paul lynde hollywood squares quotes
| Contact Us Florence Henderson: Will humming help my tennis game? Charley Weaver: Dennis Weaver. - Hollywood Squares Host, "I'll take (insert celebrity) for the block/(5 square) win." The producer came up and talked me back into going on stage. Hello, stars! Election Day. Paul Lynde: I was fa-a-a-a-a-t. My, uh, my brothers and sisters used to dress up in nice little Halloween costumes from the five-and-dime. Sheik: Because I'm a very chic Sheik. [another Secret Square is won courtesy of Oscar the Grouch]. Nobody picked (insert celebrity)." What? "Food was a constant topic of conversation in our household.". [Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch is the Secret Square, and the contestant wins it]. Now he says it was "one of the best things I ever did." I don't shave! One example: Lynde garnered considerable fame from the series, as well as money. Which part? ~ (Paul Lynde). Peter Marshall: Why do people refer to ships as "she?". Whoever wins the most money and the end of the show will have a chance to drive away in one of these beautiful automobiles (cheers and whistles) we tossed a coin backstage, Steve won, so Steve will start. Tony Randall: [staring dramatically into the camera] I don't *know*. True or False, a pea can last as long as 5,000 years. So he left the show for a year. So she let it out, and I went as the Hindenburg. Steve Landesberg: That's okay, I've seen your act! Peter Marshall: Paul, does Ann Landers think there is anything wrong with you if you do your housework in the nude? - John Davidson (1985 Pilot), "The object of the game of course is simply win tic-tac-toe, three squares across, down or diagonally or to acquire the most squares you can. He bought Errol Flynn's old Hollywood Mansion and spent an enormous amount of money on renovations and decorations. Peter Marshall: What is that small cute thing Burt Reynolds: Yeah? [Leslie Uggams laughed so hard she was lying across the desk. Contestants would call on the celebrities, who would then be asked a trivia question. But if we do make a call in the twins, it wouldn't be quite as painful as having to make it in the Daytona 500. Burt Reynolds: Small cute thing just below Cher's waist? Peter Marshall: True or false, every day, about 10 million American women take the pill. [Tony Randall has just been asked a question]. Paul Lynde: How disgusting that poor sailor! Now back to Peter Marshall/Okay/It's your turn/That's it, Peter!" ~ (Paul Lynde), If I hadnt become a celebrity, Id probably be an alcoholic. Peter Marshall: Did you ever dream that one day you'd be worth 94 hundred dollars? Paul Lynde was an American game show panellist, comedian, actor, and voice artist. "Hello, stars/celebrities!" Paul Lynde: Because chiffon wrinkles too easily. David Brenner: Here's the news, do you ride a bike? Peter Marshall: According to the nursery rhyme, "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. Paul Lynde: Makeup? I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO SAY THAT! Kate Wicker, Bitterness gives ill-health and waste life.Gratefulness leads to good health and happy life. 1986-1987:"(insert eight celebrities and their own jobs before each one of them) And from the Center Square, (celebrity). Oscar the Grouch: But I like being miserable; that makes me happy. Contact lenses? Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Hollywood Squares was a very popular game show created by Merrill Heatter and Bob Quigley that debuted in 1966. ~ (Paul Lynde)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'internetpillar_com-box-3','ezslot_6',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-box-3-0');Save, Im Liberace without a piano. In the video of Paul Lyndes best Hollywood Squares one-liners below, many people have commented on their favorite parts of the video. Peter Marshall: Oscar, aren't you proud again? Not ever. Q. Peter Marshall: Thank you, Kenny and good morning everyone. Peter Marshall: According to Tony Randall, "Every woman I've been intimate with in my life has been" what? A closet full of wire hangers can be the most dangerous place in the world. ~ (Paul Lynde)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'internetpillar_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',194,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'internetpillar_com-leader-2','ezslot_16',194,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-internetpillar_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-194{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, Mothers dont want to pinch me or put me in their purse. In addition, some celebrities may have access to all of the game material." Other jokes relied on double entendre, an alleged fondness for deviant behaviors, or dealt with "touchy" subject matter for 1970s television. There are boys who do not think of themselves at all when they dream. "So maybe it's all the banced thing that you say. Peter Marshall: Paul, any good sailor knows that when a man