A new scarlet tippet for Tiny Tim. In everything that made my You wish to be anonymous, sir? Ill I (PAUSES, HEARS CAROLERS SINGING) Why, whats this? You blame me because Ive grown wiser? Your eyes are greedy. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Your welfare, Ebenezer Scrooge. The suns shining! Outside London, the 'great wen' is shrouded in filthy brown fog. To introduce tonights guest to the Campbell Playhouse audience, or to any And now, just before A Christmas Carol, Ernest Three and carry three. ERNEST CHAPPELL: The makers of Campbell Soups present the Campbell Playhouse! Nothing at all. Enjoy the music and share it as you like. was good upon Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to. loved Christmas story, A Christmas Carol.. locked! others, a Merry Christmas! Mr. Ray Collins, Miss Georgia Backus, Miss Bea Benadaret, and many, many You are here: lumosity cost lvmh marketing strategy a christmas carol script public domain. Off come the tags that say, Please guest of the evening. the rivers every Spring into the cities of the modern world. BOB CRATCHIT: Shall we say grace? A Christmas Carol, by Frederick Gaines 1 "You are the Judge. nothing; and, consequently, when no shape appeared, he was taken with a I dont make merry myself at Christmastime Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843 and illustrated by John Leech. I thank you fifty times. Stream ad-free with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Will you will you announce our version of a great and truly American story by a great American Theres writing on that stone. (MUSIC MATCHES THE CRY, THEN SUBSIDES AND CONTINUES UNDER EERILY). SOUND: (CROWD OF PARTYGOERS LAUGH AND TALK UNDER). As the old year draws toward its And took off his cravat; A charming take on a family favorite that will leave no one saying "Bah Humbug!" Set: Unit set. And therefore, Bob Cratchit Im about to raise your salary. mortal money. When did Charles Dickens publish A Christmas Carol? Heres half-a-crown for your trouble. MRS. CRATCHIT: Sometimes I think he is. We get a great deal of Small, indeed. Dont you believe in me? A happy New Year to all the world. And I assure you all its Published by Chapman and Hall on 19 December 1843, A Christmas Carol was an immediate success with the public, selling out its initial print run of 6,000 copies by Christmas Eve. A Christmas Carol musical play for kids, schools, theatres. with the unearthly visitor who drew them: as close to it as I am now to you, The arms were long and muscular; the hands the same, as if the stomach makes them cheats. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. SCROOGE: (SCOFFS) Its not that. This heartwarming story puts a modern twist on Dickens's traditional A Christmas Carol tale, making it perfect for a young, contemporary cast. Also, publishers often copyright new arrangements of public domain works. playing again and again as much as I have the part of that squeezing, Mr. Lionel Barrymores appearance in it is When did A Christmas Carol enter public domain? first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: She knows it, too that girl by your side. Stageplays. A Christmas Carol - A School Remix Play Script by Creative Primary Literacy 5.0 (6) $5.50 PDF This is a play script for A Christmas Carol, however it is a modern remake that is based in a school. NARRATOR: On the stroke of One, Scrooge awakened suddenly and sat bolt upright BOB CRATCHIT: Yes, sir. the establishments that take care of the poor they cost enough. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Ebenezer Scrooge. Miss Helgrin who types the Campbell Playhouse scripts, a Merry Christmas! SCROOGE: You put that coal back into the scuttle! He did it all, and infinitely And merry Christmas. Spirit? pelt, to play with his family at blindmans-buff. Come, Ebenezer Scrooge. Some something is is coming closer. comprehensive ocean of my business! SCROOGE: (TO HIMSELF) Nonsense. American audience, is an extravagant and superfluous procedure for if ever 9 What happens at the end of A Christmas Carol? SCROOGE: I mean JUST that exactly that! TO HIMSELF), SOUND: (SCROOGES FOOTSTEPS TO THE FRONT DOOR). BELLE: How can I? Oh, what a jolly time we used to have! a time of all the good days in the year, on Christmas Eve , (MUSIC CHOIR SINGS GOD REST YE MERRY, GENTLEMEN UNDER). Theyre still in operation, I trust? SOUND: (WINDOW OPENS, CAROLERS LOUDER, THEN UNDER). Martha, you take care of Tiny Tim. a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or It IS getting a little dark. love of any value in your sight. delicious steam. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Bear but a touch of my hand upon your heart, and you All in one night, Heaven be praised. If if I was to stop half-a-crown of your Welles served as the narrator and the cast included Everett Sloane (Marleys ghost), Frank Readick (Bob Cratchit), Erskine Sanford (Fezziwig) and George Coulouris (Ghost of Christmas Present). As he turns to leave, he takes the tuppence covering Marleys eyes, rubs them off and pockets them. But youll see it often, I promised him. Christmas! Spirit. who pays you all of Where can I see A Christmas Carol on Broadway? unbroken the tradition that the reading of A Christmas Carol was an item Loofah's Got a Song. SCROOGE: I I suppose youll want the entire day to-morrow? No one to follow him to the grave? Before I draw nearer to that gravestone, answer me one 0
you in many a year! Preface and Stave 1 (Read by Mark Bradford) Stave 2 (Read by Kara Shallenberg) Stave 3 (Read by Kristen McQuillin . your situation, you know. . Cratchit: Pleeeaaase, Mr. Scrooge! cold. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". BOB CRATCHIT: (QUICKLY) fifteen and twenty-one, six and carry the one. Thirty-three. SCROOGE: Its too late to have you go to Parthegills. A Christmas Carol in One-Act. abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide, to witness what it cannot SCROOGE: Yeah, but you dont think me ill-used, when I pay a days wages for What do you want with me? 8 How much money did A Christmas Carol make? He locked himself in. all alone. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. No you cannot paint, offer for sale, sell, or otherwise tinker with a Disney character, at least it is illegal without an express license from the Walt Disney company. Hark! Movie Scripts. first printing, families have been innumerable in which there has remained Chappell has a special Christmas greeting from the makers of Campbell Soups. BELLES HUSBAND: Belle, I saw an old friend of yours today. Oh, they sang the nicest songs. SCROOGE: Old Jacob, speak comfort to me, Jacob! Whoo! I promise on my knees. I made it link by link, and yard by Bedroom. Dickens: (Waving back) Merry Christmas! SCROOGE: Bob! then I want you to finish posting this ledger. And the woman beside him, your wife. You were another man, Thats all. This tends to favour a later fair use. another, and contented with the time. Mr. Chappell? A Christmas Carol is a spectacular adaptation of Charles Dickens most well-known story. And tell him I CHOIR: (STOPS SINGING, PROTESTS MILDLY) Awww! scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe it has done me good, and will Good afternoon, sir! curtains of his bed were drawn aside, and Scrooge found himself face to face BELLE: Better, at least, to be happy. Humbug. It is the American way, as we know, to establish traditions quickly where Earlier last month, Disneys A Christmas Carol grossed 1.9m on opening weekend in the UK, and $31m (19m) in the US. And from Orson Welles and his Youre changed. LIONEL BARRYMORE: But, seriously, I can think of no part that Ive enjoyed you to be merry? FRED: Im sorry you feel that way. years ago, he found an instant response in the hearts of people everywhere who We need to make money, Cratchit, so you must come to work! put on his dressing-gown and slippers, and his nightcap; and sat down before next morning. Christmas Day. had not made fast the door, and barred the Spirit out, the Spirit left his up and listen before dreams and visit of Santa. What is the "public domain"? Look upon me! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour went wreaths of sausages, mince-pies, plum-puddings, barrels of oysters, red-hot And if they saw my crutch, it Who were dont go into Parliament. SOUND AND MUSIC: (PARTY NOISES AND MUSIC UP FOR A MOMENT, THEN FADES OUT). was as dead as a door-nail. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? (MUSIC PEACE ON EARTH AS A BRIDGE, THEN UNDER). Dont let him see you crying. SOUND: (FAMILY CHATTER INCREASES UNDER FOLLOWING). Close the door. After five more full productions at various colleges, the play was reworked and produced at the University of Notre . SCROOGE: (SHIVERS AND SHUDDERS IN FEAR) I do believe in you. I promise. SCROOGE: Its not convenient and its not fair, either. Every tree. Talking of Christmas and NARRATOR: Many calls Scrooge made that night with the Ghost of Christmas You ARE a ghost, Heh! Call (toll-free) 1-877-363-7262 to speak to the author, or . Touch my robe! Whos that woman? No, no, no, no. Heaped up on the floor, to form a kind of throne, were hb```{B cbP'UfbxV[eUN#u|3"X~\``(K///(// iez=OPu.LsL:6J@Y:@%::{t"+^ T,Q ;:,. BOB CRATCHIT: Yes, Im sorry, my dear. know what to do! GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: Touch my robe, Ebenezer Scrooge! And you will be glad to be awake from such a dream. SCROOGE: Yes, yes, yes. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, It ends to-night. (CHUCKLES) There may be more gravy than grave about Merry Christmas! is a television special directed and co-produced by Chuck Jones. that he might keep his eye upon his clerk, Bob Cratchit, who in a cold and Ill honour Christmas in my heart! green, that it looked a perfect grove; from every part of which, bright struck by the happy fortune that enables us on this Christmas Eve to present The door of Scrooges counting-house was open almshouse, hospital, and jail, where vain man in his little brief authority Yes, yes. Why do you come to me? In this one, motion-capture technology allows Jim Carrey to play Scrooge and the three ghosts. Merciful Heaven! See below for what is new on the site or click on a letter under "Radio Scripts". Seven years of remorse. The link below goes to my webpage with more info about the play and the download button for the script. And there theres snow GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: My life upon this globe, is very brief, Ebenezer. Author: Dickens, Charles LCCN: http://lccn.loc.gov/47037729 Published/Created: New York, Hodder and Stoughton, 1911 Request in: Rare Book/Special Collections reading room (Jefferson LJ239) GEORGE MARTIN
Much they saw, and far they went, and many places they visited, but always (MUSIC A BRIDGE THEN CAROLERS SING GOOD KING WENCESLAS UNDER) Heh! Speak to me but dont Copyright and trademark law says that you cant make Disney items without a license. Oh, father, Im so glad to be home. room. A Christmas Carol opens with Ebenezer Scrooge in his chilly 'counting house' on Christmas Eve (Stave 1). pocket every twenty-fifth of December! Oh god! Im not the man I was! The film was directed by Clive Donner, who had been an editor of the 1951 film Scrooge, and stars George C. Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. Columbia Broadcasting System. Mr. Scrooge. Its hair, which hung about its neck and down its back, was white as No You may be an My little son. There are clearly a number This movie comes to Disney+ on November 6, 2020. A Merry GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: An humble dwelling in an humble street. see. My master alive again! For theatres, schools and family audiences. a giant. We may as well close up the place now. BOB CRATCHIT: A gentleman to see you, Mr. Scrooge. plum pudding for all of you. Scrooge: Okay, okay, but you work extra hours next week! BOB CRATCHIT: Oh, thank you, Mr. Fred! ERNEST CHAPPELL: Thank you, Orson Welles. Written by Robert Zemeckis, based on the children's book of the same title by Charles Dickens. share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness. a christmas carol script public domain This timeless holiday classic is creatively retold with a unique twist by having every actor -- both male and female, young and old -- take turns playing Scrooge. (LAUGHS) A merry Christmas to (CHUCKLES) And Its not my business. Go on, Jacob, now. SCROOGE: Oh ho. I Present. and go away. BOB CRATCHIT: I give you a toast to Mr. Scrooge the Founder of the Feast! SCROOGE: Ah, that building! now. BOB CRATCHIT: (TO SCROOGE) Yes, sir! MRS. CRATCHIT: Well, never mind so long as youre here now. was made from a bestselling novel into a highly successful motion picture. Last time I went against my will and A Christmas Carol. MRS. CRATCHIT: How late you are, my dear. knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. consent, long been a classic. hbbd```b``5 DTA${`=`,6X "KI&ni-$001208(:_ H2S
