? Hi Stephanie, my apology for not getting back sooner. 18. Whether any such conspiracy really occurred is not known. At the other end of the scale is Charles II, King of Spain from 1665 to 1700, who was determined to be the individual with the highest coefficient of inbreeding, or the most inbred monarch. Thanks! Mary married Sir William Carey [on Feb 4, 1521 in Greenwich, London. However, there is no consensus on the origin of the Boleyn family. Het Henry die agtste 'n seun gehad? Could you point me in the direction of the resources you used for your research? They married about 1452. He married Marguerite d'Aulnay. 1527-1536; Volume 2], EJ. I have had many requests for more and further information on the Boleyn lineage, and I might just set aside time for it. Dorothy Savile. The swabs King took from them proved a perfect match between Richard and Ibsen and a near perfect for Duldig the oldest such successful identification. Generation 5 includes the great-great-grandparents of Elizabeth Woodville. "Family Tree of Elizabeth Woodville." Ima li ivih potomaka Plantageneta? In, Susan Higginbotham, The Woodvilles: The Wars of the Roses and Englands Most Infamous Family. This article was amended on 3 December 2014. Nicola Orsini, son of Roberto Orsini. After the death of Richard III's wife Anne Neville, in March 1485, rumours arose that the newly widowed king was going to marry his beautiful and young niece Elizabeth of York. However the Tudors did back up their claim to the throne through descent from John of Gaunt, son of Edward III and father of Henry IV and ancestor of the Tudor dynasty through his legitimised Beaufort children after he married his mistress Katherine Swynford. Canon Parsons, who authored Some notes on the Boleyn Family in 1935 concluded that whilst the surname was spelt in various ways: Boleyn, Buleyn, Bolen, Bulleyne, Boleyne, Bolleyne, Boyleyn, Bowleyne, Bulloigne, and the modern form Bullen , the spelling, Boleyn was the most common of the medieval forms.. For ease of understanding, we shall return to Anne Boleyns family and begin the Boleyn lineage from one of Thomas Boleyns children. Elizabeth's first marriage was to a minor supporter of the House of Lancaster, Sir John Grey of Groby. Travis believes that every student has the potential to succeed, and he tirelessly works to help them reach their full potential. This hymn to Venus, found in one single manuscript,[33] is a complex six-stanza poem[34] with rhyme scheme ABABBAA, an "elaboration of the sestina,"[35] in which the seventh line of each stanza is the same as its first, and the six unique lines of the first stanza provide the first lines for each of the poem's six stanzas. Then came twenty-four heralds and pursuivants, followed by sixty counts and knights. History to be an incredible tapestry of humanity, The Magnificent Hever Castle Anne Boleyns Childhood Home, Anne Boleyn; a Chapter of English History. Elizabeth's will specified a simple ceremony. He died on November 29, 1441. The Hanoverians were descended through marriage from the Stuarts through Sophia, granddaughter of James I and mother of George I. Relations between the two deteriorated to the point where Warwick revolted against Edward, taking him prisoner and killing Elizabeth Woodville's father and her brother John. Elizabeth's 20-year-old brother John married Katherine, Duchess of Norfolk. Chapuis to Charles V., December 31, 1530, Vienna Archires, P.C. Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, ed. When his marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, who was both a commoner and from a family of Lancastrian supporters became public, Warwick was both embarrassed and offended, and his relationship with Edward IV never recovered. Are there any living descendants of Elizabeth Bathory? She was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor, and with no heir to the throne, effectively ending the Tudor reign. One of only three lyric poems in Middle English ascribed to a woman author, "My heart is set upon a lusty pin",[31] is attributed to one "Queen Elizabeth", sometimes thought to have been Elizabeth Woodville (although the author is more commonly believed[31][32] to have been her daughter, Elizabeth of York). READ MORE. [13] Warwick and Clarence twice rose in revolt and then fled to France. Visited later by Henry VII and his queen, Edward quipped of his missing teeth: Our Lord, who reared this fabric, has only opened a window in order to discern the more readily what passes within.. But although Jacquetta never wore a crown, her daughter Elizabeth Woodville would, through making her own clandestine marriage to Edward IV. 12. An Escapist. Edward was the first king of England since the Norman Conquest to marry one of his subjects,[2][3] and Elizabeth was the first such consort to be crowned queen. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, thoughtco.com/family-tree-elizabeth-woodville-3528162. Almost all of Europes royal families are related. 