what years did it snow in houston
Feb. 16, 2021Houston Police officers Kenneth Bigger, center, and Aaron Day, center-right, hand out blankets to people as a winter storm continues to hit the area Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021, under the elevated portion of I-45 in downtown Houston. Aint revealing which one is me. My email is: matt at spacecityweather.com. Sandra Mireles from Texas on December 06, 2009: This is a great look at our snow day! Clear. 1986 Twin Cities 2:32:31 1 1987 Twin Cities 2:35:42 2 1988 Pittsburgh 2:32:15 5 1988 Chicago 2:32:03 5 1989 Houston 2:32:32 2 1989 Boston 2:29 . More like the winters I was used to for over 20 years before those cold winters got here. Glad to know it is over. Definitely dont disagree, but for this post, we focused on extreme temperatures. And that was the warm up. That also led to a near statewide power emergency and outage. When Did It Snow On Christmas In Houston? Glad you enjoyed this hub about the snow we received in Houston, Texas. In Jan. 1940, 3 inches of snow fell in Houston, and it snowed again in Jan. 1949, dropping 2.6 inches of snow. I cant ever find the data to back up my recollection, although your above description of January 1978 could be what Im remembering, but I really remember it as a December event, right around Christmas. Marfreless. I sense that Houston is in for a mighty cold winter this time around Oyewole Folarin from Lagos on October 29, 2011: It's fun seeing snow outside. Frozen glistening white precipitation now lies atop our frost blankets and rooftops. Scary! The closest the Houston metropolitan area came to a white Christmas occurred on December 22, 1989 when 1.7 inches of snow fell at Intercontinental Airport. Brought back all kinds of childhood memories for us. Forecasting precipitation types is extremely challenging, as Eric noted this morning, so I expect more curve balls to be thrown our way between now and tomorrow evening, but at least this afternoon, it looks like sleet may be the more common precipitation type we see tomorrow night. My brothers straddling the snow fort we were building. It is windy, and the wind chill feel-like temperatures can be life-threatening for people and animals without warmth and shelter. Take care . Texas is known for being hot, really hot. For a hint I think it was 1995 (or 1996). What year did it snow on Christmas Day in Houston? The snow on our roof was totally melted by late afternoon today. The mother of all snows came on Valentine's Day in 1895. Tomorrow is another day to get back into the groove. February 1895 was a memorable cold snap, with 4 daily records still standing today. Snow in February. We were a little iffy about giving our names to the photographer but figured the guy who signed our paychecks wouldnt mind if the museums name was in the paper. Ha! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on December 09, 2017: You are correct. In 1929, 2.5 inches of snow fell on Dec. 21-22. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on August 28, 2013: Thanks for letting me know that this has inspired your own writing efforts. 1860s. In addition to Texas, state records still stand or are shared today from this cold snap in Nebraska, Ohio, Louisiana, and Florida. As to hearing the snow fall when things are quiet, that is understandable as the snow makes contact with trees, ground, etc. The earliest accumulating snow in Houston is December 4th, 2009. . . Best to take the advice and enjoy the weather anomaly and this rare occasion. beccas90 from New York on October 31, 2011: We just had snow over the weekend in New England with parts of Connecticut getting 20" - but we got a more modest 6". I did not realize that Australia had snowfields in Thredboso that bit of information is interesting. February 1960. The morning temperature was 11 degrees Celsius on Monday, April 24, and by Friday, April 28, it had dipped to minus 3 degrees Celsius. There were more incidences of snow in the 1980s on average than any other decade recorded, but the 2000s also witnessed more frequent and record-breaking snows. I was running a paper in the Texas Highland Lakes in 1989 and the local electric cooperative was nearly brought to its knees with snapped lines (both from tree limbs falling through them and snapping on their own due to the weight of freezing rain). Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on February 16, 2016: Hi, Peggy. A low of 10 in 1895 (measured at the official site at the time, which Im guessing was in downtown) could have meant that the temp out in the country (such as where the official site is now, IIRC at Bush airport) was around zero degrees. Some areas of the city saw 12 inches of snow in 2004. Yes it truly has been a warm winter thus far and I doubt that we will have anymore freezing or near freezing temperatures. It has snowed just 35 times in Houston since 1895, according to KTRK, with the last measurable snow . Thanks for the visit and share. In January 1940 Houston received 3 inches of snow. A significant number of tornadoes emerge from the Gulf of Mexico or the eastern Pacific Ocean. :-) Thanks for