washington county maryland code enforcement
ADMINISTRATION HOUSING AUTHORITY (301) 790-0275 Robert Alton, Supervisor (301) 766-2852; e-mail: altonrob@wcps.k12.md.us web: http://wcpsmd.com/human-resources Meetings: 1st Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. & 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. Appointed by Board of County Commissioners to 3-year terms: Richard F. Newman, 2023; Alan J. Levin, 2025. DIVISION OF EMERGENCY SERVICES web: www.washco-md.net/county-administrator/ It is imperative that the public understand that litter in any amount is illegal, and illegal dumping is a crime. 17718 Virginia Ave., Hagerstown, MD 21740 web: www.washco-md.net/emergency-services/ web: www.washco-md.net/construction-div/ Representing Board of County Commissioners: Randall E. Wagner, EDUCATION 10435 Downsville Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21740 Washington County Detention Center. TRANSPORTATION ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). (240) 313-2040 web: http://wcpsmd.com/special-education Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards Carly Pumphrey, Supervisor (301) 766-2800; e-mail: pumphcar@wcps.k12.md.us James Harris, Secretary; e-mail: jim.harris@maryland.gov e-mail: rhayes@washco-md.net Michael Embly, Supervisor (301) 766-2896; e-mail: emblymi@wcps.k12.md.us ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY Allison Smith, Supervisor (301) 766-2974; e-mail: smithall@wcps.k12.md.us 301 Baltimore Avenue web: www.dllr.state.md.us/county/west/ web: www.washco-md.net/transit/ Steven Ganley, Manager (301) 766-8757; e-mail: ganleste@wcps.k12.md.us Angela M. Oetting, Esq., Acting District Public Defender (301) 791-4735; fax: (301) 739-8061 County Code DETENTION CENTER 215 Bay Street, Suite 3. 124; fax: (301) 790-3502 Maryland Departments (301) 797-4591 R. David Hayes, Director (240) 313-4363; fax: (240) 313-2901 HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION 100 West Washington St., Hagerstown, MD 21740 Allegany County Office of Code Compliance, Anne Arundel County Code Compliance Division, Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development, Cecil County Permits and Inspections Division, Charles County Codes, Ordinances, and Regulatory Documents, Dorchester County Planning and Zoning Department, Frederick County Housing and Community Development, Garrett County Permits and Inspection Division, Harford County Inspections, Licenses and Permits, Howard County Inspections and Enforcement Division, Kent County Planning, Housing, and Zoning, Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Prince Georges County Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement, Queen Annes County Permitting and Zoning, Somerset County Planning and Zoning Staff Directory, St. Marys County Department and Land Use and Growth Management, Washington County Permits and Inspections, Wicomico County Planning, Zoning and Community Development, Worcester County Development Review and Permitting. Name Hagerstown Code Enforcement Suggest Edit Address 1 East Franklin Street, 3 Hagerstown , Maryland , 21740 Phone 301-790-3200 Arnold Eby; Gary Price; Charles Semler; Brian Tana; William K. Vantz; Benjamin Ebersole, 2024; Michael Wathen, 2024. web: www.washco-md.net/engineering/real-prop-admin/ e-mail: cshaw@washco-md.net Meetings: 1st Monday, 3:00 p.m. (Jan., March., May, Nov.) web: https://wcpsmd.com/student-services, TECHNOLOGY Staff: vacancy (240) 313-2469 HAGERSTOWN REGIONAL AIRPORT e-mail: jmose@washco-md.net e-mail: rickr@wcmha.org Robert Alton, Director (301) 766-2852; e-mail: altonrob@wcps.k12.md.us web: http://wcpsmd.com/special-education, STUDENT SERVICES, COUNSELING & SCHOOL HEALTH e-mail: rhonda.reid1@maryland.gov MD, Baltimore County Code Enforcement (240) 527-2727 Richard F. Newman, 2023; Alan J. Levin, 2025. LICENSING (301) 797-4591 Ex officio: Jenny L. Bakos, Director, Washington County Free Library PUBLIC SAFETY Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent to 6-year terms: www.washco-mdelections.org/ Appointed by Board of County Commissioners to 3-year terms: web: www.wcliquorboard.com/ Staff: Sandy Schulte (240) 313-2467; e-mail: sschulte@washco-md.net Staff: Sandy Schulte (240) 313-2467; e-mail: sschulte@washco-md.net e-mail: rhayes@washco-md.net Hagerstown Code Enforcement in Hagerstown, Maryland, get driving directions from your location, Washington County Property Records Search, Washington County Property Tax Exemptions, Building standards and local code in Hagerstown, Municipal codes, regulations, and local ordinances. Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. Michael L. Guessford, 2026 Ann Anders, Supervisor (301) 766-2800; e-mail: anderann@wcps.k12.md.us Appointed by Board of County Commissioners to 3-year terms: BUILDING CODE REVIEW COMMITTEE Earl E. Stoner, Health Officer (240) 313-3260 Building Codes Administration. e-mail: danielle.stahl@maryland.gov Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Jason M. Mowbray, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (301) 766-3888; fax: (301) 766-3889 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Community Code Enforcement accepts complaints about Baltimore County properties online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (240) 313-2204 Neil R. Doran, Director (240) 313-2777 Popularity:#3 of 13 Code Enforcement Offices in Maryland#113 in Code Enforcement Offices. HAGERSTOWN REGIONAL AIRPORT (301) 766-2800, (301) 766-2816 DETENTION CENTER Ex officio: Melissa A. Williams, President, Board of Education. web: www.washco-md.net/water-quality/, Diana M. Gaviria, M.D., Deputy