1591). The five supposed cousins who gave their DNA are not descended from Edward III, or they would share Richards Y chromosomes, but one of the five is also not descended from the man who should be their more recent common ancestor, the 18th-century Henry Somerset, fifth Duke of Beaufort. She died on November 15, 1469. Is Queen Elizabeth a descendant of Henry VIII? His spouse, Catherine is Princess of Wales. Follow the connections of Elizabeth Woodville's family on the following pages. Continue with Recommended Cookies, The Boleyn Lineage was last updated on August 29, 2022. The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images, Offspring of Elizabeth Woodville and John Grey, Offspring of Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV, Generation 2: Parents (and Siblings) of Elizabeth Woodville. Therefore, it is with Thomas Boleyn, born roundabouts 1350 where we will begin to trace the Boleyn lineage in this article. It is often said that the placement of the apostrophe in Queens' reflects the fact that two queens founded the college, but the college disputes that story. Shakespeare portrays Elizabeth as a proud and alluring woman in Henry VI Part 3. ? Novels that feature Elizabeth Woodville as a character include: Although spelling of the family name is usually modernised to "Woodville", it was spelt "Wydeville" in contemporary publications by Caxton, but her tomb at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle is inscribed thus: "Edward IV and his Queen Elizabeth Widvile". We know that Anne Boleyn was one of three siblings born to Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire and Elizabeth (Howard) Boleyn. Alice De StLiz, daughter of William StLiz was born in 1300. Bertrand III del Balzo. Sutton and Visser-Fuchs, "A 'Most Benevolent Queen;'"Laynesmith, pp. There is a brief explanation on why I opted for Boleyn instead of other variations. [17] The act also contained charges of witchcraft against Elizabeth, but gave no details and the charges had no further repercussions. When the marriage became public knowledge, the couple was heavily fined, but was pardoned on 24 October 1437: it has been conjectured that the pardon coincided with the birth of Elizabeth, the couple's firstborn child.[7][8]. Then came a great company of trumpeters, pipers and players of stringed instruments. She died in 1393. Her plain, expedited funeral led to speculation that she died of the plague. She is a former faculty member of the Humanist Institute. They married about 1464. [20], In 1485, Henry Tudor invaded England and defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Elizabeth Lyonswas born in 1324. Je li kraljica Elizabeta povezana s Elizabeth Woodville? I wrote the first article on the Boleyn Family and in that, I mentioned that there should be descendants around. Is queen Elizabeth related to Anne Boleyn? The bones of the king under the car park have delivered further shocks, 527 years after his death and more than two years after his remains were discovered in Leicester: Richard III was a blue-eyed blond, and the present Queen may not be descended from John of Gaunt and Edward III, the lineage on which the Tudor claim to the throne originated. Her acts included making pilgrimages, obtaining a papal indulgence for those who knelt and said the Angelus three times per day, and founding the chapel of St. Erasmus in Westminster Abbey. Susan Higginbotham is the author of The Woodvilles: The War of the Roses and England's Most Infamous Family (The History Press, March 2015), the first non-fiction book on the Woodville family. Elizabeth Woodville, daughter ofRichard WoodvilleandJacquetta of Luxembourg,was born on February 3, 1437. The real history behind The Spanish Princess. When Henry VII died in 1509, the kingdom was passed to his younger son, crowned Henry VIII. Queen Elizabeth was a popular queen and her 45-year reign is said to be one of the best in history. 30. [8] Five daughters also lived to adulthood. As always your writing is well researched showing your great knowledge and interest. 3. Elizabeth Woodville, queen consort of Edward IV, died in 1492. Last updated on August 29, 2022, FOLLOW TIMELESS TRAVEL STEPS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. I have not included details of events and background information but have provided recommended reads and links. On 25 June 1483, Gloucester had Elizabeth Woodville's son Richard Grey and brother Anthony, Earl Rivers, executed in Pontefract Castle, Yorkshire. He is a passionate advocate for education, and he believes that every student should have access to a quality education. 