this comment on the Snow in Houston. HOUSTON (AP) A man charged in a fatal road rage shooting of a teenager as he and his family drove home from a Houston Astros game in 2021 has been sentenced to 30 years in prison . After our company departed to go back home, we continued to watch the snowfall, although it was starting to diminish in intensity. We'd like to see what birthrates for Houston were like nine months later. talkingcellular from Weston, Florida on December 20, 2009: Nice family photos. I have to say i was always the one predicting (and fearing) that this would be a bitterly cold winter. It would surely be nice to revisit those days of yester years. Azalea trail down here is in early March. This occurred during the year that ended December 31st, 1960. The suspect in the Jan. 5 robbery . 1.) I would like to thnkx for the efforts you have put in wrniitg this blog. Photo taken at Sonny Look's on Quitman. For the first time ever, some areas experienced their first white Christmas. 12AM 3AM 6AM 9AM 12PM 3PM 6PM 9PM 12AM 50. Temperature (F) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 . We don't get snow in Orlando. HOUSTON January, the first month of the year, is usually a forecast full of frosty days and freezing temperatures. I know what you mean about southern people not knowing how to handle snow on their roadwaysbut then why should they be practiced? Thats what they are saying for Texas, YAY! (Smile) Most of us enjoyed it immensely! Can just imagine those children playing in it. So lets look back at some other memorable Houston cold snaps through the years. The current minimum wage in Texas is $7.25 per hour, which is the minimum rate a non-exempt employee, The 15 poorest ZIP codes in Houston EsriNo. If you would like to take a look at it let me know how to send it. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on August 06, 2010: Snow in Houston also brings out excitement and joy for many of us older than those little ones. We have some that bloom several times a year and have had them in bloom all winter thus far. Fish froze in their aquariums because the power was out for so long. The Great Christmas Eve Snow Storm (2004) -Introduction-. See the photos below taken at our home. It is TRULY an occasion when it happens down here in the south because of its rarity. Based on previous data, Houston has the best weather out of the six major cities in Texas (Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, and El Paso). Crunching snow is not. Its beautiful when the evergreens are covered with snow. Sleet covering our frost blankets and roof tops. In fact, since 1881, it has snowed 94 times in Houston. There was also an ice storm of sorts on the 4th. A narrow band of heavy snow moved in the night of Christmas Eve, bringing 9-12 inches around Victoria and Edna with 6 inches in Angleton and 4 inches on the beach in Galveston. What year was it 70 degrees on Christmas? Houston was hit with 20 inches of snow on Feb. 14 and 15. Impressive, but probably not historic. Coldest temperature: 6 on 2/12 and 2/13 I am glad to have experienced snow as a child but am glad that I no longer have to worry about driving on snowy and especially icy roads now. Although, 1973 saw four days of snow in Houston between January and February. The December 1983 cold wave was another hall of fame event for Houston. That tied the dates record low, which was originally set way back in 1895. Then when we saw it we were all miffed because he got the museums name wrong! These snow events in Houston and other more southern areas in Texas are rare and relished for that reason. That must be an adjustment for you since you have obviously experienced other climactic conditions. Feb. 15, 2021. January is the coldest month of the year in Louisiana, with freezing nights in the northern portion of the state. Mrs. C.A. That month, during a two day weather event, as much as 7 or 8 inches of snow fell over parts of northern Texas. But it looks like more snow than we got in Georgia this year (s0 far). The biggest snow during that time period came on Dec. 10, 2008, when 1.4 inches of snow was recorded. Most other years, if it snows at all, it is generally a fraction of an inch, so this snowfall, which we enjoyed today, was a fantastic occurrence enjoyed by almost everyone. before we see more snow. Houston, TX Weather History . That sounds familiar. Thank you. Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together. No one is talking about it for some reason, but it clogged up the city. The news channels on television this evening broadcast snow photos sent in from viewers. The roads will ice up tonight from the moisture, and accidents were already occurring and reported on the 6 PM newscasts tonight. Thomas James from London on February 20, 2015: Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on January 24, 2014: Just start writing and hone your skills. 17 How far is Austin from the Mexican border? Enjoy the show! Probably. Thanks for your comment. 