advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy
Need I continue or do you get the point? It is only women with their maternal instincts that can make our world a better place, if they are allowed to rule. You are incapable of seeing women as human beings, who are fallible, who make mistakes, who make shitty decisions of their own free will, and who own their own lives and the decisions they make. But men do not have the option of aborting a child they don't want--their only option is to try to walk away.). Hi girlwriteswhat, Where have I ever said that I think women are perfect!? The children get their names from their fathers. Yes, this did work to a degree back in the 1960s and 70s but while you still have a majority of men in positions of power all the gains made by feminist can be undone at any time. It can only be done through democractic means. The only reason why matriarchy is possible now, is that we now have democractic goverments.". I agree there is no actual proof that women can rule better than men. Looking for somebody to blame is classic reactionary writing. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement . The following are important characteristics of a matriarch: independent autonomous. matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines (the latter being termed patrilineage or patriliny). I can assure you that I don't have many resources and those in which I do are limited, I am without a job, and I alone am my only damn motivator and encourager, nothing has ever been given to me! The only way we can benefit from the nurturing instincts of women is to have exclusive female only political parties. What percentage? Collectivist nonsense that fails to treat human beings as individuals. When a woman does the same, we do not hold her accountable in the same way. And so, it has indeed been men who have been responsible for such inventions that humanity tends to boast about, however these "inventions" that we all use have only primarily benefited one species, the human species at the expense of all life on earth, the very life that we depend on to survive. Because the most ruthless, aggressive and competitive people tend to get into positions of power in patriarchal countries. Instead women need to embrace their maternal instincts and point out that because of their nurturing instinct they would make far better rulers of our world, than ruthless and violent men. 3. In India from the Hindu mythology we learn that five pandavas had married Draupadi. As for using violence as a calculated strategic method, psychopathic leader like Hitler or Stalin or just your local gang leader do use violence to achieve results. Whoever No Name is has to get off of his high horse and realize that he is no better at being a leader than women. A contemporary news and media magazine that brings the latest in art, culture, lifestyle, food, fashion, entertainment and the most interesting stories from the people of Pakistan. In a government of equal numbers of men and women, there is nothing to stop men fiercely competing against the women for power. If the world is really so bad, then go and live by yourself but don't sit here enjoying the accomplishments of civilization every day while hating on them. I not only blame men I blame all of humanity and am pretty damn ashamed to walk this earth as a human being, at least if I was an animal I could leave this earth with a natural respect and dignity in spirit from my Grandmother the Earth, but as a human being I am forced to prove myself worthy of it, which is what I will dedicate my life in doing! Patriarchal societies are traditionally male-dominated, while matriarchal societies are female-dominated. They even have failed to create equality as well. Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. This is why women would be far more sensible and sane rulers of our world, than what men would be. In the long term, successful research will pay the company higher profits. I don't blame them. The problem is that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world and it should be obvious to everyone, that they are totally incapable of doing this. Precisely! Even if a political matriarchy was achievable in a democracy (which I don't think it is), it would depend on the entire rest of the world being peaceful to survive. Yes, patriarchy is very, very good at justifying wars and poverty. This is exactly the same thing as racism or antisemitism or any other hate filled bigotry. However, you are not making a difference by indirectly saying "fuck you" to everyone who does not nor will not ever agree with you, instead you are doing the complete opposite. And how are boys who grow up in this anti-male atmosphere supposed to develop? But being a successful military commander doesn't equip you to be a very good ruler of people. Although I am a man, I can appreciated the problems women have in having children. You are basing your entire argument on the absurd idea that women are neither competitive nor violent, and that maternal instinct prevents them from being competitive or violent. However, their history is feudal, and the ruling class engages in pair-bonding and paternal investment. We are the offspring of those who fought for their survival. Women exercise control over their own bodies because they do not have control over their own bodies? The very large gap between rich and poor is also madness. Anyone who has an understanding of statistics will know that correlation does not imply causation. Take the story of Hypatia for example, she was a woman of absolute genius who made such attainments in literature and science, as to far surpass all the philosophers of her own time. "Women do have better communication and social skills than men, which is another reason why they should be ruling our world.". Its really interesting abd informative reading all the comments about this, what i didn't realise is about the percentages of crime - yes i knew men cause more crime than females but never realised its about 99% - that is alot and really needs to be addressed! The Afican-Amercan culture is a matriarchy and very violent. Yes, individual women can be cruel and violent but compared with the violence committed by men every day, it is just like comparing an ant with an elephant. Women have not shown anything of the sort. Put women in power in a matriarchal government and they will want to nurture the people they rule. William Bond (author) from England on August 21, 2011: As I have previously pointed out, matriarchy cannot get into power through a bloody revolution or through conquest. Five thousand years of patriarchal history has shown men are totally incapable of solving the problems of our world. As pointed out previously, men have attempted to create an equal society through the French revolution as well as communism and socialism, and completely failed in this. Motherhood is a damn proud thing for every living creature on this earth, not every mother protects her offspring in the same way and not every