, function, and age of the pictographs. Consideration of decorated animal-human figures (Patterned Body Anthropomorphs - PBAs) within the Coso Rock Art Complex in eastern California, in conjunction with the mythology of Kawaiisu, other Numic and Tubatulabal groups, suggests an alternative (or perhaps complementary) view. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. But Tom Ketchum was the real thing; a true marksman. The pursuit was directed more by anger than by thought, making it easier for Ketchum to escape into New Mexico. They are often used by animals as places to sleep or as homes, but rarely do humans make good use of them any longer. Atkins absconded early in 1901, intending to join the British army in South Africa for the war against the Boer Republics of Transvaal and Orange Free State. Already, at 16, he was becoming set in defiance of authority. In the first robbery at Twin Mountains-and, as he would learn, in the second-the gang had not uncoupled the express car from the passenger coaches, because a man or two could be spared to prevent interference from the coaches. Henry Love had died in agony four days earlier. Ketchum, Carver and Lay were grossly overconfident. [1] Black Jack and a group of others were named as the robbers of an Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway train that was en route to Deming, New Mexico Territory, in 1892 with a large payroll aboard. According to contemporary accounts, the Ketchums rode into Liberty on June 12 and purchased supplies. Tom and Sam, et al., were the others indicted; behind the et al., would have been Carver and Atkins. Two more men then appeared and detached the passenger coaches. Their spectacular success ought to have made them rich, but it did not. Dating Tom Ketchum: The Role of Chronometric Determinations in Rock Art Analysis by Mary Farrell and Jeff Burton Rock art analysis has been used both to provide insight into prehistoric symbolism and ceremony, and to measure prehistoric interaction and communication. By on November 6, 2020. It seems he was summoned for contempt of court, arising from his failure to appear as a witness in an earlier case. Early in 1899 they and others were taken on by the WS ranch of Alma, N.M., which desperately needed hands for special roundup, prior to partial sell-up and partial removal to Springer. Soon afterward Sam Ketchum arrived from New Mexico to visit Berry. After the last of these, Ben and Laura were imprisoned for forging signatures on incomplete bank notes. After the debacle at Steins Pass, the outlaws were short of money. He was strong, genuinely kind, wise beyond measure and a friend to all: the true definition of a patriarch. Once there, Weaver was carted off to the local pesthouse as a smallpox suspect. Ketchums damaged right forearm was amputated on September 3. The gang supposedly robbed the train just outside Nutt, New Mexico Territory, a water station twenty miles (32km) north of Deming. He lived for some months in a style to which he had never been accustomed, but spoiled the picture for himself by losing a gunfight he should have won, with results that were fatal for him. Tom carried on walking, mounted the horse he had left downtrack and headed for Folsom 70 miles to the northeast. He was counting on reconciliation with Sam and Carver as he rode to Wagon Mound, New Mexico Territory, where he hoped they would be in camp. On May 23, 1889, at the sensible age of 48, Berry married Barsha Ola Shields, the sheriffs daughter. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. Hunters and the Hunted: the Prehistoric Rock Art of Tom Ketchum Cave . But Ketchum was still determined not to give up. Jailed for life after the killing of Sheriff Farr after the Folsom robbery, he was released in 1906. It can be less than an hour, a few hours, a day, and even 2wks depending on how egregiously often you disconnect from matches. Uncle Dick Carver was another footloose character. The fact that a number of $10 bills were left behind, along with some jewelry, suggests that the last figure is too low. Plenty happened. The family was working hard and doing well, but their fortunes began to dip not long after the birth of the last addition to the family, Thomas Edward, on October 31,1863. Rogers certainly recognized Tom. Thomas "Tom" Joseph Ketchum left our world surrounded by his loving family and was welcomed at the gates of heaven on January 5th, 2023.He was born July 27th, 1947, in Springfield, IL to the late Char Powers and their foreman, John Wright, exploited to accomplish a plan for the removal of Mr. 357-362) Phil R. Geib and Martha M. Callahan xml A Homestead and Its Records There, engineer J.A. He sailed from New Orleans as a muleteer, disembarked at East London late in March 1901 and enlisted as a mounted rifleman in a force of Cape Colony