falls off a ship you yell 'Man overboard!' To see the many zingers from the celebrities appearing on Squares, click here. his pseudonym would get his own parking space. You've made a woman happy Oscar the Grouch: No! Peter Marshall: This is a bluffing game! Paul Lynde: I guess we can rule out Jimmy Carter Peter Marshall: Back in the 1870s, Emile Berliner invented something, and without it, I wouldn't be able to do my job. ~ Paul Lynde.Save, I dont know who the hell Paul Lynde is, or why hes funny, and I prefer it to be a mystery to me. Paul Lynde : [turns and looks at Leslie Uggams] Looks like you were overcooked. [Big Bird is picked and turns out to be the Secret Square]. In addition, in the first two/three games, our players vie for the "Secret Square", Kenny!" He would often poke fun at his sexual orientation (he would never shy away from it)! Burt Reynolds: Small cute thing just below Cher's waist? Peter Marshall: True or false, Paul - Gypsy folklore says that God created man by baking him in an oven. - Hollywood Squares Contestant, "We can't put an X/a circle up there, but you'll have to earn it yourself." Top Paul Lynde Quotes. ~ (Paul Lynde), When I said I didnt have a cent, I didnt. Hollywood Squares Paul Lynde Quotes. Loud sports jackets? Paul Lynde: Perhaps a glass of my hyena wine will melt your frosty heart. The first two games are worth $500 each. Famous Paul Lynde Quotes. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. Peter Marshall: Why do people refer to ships as "she?". Hes always been #1 in my book., RELATED: Ten Of The Most Memorable Game Show Hosts In History. Peter Marshall: True or false, George: experts say there are only seven or eight things in the world dumber than an ant. Peter Marshall: Paul, everyone knows the first verse. Paul Lynde: Because chiffon wrinkles too easily. According to experts you should loosen her clothing, and do one other thing. Rose Marie: With my luck, it's probably tonight - and I'm working. Rose Marie: [referring to Vincent Price] Probably Vincent was playing the part, and he cooked it. "Sandwiches are wonderful. I can go back and forth; it's almost like being bilingual. The concept of the game was that nine celebrities would sit in a set that was designed like a giant Tic-Tac-Toe game board. Peter Marshall: True or false: According to columnist Bert Bacharach, people tend to start shrinking a little after age 30. ~ (Paul Lynde), My table seats eight, so thats my maximum. Oscar the Grouch: Well, it's actually miserable. Rose Marie: [pointing to her head] The black bow! Peter Marshall: Oscar, you've made a man very happy Oscar the Grouch: I'm sorry to hear that. Peter Marshall: True or false, massaging the feet helps some people with hot flashes? On her way there, she stopped to get something for her grandma. Paul Lynde: Open the ruby portals of your lips to the white-hot passion of my desire. That's how they get the square. / Early in the morning? I remember. ~ (Paul Lynde), I feel now its useless to keep hoping. Peter Marshall: According to a recent medical study, sex can be harmful to a certain part of the body. Aren't you glad? Peter Marshall: Your baby has a certain object which he loves to cling to. Paul Lynde Quotes and Sayings - Page 1. What do you traditionally say over the radio? A great memorable quote from the The Hollywood Squares movie on - Peter Marshall: Paul, any good sailor knows that when a man falls off a ship you yell 'Man overboard!' What should you shout if a woman falls overboard?Paul Lynde: Full speed ahead! Julia Quinn, The general nature of the speech act fallacy can be stated as follows, using "good" as our example. - Peter Marshall (1968-1982 Nighttime NBC & Syndicated), "The object of the game of course is simply win tic-tac-toe, three squares across, down or diagonally or to acquire the most squares you can. George Gobel: Yes, and I think I voted for six of 'em. ~ Paul Lynde. George Gobel: Yes, and I think I voted for six of 'em. Q. What are you?" Oscar the Grouch: But I don't like being happy, so that makes me miserable. A little louder, please? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Paul Lynde, Rose Marie, Bernadette Peters, Charlie Callas, McLean Stevenson, Anson Williams, Earl Holliman, Karen Valentine, Vic Braden - day 3 (TV Episode 1976) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more. I can remember the first joke ever written for him was, Paul, why do motorcyclists wear leather? Because chiffon wrinkles. It was wonderful. ~ (Paul Lynde). Jan Murray: I'm sorry, what? - (2002-2004). dollars)." ~ (Paul Lynde), I cant stand those food cult people who bring their own food into the house. The winner of each will receive $500 in cash. Paul Lynde: [referring to a certain jingle] Aren't you glad? Rude Jude, Like a fine wine, he was simply exquisite. He also lent his voice to Hanna-Barbera productions several times. "Maybe it's your accent. Ive never found an easy way. Peter Marshall: Little Red Riding Hood was on her way to her grandma's house. I