13. C. T. Wood, "Richard III, William, Lord Hastings and Friday the Thirteenth", in R. A. Griffiths and J. Sherborne (eds.). Richardson, Douglas (2011). At the time of her birth, Elizabeth's family was of middle rank in the English social hierarchy. In 1433, the widowed Bedford took as his second wife Jacquetta de Luxembourg, the 17-year-old niece of the Bishop of Throuanne. Warwick reconciled with Edward IV, but the amity was short-lived. This article was first published by History Extra in May 2015. Richard III's first Parliament of January 1484 stripped Elizabeth of all the lands given to her during Edward IV's reign. Bylo Plantagenet pjmen? Travel Writer. Soon he had produced the first book printed in England: an edition of Geoffrey Chaucers ever-popular Canterbury Tales. Are there any descendants of the Boleyn family? She was acquitted the following year. Mary Queen of Scots, mother of James I of England, was the cousin of Elizabeth I who executed her for treason, and both were descended from the first Tudor king, Henry VII. However, research has shown that the Boleyn lineage can be traced to the present day royal family. Elizabeth was known for her beauty but came from minor nobility with no great estates, and the marriage took place in secret. Louis III of Enghienwas born in 1340. She died on November 23, 1392. One of those children (Pl) had two children. Edward married her just over three years after he had assumed the English throne in the wake of his overwhelming victory over the Lancastrians, at the Battle of Towton, which resulted in the displacement of King Henry VI. 19. In these 1,200 years, there have been some weird and wonderful members of the Royal Family, each with a more interesting story than the next. Elizabeth Woodville (c1437-1492). This means Mary Boleyn was the only survivor of the Thomas Boleyns children. I look forward to learning more, one day, perhaps by mapping the Henry Carey side of the family. Elizabeth Woodville (c1437-1492) 2. [19] On 1 March 1484, Elizabeth and her daughters came out of sanctuary after Richard III publicly swore an oath that her daughters would not be harmed or molested and that they would not be imprisoned in the Tower of London or in any other prison. His wife's name is not known. [10] Only the bride's mother and two ladies were in attendance. With the thought of freeing him, a Neville relation known as the Bastard of Fauconberg launched an attack on London, which Edward had left in the charge of the Earl of Essex and Anthony, Earl Rivers, Elizabeth Woodville's brother. Oct 22, 2021 By Lauren Nitschke, BA Psychology, GradDip in Secondary Education, GradCert in History Elizabeth Woodville had a turbulent time as Edward IV's wife and queen. Mary (Boleyn) Stafford also known as Carey. Mary (Boleyn) Stafford; Anne, Queen of England; George Boleyn. She first married John Grey, son of Edward Grey and Elizabeth Ferrers. 1477 in Blickling, Norfolk, England d. Mar 12, 1539 in Hever Castle, Kent England also known as Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Wiltshire mar. Elizabeth I the last Tudor monarch was born at Greenwich on 7 September 1533, the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. [28][29] Elizabeth was laid to rest in the same chantry as her husband King Edward IV in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle.[8]. What Tier Is William And Mary Law School? Kimball G. Everingham II (2nd ed.). It helps a traveller, however, to be the brother-in-law of the king of England. Edward IV's love for his wife is celebrated in sonnet 75 of Philip Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh were married in 1947 and remained so for 73 years until Philip's death in 2021. 14. Family Tree of Elizabeth Woodville. Rather, his father Henry VII, or Henry Tudor, is the current royal family's ancestor. There are also other documents that refer to Boulogne as Boleyn. So, yes, the House of Windsor is descended from the House of Tudor and the House of Plantagenet through one of Henry VIIs daughters, who married a Scottish king and whose great-grandson was King James I of England (at the same time that he was King James VI of Scotland), then through James great-grandson Georg of. During the royal minority, Henry V's younger brothers, John, Duke of Bedford, and Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, governed the kingdom Bedford was in charge of the crown's French possessions, while Gloucester handled affairs at home. He died at the Second Battle of St Albans, leaving Elizabeth a widowed mother of two sons. Yes-a 12th great granddaughter of the infamous whore Mary Boleyn, sits on the throne of England. 1622 d. 1645/46); Henry Seymour, Baron Beauchamp of Hache (b.1626 d. Mar 30 1654); Lady Mary Seymour (b. This happens to avoid inbreeding, since many royal families share common ancestors, and therefore share much of the genetic pool. The earliest recorded history of the Boleyn family in England begins in the thirteenth century and surrounds humble beginnings. 