Volunteers. t nhau full hd khng che tnhaufullhdkhThi gian sau ny b Tm cng ngy cng p ra, ti vui, tr trung y sc sng. The second major crime attributed to Tom was the murder of a neighbor, John N. "Jap" Powers, in Tom Green County, Texas, on December 12, 1895. tom bean whitewright truecompass lending corp kountze mortgage lending solutions, inc. 1st alliance mortgage, llc On August 16, 1899, Tom Ketchum, supposedly knowing nothing of the July 11 hold-up which ended in the death of his brother Sam, single-handedly attempted to rob the same train again at the same place and in the same way that he and Sam and others had robbed it just a few weeks earlier. His brother Sam, however, got shot in the attempted robbery and was subsequently captured, but died two weeks later in prison. No one method of dating has yet proven completely reliable or applicable. The next day, a posse consisting of Sheriff Ed Farr of Huerfano County, Colorado, Special Agent W.H. There, Atkins was waiting with dynamite and had already cut the telegraph wire. Way back in human history caves used to be the thing to keep the rain, snow, and inclement weather away. Thus, at age 37, Tom Ketchum-popularly, but erroneously, known as Black Jack today-took leave of life. But Tom, acting alone, could not be in two places at once. INDEX Cullen, the man killed in the holdup, is sometimes said to have been Ed Bullion, Lauras brother. He was felled by three bullets; a fourth was fired into his head, probably from short range. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Five years later, in court, Tom Ketchum himself said so, absolving Upshaw but admitting his own part and implicating others. The outlaw rides to a spot on the Colorado & Southern Railroad tracks, hitches his horses, builds a fire and starts walking toward Folsom. Embodiment, transformation and ideology in the rock art of Trans-Pecos Texas. Thomas E. Ketchum Tom Ketchum nickname (s): Black Jack, Black Jack Ketchum, Tom Ketchum, Thomas E. Ketchum Tom Ketchum date of birth: October 31, 1863 How old was Tom Ketchum when died? In 1878 the couple sold some land, and by 1880 the marriage was definitely over. Like the other three, he worked as a cowboy, both locally and in New Mexico; unlike them, he never minded labor in the fields: sowing, reaping, and gathering crops or mowing hay. Before September ended Carver was guiding the others into Texas Canyon, in what the ranchman Jess Benton portrayed as a wild and beautiful locality at the south end of the [Chiricahua] range, a wooded region with a pretty spring and a chinked log house in a clearing., Early in December 1897, the U.S. marshals of New Mexico and Arizona territories heard that a train would be held up at Steins Pass within the next 10 days. This is memorialized by the inscription on a shoe brush: "Herzstein's Clayton, New Mexico -- Dalhart, Texas. This is inconsistent with models interpreting the Coso drawings as metaphoric images correlated with individual shamanic vision quests. In January 1901, the Supreme Court of the Territory rejected his appeal. Though his writing career spanned seven decades, he is best known for his horror and science fiction short stories, including early contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos. They and Sam then grabbed the station agent, Charles E. St. John, and ransacked the premises of express and railroad company funds, inflating their haul by a further $2.20. Lewis-Williams and Dowson, 1988; Whitley, 1994; Whitley and Loendorf, 1994). Union County, New Mexico Territory Funeral mass will be celebrated Wednesday January 11th at 11:00am at St. Francis Catholic Church with military rights following at Calvary Cemetery. When he saw they were not, he decided to hold up a train unaided. All right; hurry up."[5]. The Wrong Turn franchise has been around since the first outing in 2003. The Kiva 01/2005; 70(4):413-421. Tom Ketchum in Wisconsin We found 4 records for Tom Ketchum in Kenosha, Gold Canyon and Wausau. Nominal leader of the posse was Deputy U.S. But matters did not end there. Caves aren't known for being glamorous, tidy, or even particularly safe. The winner was William Pad Holomon. KIVA, 53(4), 335-356. doi:10.1080/00231940.1988.11758102 Martin Kove played Ketchum in the 1994 TV movie, "The Gambler V: Playing for Keeps", Decapitation due to botched execution by hanging, Texas State Historical Association (TSHA),, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 00:06. The trio had to ride hard to keep ahead, but eventually, and separately, they made it back to Tom Green County. As he explained later, The buckshot jiggled my aim, and the bullet from his rifle merely grazed the conductors left arm. Frank Belknap Long (April 27, 1901 - January 3, 1994) was an American writer of horror fiction, fantasy, science fiction, poetry, gothic romance, comic books, and non-fiction. Otherwise, the state of Texas had no argument with him. He lied, or was mistaken; he had done better, better, except from Ketchums viewpoint-he had cut the airhose, thereby locking the brakes on all the passenger coaches and irretrievably wrecking the bandits plan. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Almost at the last he made a sworn statement, admitting the Steins Pass holdups and exculpating Alverson, Hoffman and Warderman. However, information at the Sutton Historical Society in Texas, says that Will Carver and Sam Ketchum were the ones actually accused of killing Powers in Knickerbocker. This was at the point where the old Fort Union wagon road crossed the Colorado and Southern Rail Road tracks near Twin Mountain. It was a bad and hard way to die, but Ketchum, manifestly, had been a bad and hard man. Big Booty for Texans, roared a headline in the faraway San Francisco Chronicle, leading a report from El Paso that the bandits had netted $20,000. They had obtained little loot, and were soon caught. For a man of his record, that was light treatment indeed. He managed to reach his picketed horse, but lacked the strength to mount. He was born July 27th, 1947, in Springfield, IL to the late . Head of the party was Peter Ketchum, 50 years old and originally from Virginia but successively a resident of Tennessee, Alabama and Illinois. Returning the next morning to open his store, Levi Herzstein found that both the store and post office had been burglarized. 37 years. During the late Haiwee era (A.D. 1000-1300) Numic peoples apparently expanded out of their former heartland and began their migrations northward and to the east, ultimately dispersing throughout most of the Great Basin. After an interval of sightseeing, he returned to the United States. Subsequently he made one escape attempt and two suicide attempts. The Ketchums would do better. is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. It placed a whopping $70,000 to the credit of the robbers account. Their second daughter, Nancy B. arrived in January of 1860, a year or so after Green and his brother James had taken their families to San Saba County. The clicking cameras mounted beside the stockade snapped again and the ghastly scene was captured for all time: There, held on its side by a doctor and a deputy sheriff, was the body of Thomas Ketchum, and there, in the bloodied black hood held in place by horse-blanket pins, was Ketchums severed head. He later rode with Butch Cassidy's 'Hole in the Wall' Posse. The in-migrating Numic populations most likely produced simple, scratched style rock drawings and later on,during the historic era, Coso Style paintings. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. As night was falling on Sunday, July 2, 1899, he entered a store at Camp Verde and shot dead the proprietors, Mack Rogers and Clint Wingfield. If you didn't have at least an hour to spare, the chances of walking away from the conversation (or lecture) before that were minimal. He it was who introduced Will to life as a cowboy in the Devils River County, not far from the town of Sonora, in Sutton County. North American Rock Art. But, though none could have guessed it at the time, it was also the end of the Ketchum Gang, as such.Dave Atkins may have left already. In crows flight terms, Stanton was 180 miles almost due north of Comstock, but in practice the Ketchum Gang would have traveled by way of Tom Green County, spending several weeks there before pushing on to intercept the Texas & Pacific train on Mustang Creek at 10 p.m., Friday, July 1, 1898. After gathering a posse, Herzstein set out on the outlaws' trail. But she does point to the recent discovery of a cave near Pandale, Texas, one of whose walls bears the inscription Tom Ketchum beside the date 4-26-98. One of Ann Bassett's boyfriends and future Wild Bunch gang member, Ben Kilpatrick, began riding with Black Jack's gang about that time. He returned to Alma, New Mexico Territory and lived there for two years. "Outlaw Cave, Arizona". Franks and Simerone as his address, wrote to a Springer storekeeper for two 40-inch rifle scabbards. If you stopped by his office, you could find him tapping his fingers on the desk along to bands like Earth Wind and Fire, Tower of Power, Huey Lewis, funk, rock, country or gospel. Later that month, Lay and Carver were together in the same town for nearly a week. My advise organize the bags by the number on it. But Lay had been told where to find the hoard, and it passed into his possession shortly after his reappearance in Alma in the last days of 1905. Tom Ketchum Ketchum's first more serious crime occurred in 1895, when he killed John N. "Jap" Powers in Tom Green County, Texas. Tom relieved the telegraph operator of his Winchester .44. Soon he was well known in, and well acquainted with, all the country between San Angelo and the Rio Grande. Texas cowhands-turned-outlaws Tom and Sam Ketchum, along with range pals like David Atkins and Will Carver, robbed trains and became notorious in the Southwest. Someone-presumably Garcia-lengthened the drop still further, to 7 feet. His mind had reverted to the gangs old plan for a second hold up at Twin Mountains. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This region is the most popular region for . He was executed in 1901 for attempted . The posse, composed of just four men, took the two outlaws by surprise in the Plaza Largo arroyo, where a shootout immediately began. I place this explanatory framework in a larger context based on a contemporary understanding of comparative religion and the complexity of forager symbolism. E-Book Overview. With the aid of his talking sidearm, a secretive gambler, and a mute girl with a Winchester, Tom evades the mysterious Union and its supernatural enforcers, the faceless Dusters, as he's forced to question his identity, his sanity, and his very existence. In 1891, when Will was a cowboy for the Half Circle Six in Tom Green County, he fell in love with 17-year-old Viana Byler; the following February, he married her; and before July was out, he was a widower-Viana had suddenly taken sick and died. Lay had come out west to Denver, and became an outlaw after mistakenly believing he had killed a man. Lay and Weaver quit the WS at about that same time, their last service being to oversee the transfer of a trainload of cattle to Springer, the railhead close to the WSs new northern headquarters. He was captured and taken to Santa Fe, where his wound was treated. They also acquired a sizable household. It was another easy getaway. Notorious outlaw Tom Ketchum also lived in Catron County around this time. The subject of the assault was train No.1, southbound, of the Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf (formerly the Fort Worth & Denver); the date, Friday night, September 3, 1897. Tom stood 5 foot 11 (nearly 6 inches taller than the average male of that era) and, in prime condition, weighed 180 pounds. Ben had cast his lot with Curry in 1898 and taken part in two or three train robberies alongside him. The Causeys, including Will Craver and his sister, moved to Pipe Creek, in Bandera County. Logan committed suicide in 1904. Placido Gurul, the fourth member of the posse, also survived to give an account. After a further bout of furious effort, Scanlon told Ketchum that he had at last got the cars unhooked. A bad life was about to end for a bad reason. Tom Ketchum Cave (Other Keyword) 1-1 (1 Record) Dating Tom Ketchum: the Role of Chronometric Determinations in Rock Art Analysis (1992) DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary M. Farrell. Red headed northeast; Lay, at first, northwest. This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. He denied being Black Jack and said that a dozen men in Arizona could testify that he was not. Finally, in 1911, he was caught on one of his periodic trips to Tom Green County. If Rogers meant to arm himself, he came nowhere near doing it, for Ketchum shot him in the back. His friend, Joseph Mack Axford, received one letter from him, mailed from Idaho, and never knew what happened to him thereafter. One Wild Bunch gang member, Kid Curry, along with his brother Lonny Curry, had previously ridden with Black Jack Ketchum and his gang. Actually, many more than a dozen could have borne him out, had they thought him worth the trouble. Smith, the wounded posseman, then departed to summon help from Cimarron. Jeffery F. Burton. Her only brother was Daniel, born in 1879, and he was still living long after 1897. Jornada Mogollon Iconography in a Tompiro Sacred Landscape, The Pipette, the Tiered Cosmos, and the Materialization of Transcendence in the Rock Art of the North American Southwest, How Far Is a Pipette? Tom Ketchum Cave Cochise Pedregosa Mountains West Toppys Cave Graham Bonita Spring 330209N 1093112W Tule Tubs Cave Graham Point of Pines West . They seemed to have harbored no thoughts ofsettling down. Marriage, which Sam had tried without much success, was something that Tom-so gossip charged-avoided by the traditional means, as in the instance where (it was alleged) he impregnated one woman who was already married to someone else. Recent interpretations of rock art have often focused on these images as a somewhat exclusive record of shamanic experiences. In 1875, soon after his 21st birthday, he married Louisa J. Greenlee, six years his junior. Kelley, who may have had nothing to do with the case beyond unwillingness to be dragged into the investigation. There followed the usual seesaw speculations about the extent of the booty-perhaps $50,000; perhaps $10,000; perhaps no more than $1,000.