8 to 12 inches is a good snowstorm indeed. Tom rubenoff from United States on December 07, 2009: How could you possibly live with snow? Wettest 1.64 1982 1.42 1938 1.31 1930 Contents1 What year did it snow on Christmas in [] I have a feeling it will. January 2018. Find historical weather data by zip code and access weather archives from more than 1,300 stations across the United States and Canada, dating back to 1960. From the Feb. 13, 1960, Houston Chronicle: Mrs. John D. Tamborello and daughter, Janice Lynn, 6, put finishing touches on a huge snowman they built in front of their home at 4231 Ruskin. The snowman shown here was in our subdivision about five houses away from where we live. It was fun, wasn't it! Maybe somedayor until then, at least you have pictures. Kids, in any generation, never seem to get sick of making snowmen. LOL. But the most memorable snowfall in recent memory could arguably be from December 2017, when a city still recovering from Hurricane Harvey saw its first measurable snow in eight years. The snow might not be so bad if it just melted the next day!!! We got more sleet at our home, but in other parts of the Houston metro area, they saw more snow mixed with sleet. Great hub and great day! Thanks for commenting. 4.4 inches The greatest cumulative snow fall for Houston, Texas. It feels like it is 4 degrees outside! Nights at or below freezing: 12 over 2 weeks. So do you think this will start happening more often in the next coming winters? Coldest temperature: 14 on 2/2 Snowball fights were only fun when you came out barely "hit" which in my case was never. Corpus Christi is even further south of Houston. I just inserted the photos to show the ages when my brothers and I were playing in the snow. Snow falls on traffic at Main St. and Prairie in downtown Houston, February 1960. I have only been in the Houston area since 3Q 2013 however I can relate to the cold of Christmas 1983. It snowed seven times in the 1980s, with the most snow coming on Dec. 22, 1989, with 1.7 inches. Five days after hitting 15 degrees, we were back up near 70, so further proof it wont stay cold forever! Im curious about what you think. Like Tom, I missed the 2004 snowfall, which was the best, because I was out of town. Wow! Well, that's for many states, but definitely not in Texas. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on October 29, 2011: I hope that you are wrong about another colder than normal winterbut guess time will tell. It has really been a warm winter down here this year and from what you sayin Georgia also. Those pics are amazing, even of the snowman, and when you were younger. Nights at or below freezing: 8, coming in two 4-day waves. I remember seeing those also when I was a child. Copyright 2023 KTRK-TV. We can all appreciate the inconveniences that must have presentedbut everyone that has ever seen new fallen snow can also appreciate the beauty that it would have presented. Latest on the coaching search, What it took to bring the Final Four to Houston, Tornado Watch issued for several Houston area counties. The projected high on that most loving of holidays is 75 degrees this year, not very conducive to snow. Because if it were Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophilia we would have to love the word! The 2004 Christmas Eve United States winter storm was a rare weather event that took place in Louisiana and Texas in the United States on December 24, 2004, before the storm moved northeast to affect the coastal sections of the Mid-Atlantic states and New England in the succeeding few days. This was the view at Lamar Avenue and Chenevert Street. Nights at or below freezing: 6 in a row. . Thank goodness for ctrl c and ctrl v. Dec 1989my wife and I were living in Atascocita South (north Houston)..and I remember it well! Doesn't stand for long but it has fallen a few times! Since 1960, around half of the years have seen at least 5% of the network record snow falling on Christmas Day. Snow falls outside Houston City Hall, Feburary 1960. It was a wow moment because we rarely see snow at all down here. When was the last time it was 80 degrees on Christmas in Texas? A girl, aged 12, suffered a leg injury but has been discharged from hospital, while a 48-year-old woman sustained life-changing injuries, and three other women, aged 21, 41, and 58, were hurt. Yes, but it's true! Eric wrote about it at the Houston Chronicle. Houstons No. It snowed here in Arlington last Wednesday! Contents1 Has Houston ever had snow?2 On what year did it last snow in Houston Texas on Christmas [] Example video title will go here for this video. Im just amazed at how much your part of Texas looks like a typical British suburb, except we get a bit more of the white stuff. :-) Thanks for your comment. Hype-free forecasts for Houston, powered by Reliant. Has Chennai ever had snow? Yeswe only had snow for one day in Houston, Texasbut it was so unusual that it made the record books and made for some fun down here. Who have the Texans interviewed for head coach? I remember the second or third year after my husband and I married, there was a snowfall. It also does damage here when it falls depending upon the size of it. I grew up in coastal Southern California where there is one season all year-- but we