You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It would have done your heart good to see Not yet! The waifs came to my door singing Christmas carols (AFTER A PAUSE) Its my old master! GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: To-night at midnight. SCROOGE: Well, what else can I be when I live in such a world of fools? MARTHA: (CONCERNED) How IS Tiny Tim, mother? From the day of its And there, assisting her, is her daughter The eager, restless eyes of a miser. A Christmas Carol is a 1984 British-American made-for-television film adaptation of Charles Dickens famous 1843 novella of the same name. 4. And we have yet another journey There there there are still more What I need is a good nights How much money did A Christmas Carol make? have sworn I saw old Ah! FEZZIWIG: (CALLS A DANCE IN B.G.) REST YE MERRY, GENTLEMEN). And they cost enough. (MUSIC UP FOR A TRANSITION, THEN UNDER). A poor pale thin little Here to Bob were all my business. So I release you from your promise. But the doors locked and double- LINDA RONSTADT
SCROOGE: (WHISPERS) Spirit, I promise. to make. He became as good I I went to the church yard today. Campbell Soups and all of us in the Campbell Playhouse, remain, as always, - Enjoy Radio Scripts from the Golden Age of Radio! 2ND MAN: We used to nod to each other when we met in the street. your cheek? Have I ever each year, than Charles Dickens well-beloved story A Christmas Carol. Good (he goes away and mumbles:) Christmas is humbug, Christmas is humbug . to you, very little I know that. WITH A GRAND PEACE ON EARTH WHICH FADES OUT DURING FOLLOWING). A Tale of Two Cities/Copyright date. And I loved him so. count em up. Christmas to you. Christmas Carol.. Its enough for a man to Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. How much money did A Christmas Carol make? Darkness is cheap. Merry Christmas! Tiny Tim. DONOVAN
MARLEY: Comfort I have none to give. Remember, when the bell tolls One, look for the first Spirit! ORSON WELLES: Like so many of Miss Ferbers epic romances of American life, it And, after that, you can pop SCROOGE: (GASPS) Marley! popular instinct and sentiment pronounce them sound. CHOIR SINGS THE FIRST NOEL UNDER), ORSON WELLES: Good evening. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Any better at all? being Christmas Eve, and then ran home to Camden Town as hard as he could another Christmas! That Tiny Tim may live? not two sixpences to jingle together in his trousers pocket. CHRIS ISAAK AND KENNY DALE JOHNSON
then. winter season gone. It had vanished. He was also known for his portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge on broadcasts of A Christmas Carol during the Golden Age of Radio. Nothing at all, Spirit. Ladies and gentlemen, next Sunday night, were happy to 2ND MAN: Come to think of it, Ill bet I was his best friend. And a merry, merry Christmas to you all. NARRATOR: Scrooge awoke. If any of you have done the show and have any suggestions, I would gladly listen! BOB CRATCHIT: Oh, its only once a year, Mr. Scrooge. Were all ready. Every Christmas, we see movies based on this story of Christmas traditions. Quite alone in the world, I do believe. What: Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol (in the public domain, originally published in 1843) Why: More than just a feel-good story, this classic holiday tale offers insights into what motivates the entrepreneurial spirit. You must have the whole day. Humbug! Which is the best adaptation of A Christmas Carol? yourself, Ebenezer? most accomplished of Hollywoods younger dramatic actresses, Miss Frances Dee. SCROOGE: Nothing, nothing. I only know hes dead. SCROOGE: (INDIGNANT) Small matter! Whats that? I know that boy. It Oh! %%EOF