male protects and defends, or is even there for his. Here are some of the disadvantages of insurance: 1. If this is true, this means it is impossible to solve basic problems like war, crime and poverty. Patrairchal rulers treat people as if they are numbers, or pawns in a chess game. I would agree that it would be a great idea to teach men to loving and caring human beings. The point I am making is that if we have men rule our world, motivated by a powerful competitive instinct we off course are going to have wars and men fight each other to see who is the strongest. Individual women cannot solve the problems of the world it can only be done with a large number of women in positions of power. It just supports what I have been saying. Teamwork encourages more individualized accountability. William Bond (author) from England on July 10, 2012: I agree Aincas, that it should be obvious that men commit far, far more violence than women. Chimpanzee males will choose trucks over dolls, and chimpanzee females will choose the opposite. Man has reaped what he has sown. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Your position is that the other sex definitely will do a better job. Why is so much money spent on an incredibly destructive military machine and its very dangerous testing? We base our judgment of a man on his behavior. "so if it has nothing to do with men, then whose fault is it? Disadvantages of primary research Some of the advantages of primary research are: More up to date. May give you the opportunity to feel better in the short run. And you want to put women in charge? "It is true some human men do help with caring for the young". This is because most of the wealth and important jobs are in the hands of men. Which lets men off the hook. "At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. You are not prepared to argue on the main points and try to divert the argument onto side issues of little importance. I personally think that the way to counter patriarchal propaganda is not for women to deny their maternal instincts and try and pretend they are like men. It does not promote research and development. Deal with that or let the statement go. Both men and women tend to want to marry up, but their criteria as to what constitutes "up" are different. As for the rest, I agree that this is starting to go around in circles but that is because you ignored my points and just responded by repeating your initial statements. In other words, all the resources provided by nature are for exploitation. Do people do nothing once the truth comes out? If you're so ashamed of your sex, I'm very sorry but that's your problem. Yes, we need more people to know about these ideas. It's not like she stripped that gold from the bodies of the slain. Her murder "effectively marked the downfall of Alexandrian intellectual life." Or they can vote for a Matriarchal party and allow caring and nurturing women to rule instead. But this means that females are the cause for male competitiveness and that this is their biologically determined role. If that is the case, why would women do a better job at ruling the world? I can also point out that over 99% of all the violence committed in our world was done by men. Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. An ideal world would be run by white feminist women such as myself. The real reason for women being less violent historically is because they had men to do the fighting for them. As i previously pointed out many female politcians have to act and behave like men to gain respect within the patriarchal system. These elements should maintain harmony with one another. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a patriarchal family? 4. I'm saying it may not be because of the genitalia of the rulers. Don't dodge the question. The biggest and strongest stag gets to mate with most of the females and those who are not strong enough, never get the chance to mate. Yes, men have created democracy and tried to create equal societies and tried to stop wars, but what is very noticeable, is how they have failed in this. I really do beleive its time for men to step aside and give women ago - how much worse could they do! There are other men committing mass rapes on women in the Congo. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. Can't you see the total insanity of governments spending trillions of dollars inventing and manufacturing weapons in which to kill people? Some of the strongest advocates of patriarchy are women. I wish to point out that Hitler and the Nazi party were all men. I've had to suffer and bust my ass off to prove myself worthy of every little damn thing I have and it has never been enough for anyone in my life other than my damn self! Well just look at those women who have ruled countries and how often they did or didn't go to war. Here's a quote from Dr. Normally, when cells are old, mutated or injured, the process of programmed cell death will set off to prevent these cells from dividing and growing. That motivation and competitiveness is a function of men *having to prove themselves self-sufficient, competent, and more useful and worthy than the next guy* in order to pursue a mate. Women burst into that male-dominated scientific field without need for tools, money or encouragement. (2) Inevitably, as D&C 121 tells us, giving men authority is going to lead to situations of unrighteous dominion. You also seem to think that women only become violent when they are brutalized. We may not like it but last I heard women are human beings as well and I don't think that they should sit back and take the abuse and not get even for the treatment that is brought upon them. I amwell, I'd be insulted if I wasn't so used to it. Wars and violence are directly caused by men's aggressive and competitive instincts. If women were as violent and aggressive as men we would have in our history great Amazon armies setting out to conquer the world. Monarchies can require minors to serve as their country's head of state. Women cannot compete against men when they use violence. In simple words, this system is for the mothers of a family. Hawking certainly was never handed one damn thing, and overcame huge handicaps, to become one of the finest and most respected minds in science. The man will off course. You dont like men much do you? War and genocide has been commonplace in patriarchal history. it somewhat is the hierarchy for the God-like one. What do you want to do exactly? Unlike men, women are very unlikely to get into power through a bloody revolution or by conquest. Because you are living in a toddler's black and white universe where women are always good, men always evil, and where "should" trumps "is". Most sociologists and anthropologists deduce denial of basic and essential rights. You want to put the demographic of people who can and often do run roughshod over other people, using the police and the state and the court system as their weapons, and whom no one (you, especially, it seems, since you'd excuse a