1527-1536; Volume 2, https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/births-ceremonies-and-deaths, Privacy and Cookies Policy | Timeless Travel Steps. He married Giovanna de St Severino. She died on August 22, 1378. Elizabeth Woodville was born about 1437. Along with this, is a recap of who the Boleyn family were in history. Arthur was always expected to be the next king, but he died in 1502. I am led to believe that some Egyptian pyramids may contain seeds from South America. I love the way you bring history to life for today. Je Bl princezna dcerou Bl krlovny? III), it was declared that Edward IV's children with Elizabeth were illegitimate on the grounds that Edward IV had a precontract with the widow Lady Eleanor Butler, which was considered a legally binding contract that rendered any other marriage contract invalid. Above her was a canopy. Anne (Hoo) Boleyn [(1425 Jun 6, 1485) Norfolk, England. Catherine Middleton may have royal ancestry, after all, with a line of descent from Henry VIII, Well, how can that be as Henry has no descendants. Visit the magnificent Hever Castle in Kent, England which was Anne Boleyns childhood home. Queen Elizabeth never married, hence the nickname, the Virgin Queen. He married Alice De StLiz in 1315. To add value to our travels and on the Boleyn trail, you may wish to read the following articles also: As the title of the article suggests, this is the best guide it has all the information from its very beginning in the 11th century to present day. Anne and Marys brother was George Boleyn who was executed. M Bl krlovna syna? The current family is not descended from Henry VIII whose dynastic children all died without heirs. He was Mary and Anns brother, and he was also executed. Skeleton found under car park confirmed as Richard III - video, Richard III died in battle after losing helmet, new research shows, Richard III: how the king was killed in battle - video, more than two years after his remains were discovered in Leicester, shows him with dark eyes and shoulder length dark hair, published this week in Nature Communications, Mary Queen of Scots, mother of James I of England, was the cousin of Elizabeth I who executed her for treason, and both were descended from the first Tudor king, Henry VII. Henry VI was killed soon afterwards. Catherine Carey Lady Knollys; Henry Carey 1st Baron Hunsdon; *Mary was a mistress to Henry VIII for some time and some believe that Catherine Carey and Henry Carey were Henry VIIIs children. [15] Richard accused Elizabeth of plotting to "murder and utterly destroy" him.[16]. Having helped Henry Tudor defeat Richard III at the battle of Bosworth in 1485, Edward went to Spain the following year to fight the infidels, possibly in fulfillment of a vow. She also became a patroness of Queens' College, Cambridge. Safe travels! Her mother, Jacquetta of Luxembourg, had previously been an aunt-by-marriage to Henry VI. Charles William Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck; Elizabeth Angela Marguerite (Bowes-Lyon) Windsor; The Boleyns, Who were they and what happened to them after Annes death, The Boleyn Family | Who were they and what happened to them after Anne Boleyns death. Charlotte Elizabeth (Boyle) Cavendish (Oct 1731 December 1754) mar. The primary reason cited for the variations in the spelling of the surname is the inconsistencies of Tudor words and spellings. [22], Scholars differ about why Dowager Queen Elizabeth spent the last five years of her life living at Bermondsey Abbey, to which she retired on 12 February 1487. Thank you for getting in touch. While there is no direct line between the two, the modern royals have a distant connection to the Tudors. Her daughter Queen Elizabeth visited her on occasion at Bermondsey, although another one of her other daughters, Cecily of York, visited her more often. However, I was much inspired by the recent television documentary on the Boleyns and to cement my curiosities as to how the present royal family are the direct descendants of the Boleyn, I narrowed my research to this particular part of British history. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh have been married for 72 years, but their relationship goes much farther back. She herself was descended on the paternal side from a less powerful family among the nobility. She was born at the Htel Saint-Pol (a royal palace in Paris) on 27 October 1401. During this period of upheaval, a follower of Warwick produced some lead images that he claimed Jacquetta had made for the purposes of witchcraft and sorcery. Incredibly interesting read Georgina! Canon W. L. E. Parsons, Rector of Salle, in Norfolk Archaeology or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the Antiquities of the County of Norfolk, Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, Vol. This, of course, did not happen. Final head: Thomas Boleyn Marchioness of Pembroke; As we know there are no direct descendants of Anne Boleyn. We can be almost completely certain that her hair was a golden red, her eyes dark brown, her nose ridged or hooked in the middle, her lips rather thin, and her cheek bones pronounced. Is Princess Diana related to Anne Boleyn? He also promised to provide them with marriage portions and to marry them to "gentlemen born". Many Congratulations 1283 absolutely amazing. Richard left no direct descendants: his son