Health Officer & Medical Director (240) 313-3260 535 East Franklin St., Hagerstown, MD 21740 Jeffrey M. Proulx, Chief Operating Officer (301) 766-2827; e-mail: prouljef@wcps.k12.md.us Jonathan Horowitz, Director (240) 313-2280, (240) 313-2287; fax: (240) 313-2281 web: www.hagerstown.usmd.edu/, FREE LIBRARY This code enforcement is performed by a dedicate staff of civilian Fire Safety Inspectors, Fire Protection Engineers, and Deputy State Fire Marshal's. The OSFM provides pre-construction services of building, and fire protection system design plan reviews and consultation by our engineering staff. Jean E. Harries, 2023; Bonnie K. Leatherman, 2023; Joanne Morgan, 2023; Karen L. Nugent, 2023; Judith R. Chambers, 2026; one vacancy. web: www.washco-md.net/emergency-services/, RADIO COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS web: www.wcmha.org/, NURSING Appointed by Board of County Commissioners: 33 West Washington St., Hagerstown, MD 21740 - 4879 LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN Jennifer D. Kinzer, Deputy Director (240) 313-2441 Maryland Counties TRANSIT DEPARTMENT e-mail: ndoran@washco-md.net Maryland Counties WESTERN MARYLAND CONSORTIUM [WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD] Joshua O'Neal, Director (240) 313-2262; fax: (240) 313-2261 COMMUNITY SERVICES web: www.opd.state.md.us/washington web: www.washco-md.net/plan-review-permitting/ web: www.washco-md.net/planning-zoning/. Appointed by Board of County Commissioners: Vacancy, Director (240) 313-2816 Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards Appointed by Board of County Commissioners to 3-year terms: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the . Gary E. Bockrath, 2020; Rob Ferree, 2020; Robert E. (BJ) Goetz, Jr., 2020; Michael J. Hough, 2020; Norman Morin, 2020; John (Jack) Miller, 2021. ENVIRONMENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMISSION Appointed by Board of County Commissioners to 5-year terms: County Administration Building, Room 2200 Ex officio: James S. Klauber, Sr., Ed.D., President, Hagerstown Community College, UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF MARYLAND HAGERSTOWN Review plans and issue permits for all work that must conform to the Uniform Codes and the Washington County Sanitary Code. Call 202-628-5800. Appointed by Chancellor, University System of Maryland to 3-year terms: Nettie M. Anderson-Burrs, Chair (chosen by Board), 2017 J. Emmet Burke, Ph.D., Chair, 2018 e-mail: kintino@hswcmd.org ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7500 Maple Avenue web: www.washco-md.net/highways/ Appointed by Board of County Commissioners to 3-year terms: RECREATION & PARKS BOARD Clerk of Court - Kevin Tucker. Jonathan Horowitz, Director (240) 313-2280, (240) 313-2287; fax: (240) 313-2281 THE CODE ENFORCEMENT PROCESS In order to ensure that the requirements of the above laws are met . AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Senior Transportation: County Commuter e-mail: mdmanual@maryland.gov, PUBLIC DEFENDER Ashley Holloway, Director & Zoning Administrator (240) 313-2443; fax: (240) 313-2461 Nicholas Hill, Chair (chosen by Board of Commissioners in Jan., 1-year term), 2024 100 West Washington St., Hagerstown, MD 21740 - 4710 Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. David Brandenburg, Executive Director (301) 766-283; e-mail: branddav@wcps.k12.md.us ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP e-mail: diana.gaviria@maryland.gov, ADDICTIONS & MENTAL HEALTH Meetings: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Maryland at a Glance DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS STUDENT SERVICES, COUNSELING & SCHOOL HEALTH Judith W. Niedzielski, Chair TITLE 1 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT web: www.washco-md.net/county-clerk/boards-commissions/diversity-and-inclusion-committee/, Arthur W. Hicks, Chair (chosen by Committee), 2021. FOREST CONSERVANCY DISTRICT BOARD Adam Greivell, Esq., Chair (chosen by Authority, 1-year term), 2013 e-mail: cindy.laugelli@maryland.gov, MENTAL HEALTH CORE SERVICE AGENCY [Washington County Mental Health Authority, Inc.] Martin A. Lumm (R), President (chosen by Board), 2023 Appointed by Secretary of Health: Hagerstown, PLEASE NOTE: The site may contain material from other sources which may be under copyright. . Jennifer D. Kinzer, Deputy Director (240) 313-2441 Appointed by Board of County Commissioners: Maryland Manual On-Line Vaun Marie Miles-Swain, Administrator Appointed by Board of County Commissioners: web: www.hawcmd.org/ Maryland Counties Jill L. Baker, Director (240) 313-2433; fax: (240) 313-2431
web: www.washco-md.net/planning-zoning/planning-commission/ Michael Stouffer, Director (301) 766-2978; e-mail: stoufmi@wcps.k12.md.us Victoria Sterling, Director (240) 313-3310 Appointed by Board of County Commissioners to 3-year terms Robert Alton, Director (301) 766-2852; e-mail: altonrob@wcps.k12.md.us, INFORMATION SYSTEMS PUBLIC INFORMATION web: http://hswcmd.org/ Rebecca (Becky) Gander, Chief of Permits (240) 313-2466 ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY Cynthia Brown, 2020; Carol Costello, 2020; Philip Kelly, 2020; Kathy Powderly, 2020; John (Steve) White III, 2020; Luis Flores, 2021; Norma J. Sappington, 2021; Bridget Jones-Smith, 2022. We respond to potential code violations based on priorities: Submit complaints through the Public Permitting and Services Portal or via the Code Compliance Process and Complaint Form. e-mail: mdmanual@maryland.gov, Elected by Voters to 4-year terms: 124; fax: (301) 790-3502 1307 South Potomac St., Hagerstown, MD 21740