couldn't hear the question. Peter Marshall: James Stewart did it over twenty years ago when he was forty-one years old. ~ (Paul Lynde), I wish I had the nerve not to tip. Who plays Helen? A. Charley Weaver: Three days of steady drinking should do it. Enjoy reading and share 8 famous quotes about Hollywood Squares Paul Lynde with everyone. Housekeeper: [about her sister's house] It's well-preserved. Joan Rivers: And how his secretary is a guy! Peter Marshall: According to a recent medical study, sex can be harmful to a certain part of the body. This contains the Hollywood Squares montage I created for the 01/10/2021 episode of Richard Skipper Celebrates honoring Paul Lynde available in full here: Show. Peter Marshall: True or false, massaging the feet helps some people with hot flashes? Peter Marshall: Arthur Hailey had a very successful movie and novel called "Hotel". Peter Marshall: True or false, on a recent talk show, Joey Heatherton said, "I am not a sexpot.". Q. She had so many children she didn't know what to do". Buddy Hackett: "What the f*ck am I doing here?". Rose Marie: Gosh, Pete, I did that once and his wife caught us. Peter Marshall: Why is the booby bird called the booby bird? | Sitemap |. A hideous town, pointed up by the insulting gardens of its rich, full of the human spirit at a new low of debasement.F. I - I - I'm turning myself on. What should you shout if a woman falls overboard? Should you be upset if he talks about his secretary? Hello, stars! Squares Quotes. Paul Lynde Now, how did he spend his time in the geisha house? It was on Hollywood Squares that Lynde was best able to showcase his comedic talents with short, salty one-liners, delivered in his trademark sniggering delivery. Peter Marshall: Can you get a closer shave in the morning or in the evening? Peter Marshall: Little Red Riding Hood was on her way to her grandma's house. Does your doctor have anything to help you? "The Hollywood Squares (Daytime)" Paul Lynde, Rose Marie, Bernadette Peters, Charlie Callas, McLean Stevenson, Anson Williams, Earl Holliman, Karen Valentine, Vic Braden - day 2 (TV Episode 1976) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more. George Gobel: I don't know but it's coming from the next apartment. I don't shave! Be sure to check out my archive of TV Legends Revealed for more urban legends about the world of TV. Web. JOHN: (Enjoy the/your weekend.) [Leslie Uggams laughed so hard she was lying across the desk. Peter Marshall: Can boys join the Campfire Girls? As far as cookbooks go, I think Joy of Cooking is a classic. [the loud horn sounds to signify time running out on the nighttime show]. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Six can hurt a body? Rose Marie: My face, I mean. Peter Marshall: According to the IRS, out of every 10 Americans audited, how many end up paying more taxes? Peter Marshall: Is there anything in or on your body that was there the day you were born? - Tom Bergeron, "You know how our game works, it's basic tic-tac-toe. - Peter Marshall (to remind the audience to be quiet when going for a large amount Secret Square), "You should've/should have agreed/disagreed." What a stupid question. Paul Lynde was an actor, comedian, voice artist, and game show panelist from the United States. Author: Daniel B Lancaster. Filet of sole! Rose Marie: My face, I mean. They are The New Hollywood Squares! A. Paul Lynde: Whatever it is, it would never be afraid of the dark. Web. ~ Paul Lynde.Save, It was the worst moment of my life. ~ (Paul Lynde). Charley Weaver: The people from Florida and the people from the Midwest. (insert name of featured prize (valued at exact or estimated prized price in U.S. Peter Marshall: What do most dentists say you should do with your dentures when you go to bed? Paul Lynde American Comedian born on June 13, 1926, died on January 10, 1982. She then she got up, walked over to Paul, smacked him on his shoulder, and walked back to her square laughing along with all the stars and the audience]. This is silly. The changed his contract and he got more money. Filet of sole! Now when it's your turn, you decide your strategy and you pick a star, then we ask the star a question. Paul Lynde's Best One-Liners On 'Hollywood Squares' Will Make Anyone Laugh by Jane Kenney 3 years ago Paul Lynde was born on June 13th, 1926. | About Us And then you took it, and now I don't have it, so why do you hate me? Housekeeper: Everything. I may find something that looks interesting and then go on to alter the recipe by adding spices, things of my own. Bye-bye!" 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Am I doing here? `` enormous amount of money on renovations and decorations news Movie... 'Ll paul lynde hollywood squares quotes ( insert celebrity ) for the block/ ( 5 Square ) win ''... * ck am I doing here? `` his voice to Hanna-Barbera productions several times become a celebrity Id... Was forty-one years old: will humming help my tennis game,.. Wins it ], 1926, died on January 10, 1982 Us and then you it.