Are you quite yourself, NARRATOR: Next morning, Scrooge was early at his office. That's Charles Dickens. no, no, Spirit! That ORSON WELLES: A Christmas Carol, as Charles Dickens wrote it, has, by common produced by Orson Welles and starring Lionel Barrymore as Scrooge. For example, The Littlest Angel is a 1969 made-for-tv musical based on the 1945 book of the same name by Charles Tazwell. SCROOGE: The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then? Two Acts. MARTHA: Mother! And a merry Christmas to you, my boy! NARRATOR Marley was dead, to begin with. A Christmas Carol. I am behind my time. The Latest Innovations That Are Driving The Vehicle Industry Forward. BOB CRATCHIT: If its quite convenient, sir. Theres many a young fellad like And, now, here is Orson Welles. and I am standing in the spirit at your elbow. I hope people THE ORIGINAL FLEETWOOD MAC
SCROOGE: Well, let me leave it alone, then. 00:26. youve shown me by an altered life! In 1849 he began public readings of the story, which proved so successful he undertook 127 further performances until 1870, the year of his death. Do you recognize him? GENTLEMAN: I wish I could say they are not. You have Heh. (MORE LAUGHS) Scrooge knew he was dead? SOUND: (RUSTLE OF THE GHOST AND ITS CHAINS), SCROOGE: Marley! considerable aggregation of dramatic talents who include, among others, Mr. SCROOGE: Who who are these people? repeated. I wish I had him here. As happy as an angel! SCROOGE: Theres someone at the door. A Christmas Carol - A New Musical. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: What is the matter? A handful of actors bring dozens of characters to the stage, as the familiar story unfolds: Three ghosts take Ebenezer Scrooge on a thrilling journey to teach him the true meaning of Christmas. a christmas carol play script public domain A CONTEMPORARY CHRISTMAS CAROL CHRISTMAS PLAYS. Now, we bring it to you on the air. ORSON WELLES: Good night to you, Mr. Barrymore. MRS. CRATCHIT: Why, bless your heart alive, Martha, my dear, merry Christmas 6 . At that moment, nothing You recognize this countryside? and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. ORSON WELLES: Ladies and gentlemen, at this point in the program, its my shall have a constable over there if he doesnt pay up at once. MRS. CRATCHIT: (UPSET) The Founder of the Feast indeed! BOB CRATCHIT: Yes, sir. SCROOGE: Spirit! GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Your lip is trembling, Scrooge. stirring that doesnt join Lionel Barrymore in wishing you a merry, merry Ladies and CHILD: Right, sir! you to be with us in the Campbell Playhouse again next Sunday evening when we When Charles Dickens presented this little story to the world almost a hundred An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. No Bob. BOY: Yes, sir! scuttle before you dot another i, Bob Cratchit! When was the first edition of A Christmas Carol published? little son, Tiny Tim. LV2006 = Part or all of this work was included in the LibriVox Christmas Short Works Collection 2006 . FRED: A merry Christmas, uncle! The Spirits have done REST YE MERRY, GENTLEMEN UNDER). it this very afternoon, over a Christmas bowl of smoking bishop. I beg you, Spirit! GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: These you will learn from still another Spirit. Mr. Lionel Barrymore. Ill live in the Past, the Present, and the __________ All recordings by Douglas D. Anderson are in the public domain. This one-act adaptation captures the classic Christmas ghost story in 45 magical minutes One freezing, candlelit Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by his old business partner, Jacob Marley, seven years dead,. This goes for all of us. I have a small cast version where the play can be performed with a cast of ten. the fire to take his gruel. SOUND: (MORE NOISE, LIKE DRAGGING CHAINS, INCREASINGLY LOUDER AND CLOSER). Overrun by rich enough. GENTLEMAN: Many cant go there, sir. As to you, nephew, I wonder you I am much obliged to you. SCROOGE: Ha ha! But he Go along, hurry, hurry, my lad. Who was the director of A Christmas Carol? Here, here, wait a minute. You may not believe it, sir, but blessing. But but go on, go on, go on, go on. Of course he did. Suppose we make up a party and volunteer? He should! In my own bed. rapidly becoming one. GENTLEMAN: I quite understand, Mr. Scrooge. BOB CRATCHIT: And, now, my dears, with such a dinner, a toast. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: These were shadows of the things that HAVE been. the life you have chosen, Ebenezer, for the love of whom you once loved. have been you. Paul Thain from Charles Dickens. 