woman's acid attack on another woman and place the blame for it elsewhere) wants to ever hold accountable, in charge? As for there being collective guilt and reward you are most certainly right about that; men as a collective have been given their just reward by Mother Nature which has been the result of all the problems we now must address as a result, not to mention the praise among societies for their for their inventiveness, is that not reward enough? Before we had democracy, it would have been impossible for women to rule any country, because men ruled through violence and intimidation, and women would find it hard to compete with men in a world of violence, It is true we have had, in the past, Queens like Elizabeth 1 of England and Catherine the Great of Russia, but they had to still rule governments, dominated by men with male values. In his book, The Inevitability of Patriarchy, Steven Goldberg put forward a powerful argument that mens competitive behaviour, will always make men strive harder than most women to gain the high-status roles in any society. And i certainly cannot see patrairchy ever solving problems like warfare and poverty. "They will not have the same interest in warfare as men, and will certainly will not have the same interest in invading other countries as what patriarchal countries do. Polyandry type of marriage in which one woman can marry with many men at a time. If you know about different cultures, you would be aware of the varying social systems. "differences between men and women are far, far greater than the differences between different men or different women.". 4. It is true for both men and women, that if you brutalise them they become violent. How do you know they wouldn't be under female rule? They distinguish themselves from the group through their behavior and accomplishments. Do you think that maybe the number of men who do not want the responsibility of caring for a child and walk away might be roughly equivalent to the number of women who abort, abandon, adopt out or kill their children? How badly does it have to get, before women like you wake up to the fact that men are doing a really terrible job in ruling our world. . As for saying that black women ask for violence, it sounds like you are blaming the victim. The point I am making about this, is that the masculine, competitive instinct drives men towards, conflict, violence and warfare. We cannot always believe what is reported by the officials we must trust no one, and question everything. Anyone who aspires for such a position has to be extremely competitive in order to succeed and this is every bit as true for women as it is for men. I've found another mistake in your reasoning though: You make a correlation where there might not be one and sell it as fact. A Matriarch is essentially a strong woman, a good woman who is responsible, reliable, dependable; she is the head of household and is considered the heart, soul, and leader of the family in a heterosexual family unit, regardless if the father is a stay at home dad, or the breadwinner, the mother respectively is always head of household and the blood always flows through her line, and no, its not bullshit, I'm living breathing proof of it! It depends a lot of the individual man you are talking about, though on the whole I have personally found women to be a lot nicer people than men. Another advantage is that it reduces the number of disputes in society and family. both men and women can be be corrupt when given power, therefore it makes no difference who's in charge. Another strawman. Teaching boys to hate their own sex is a sure way to make things worse, not better. Don't you ever question this? Advantages And Disadvantages Of MRI: MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. But, it maintains a conservative system of governance. They talk and act as if women's maternal instinct is something they need to overcome, if they want to compete against men. Nowadays, we also see similar behaviour in a rugby scrum, or American football scrimmage. Then once we get into a violent situation we end up with psychopaths becoming leaders, because a psychopath is far more able to deal with violence than ordinary men. It goes like this: Judge: "Ma'am, you maliciously lied to the police and had your husband forcibly removed from his home and excluded from his children's lives. The difference has started to become somewhat political. It signifies a system of governance administered by women. However, cancer stops this process. I'm glad there are people like you in this world! No, the best way forward is for women to be proud of the fact that they do have a strong maternal and nurturing instinct. They engage other individuals to do the dying on their behalf. Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. I was brought up to be a macho man as a boy but in truth i never really wanted to be aggressive to other people. "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". I think among those who do, you probably won't find more men than women. You didn't approve my last response. Most men are not violent. I acknowledge that I would and I have no regrets in saying that a woman is perfectly justified in doing so. Start with kindergarten and work your way up from there. The essence of the two social systems of governance is almost the same. The two systems have a major difference in their ideas about nature. How about condemning the whole male sex on the actions of Hitler, Stalin, Po-Pot, Atilla the Hun, Ivan the Terrible? Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. ("Sensible" decisions like going to war and committing genocide). I know patriarchal men like to blame women, but you cannot escape the fact that all governments of our world are dominated by men and masculine values. As for hating their own sex, men already do this. It was she who done all the research into DNA, but then one of her male assistants, secretly gave her data, to Crick and Watson who published it before she did. Men used acid, and taught women to use the same weapons against them. Men have a competitive instinct and women have a maternal instinct and these instincts make a big difference in the way men and women behave. They are isolated, poor, lack electricity or running water. We can see this in the animal world where stags, bulls, and rams fight each other every spring for dominance and access to females. This as well, should be supported by valid points, and the daily . Repeating the same fallacy over and over again does not make it any more convincing. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. A project powered and managed by Maven Logix Pvt Ltd. ". Hi PsyChuan, Yes, there are peaceful men but they don't seem to have a much power or influence, in the patriarchal world we live in. Body paragraph 2 should state the disadvantages of the topic. The only political system that has noticeably improved the lives of the people has been democracy, even though wars and inequality are still commonplace in democratic countries.