always visited the snow in the winter, since it was only a couple of hours to the mountains. January-February 1951. Official Snowfall Records for Houston, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for Amarillo, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for Wichita Falls, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for Lubbock, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for Abilene, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for Midland, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for El Paso, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for Austin, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for San Antonio, Texas, Official Snowfall Records for Brownsville, Texas. As winter draws to a close and the city prepares to usher in spring, an increase in daily average temperatures is recorded . At that time, in the early 1970s, as well as today, Houston goes into play mode except for the people responsible for keeping the roadways safe and other key personnel whose jobs are pertinent for keeping the populace safe. Matt, However, I have been to Thredbo in Australia, wheeeeeee, I fell out of a toboggan, and hit my head on a rock. I remember the 1983 winter as we drove to Amarillo for Christmas and hit Ice at Temple and had to crawl the rest of the way up US 289. I will treasure those. It made for some nice winter drives. One photo showed two children with upraised faces, their mouths open and tongues catching the large snowflakes. At least you can enjoy the pristine whiteness of pictures of snow. The snow event in Houston is now history except for a few melting snowmen. I never used them though. Snow has fallen the week earlier than and the week after the vacation but never on the twenty fifth. We may have to wait a while before we enjoy truly cooler temperatures in parts of Texas. The citys December snowfall average is 11.5 inches and the snowiest Christmas on record occurred in 1945 with a snowfall total of 9.6 inches. If one has to have snow or hail, I would much rather have it be snow! Only twice has Houston seen 11 straight days of low temperatures at or below freezing: January 1983 and January 1940. The two-day cumulative snow record covered the period from February 14th, 1960 toFebruary 16th, 1960.aria-label=Most snow in three days role=img> After a 34-year absence, 2.5 inches of snow fell in Houston on December 21 - 22. The average high temperatures are in the 54F (12.2C) to 62F (16.7C), while the average low temperatures are in between the 33F (0.6C) to 47F (8.3C). On December 24, 2004, snow developed and spread over . Snow has fallen the week before and the week after the holiday but never on the 25th. In my mind, that was the coldest it could get here but we are going well beyond that right now. The second biggest snow in Houston history came on Feb. 12, 1960, with 4.4 inches of snow recorded. BELIEVE ITSNOW IN HOUSTON, TEXAS and quite an accumulation considering the place! January 18, 1930 is Houstons coldest morning on record, with a low of 5 degrees above zero. When did it last snow in Houston? Since I've lived in Houston, it has "snowed" about five or six times. Appreciate your comment. Without central heating I can remember waking up to frost patterns on the inside of the windows in the winter here in the UK whan I was a child. Florida is a great state that we have certainly enjoyed visiting. 922 reviews. Snow on beaches is certainly not the norm! Impressive! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on October 30, 2011: Undertstandable that you and others in the store became fascinated by the snowfall in The Woodlands. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on December 20, 2009: We can always relive "those days of yester years" in our own minds! We just got our first snowfall of the year and in total, received only an inch. That event also came with snow, sleet, and ice. I had fun watching a squirrel digging for nuts. Those snowball fights were good ones and brought about much laughter. One person was injured and taken to a hospital in Victoria, Texas, authorities said. December 24: 11. I have been down south when it snows and it's no fun for me. 58 years ago this week Houston got four inches of snow just before Valentine's Day. Remember the 1997 ice storm? Some areas around Houston saw nearly a foot of snow. A winter wonderland was ours to enjoy for a rare moment in time. The record for warmest Christmas was set in 1955 at 88 degrees. You are correctit was 100 km/h not 100 mph. Was set in 1955 at 88 degrees open and tongues catching the large snowflakes developed and over... Further proof it wont stay cold forever 1960, around half of the years sick making. Saw four days of low temperatures at or below freezing: January 1983 and 1940. Snowflakes are one of nature 's most fragile things, but just look what they are saying Texas. If one has to have snow or hail, I would much have... Could you possibly live with snow some areas of the years the portion... Nearly a foot of snow on our roof was totally melted by late today! 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