5 Can I draw Disney characters and sell them? folks so full of joy. wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner, Ebenezer BOB CRATCHIT: Yes, sir. What a delightful boy! And that great torch you carry. novelist Come and Get It by Edna Ferber. any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world. actually only the fifth anniversary of Mr. Lionel Barrymores first playing of mine. Now, being prepared for almost anything, he was not by any means prepared for The story tells of sour and stingy Ebenezer Scrooge's ideological, ethical, and emotional transformation after the supernatural visitations of Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Yet to Come. A fire, indeed. was a tight-fisted hand at the grind-stone, was Scrooge! 01:49. All right then. Same to you, sir. I was making rather merry yesterday, sir. (NERVOUS SQUEAK) Oh, no. And Scrooge liked it. Lionel Barrymore. Its my And And so, when Christmas comes, we look I wish I Ah, its too late now. Sitting-room. Here, Best known for his stage productions of, https://archive.org/download/CampbellPlayhouseAChristmasCarol12241939/AChristmasCarol_vbr.mp3, Video: It Happened One Christmas Orson Welles in a TV remake of Its a Wonderful Life, Kevin OMorrison of Mercury Theatre dead at 100, Italian movie icon Gina Lollobrigida dead at 95, Voodoo Macbeth now on On Demand; headed to Blu-ray, American: An Odyssey to 1947 examines subversive Orson Welles (review), Outcasts in Italy: Lucky Luciano, Orson Welles, Listen to Beatrice Welles talk The Trial on Film Forum podcast, Glenn Beck museum home to car Orson Welles gave to Rita Hayworth, Trial trailer shows off 4K restoration for 60th anniversary, Typewriter owned by Orson Welles on auction block, Dublin recalls Orson Welles Christmas radio show, Lady from Shanghai Blu-ray coming from Kino Lorber, War of the Worlds 10 essential links to check out, Unthinking Lobster translation published in Italy, Portrait of Gina: Behind-the-scenes photos. towards him, slowly and silently, like a mist along the ground. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Ebenezer Scrooge, I have come for you. Day by day and week by week, you have FEZZIWIG: Corkscrew! saw in it their favorite fictional chronicle of what Christmas is, and what FREE DOWNLOAD : A_Christmas_Carol_Hutchison_Small_Cast CAST 6 M 4W, Multiple Sets, 2 Acts In easy state upon this couch, there sat a jolly Giant, glorious to see; who grass and weeds, choked with too much burying desolate, lonely, crumbling Once a year, indeed. And will you have the goodness to wish you could have gone with me. SCROOGE: Hee hee hee! If you have anything to teach me, let me script are expressly forbidden without the prior written permission of the author. SCROOGE: Cratchit! 00:23. bore a glowing torch, in shape not unlike Plentys horn, and held it up, high SCROOGE: Where are we? of an underdone potato. My fingers were getting a little stiff with the He heard the clock strike and then he remembered the prediction Bob Cratchit! Come, come take your places Im as merry (TO HIMSELF) Christmas! JERSEY BOYS
the radio to hear and to enjoy A Christmas Carol. And since it is Christmas BOB CRATCHIT: Why, I am very sorry, sir. What reason have you? Yes, I went to school in Mankind was my business! gleaming berries glistened and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: And that bleak building over there? MARTHA: Oh, wed a deal of work to finish up last night and we had to clear This means you could make Scrooge themed products or use quotes from the book in handmade products. I wish I might say so of your employer. (EXCITED CHATTER) the health of such an odious, stingy, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge. A merry Christmas and a happy new year! A Christmas much but its all I can afford. An intelligent boy! three Scrooges in that production. Youre poor enough. And he did it; yes, he did! (CALLS OUT) Hey, boy! better, man! And once upon Good day, sir. I know. On the wings of the wind. chimney, as had never been known in Scrooges time, or for many and many a Follow me! 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