Edward died before him, and a possible illegitimate son and daughter died childless. *William Carey died of sweating sickness on June 23, 1528 leaving Mary a widow with two young children. In 1483, Edward IV suddenly died, leaving a 12-year-old heir, Edward. How could the son of Henry VIII become Edward VI? She was Queen of England and Ireland from September 17, 1558 until March 24, 1603 when she died. Manage Settings Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Kevin Schurer and Turi King of the University of Leicester explain that a DNA analysis and other evidence confirms with almost 100% certainty that the bones are those of King Richard III. [27] A letter discovered in 2019, written in 1511 by Andrea Badoer, the Venetian ambassador in London, suggests that she had died of plague, which would explain the haste and lack of public ceremony. Kevin Schrer, a genealogist and head of research at Leicester University, whose work with King on the ancestor is published this week in Nature Communications, said the results on the Y chromosomes, handed only from father to son, did not change history. ); John Seymour, 4th Duke of Somerset (b. Jacqueline has a living daughter and two. He marriedIsabel Godardin 1379. after i found your list i had a deep dive into wiki checking out all the people.. and i may have found another connection.. im still looking further, but it appears that dorothy saville who married richard boyle, was a descendent of Penelope Devereaux, who was the sister of robert deveraux and Lettice Knollyss daughter.. so the Queen mum was doubly connected back to Lettice and therefor the Boelyns.. such a fun bit of information.. Hi Ronda, thank you so much for sharing such fascinating details about your lineage. And I am always interested in reading anything about them. lokul. 15. Kodi Mfumukazi Yoyera ili ndi mwana wamwamuna? Robert Deveraux KG (Nov 10, 1566 Feb 25, 1601); Lady Frances Devereux (b. Sept 20 1599 d. Nov 23 1679). In about 1452[clarification needed], Elizabeth Woodville married Sir John Grey of Groby, the heir to the Barony Ferrers of Groby. Jsou Windsoi pbuzn Plantagenetm? He married Margherita del Balzo on May 8, 1405. Have you tried: https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/births-ceremonies-and-deaths. Queen Anne fell pregnant in 1934 and 1536 but both were stillborn. Elizabeth Woodville was crowned queen on 26 May 1465, the Sunday after Ascension Day. PRINTS NOW AVAILABLE!http://www.cafepress.com/maludwigworks#Project requested by: Clpeucker85, BolenGirl3, Tyler Shermer, Caroline Coopersmith, Laurie Nash &. Many contemporaries believed Richards brother Edward IV was illegitimate, and he declared illegitimate his nephews, the Princes in the Tower, to justify seizing the throne. This inspired me to research further. Da li su Windsori povezani sa Plantagenetima? Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquess of Dorset (1477-1530) 4. When Henry VI lost his crown to Edward IV, the college fell on hard times. Elizabeth (Howard) Boleyn [b. On this page, the number indicates the generation, so you can find the person on the appropriate page of this collection. Historians belief that the Boleyn family originated from here and made their way to Norfolk during the Normans invasion in the 11th century. Albert Frederick Arthur George Windsor, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II Windsor; Margaret Rose (Windsor) Snowdon, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Windsor (b. Apr 1926 Sept 2022) mar. This would become a source of irony, since Elizabeth's future husband Edward IV was the Yorkist claimant to the throne. 25. Na li-Windsor li amana le Plantanets? [21] Elizabeth Woodville was accorded the title and honours of a queen dowager. Five anonymous living donors, all members of the extended family of the present Duke of Beaufort, who claim descent from both the Plantagenets and Tudors through the children of John of Gaunt, gave DNA samples which should have matched Y chromosomes extracted from Richards bones. Save up 50% when you subscribe to BBC History Magazine or BBC History Revealed PLUS! Hi loved your article. Sueva Orsini, daughter of Nicola Orsini 15. and Jeanne de Sabran. Isabel Godard, daughter of John DeLyons and Alice De StLiz was born on April 5, 1345. There are no records of the spouses to Ralph and John Boleyn. William Cavendish, 5th Duke of Devonshire; Dorothy Cavendish; George Augustus Henry Cavendish, 1st Earl of Burlington; Dorothy (Cavendish) Cavendish-Bentinck (Aug 1750 Jun 1794) mar. John de Beauchamp. [36] (written by 1586, first pub. Found researching it fascinating! Henry VII briefly contemplated marrying his mother-in-law to King James III of Scotland, when James III's wife, Margaret of Denmark, died in 1486. "Family Tree of Elizabeth Woodville." (1455-1483) Catherine Woodville married. Early life. How far back can Queen Elizabeth trace her ancestry? Wie was koning in 1465? Further intervention proved unnecessary, however, for Warwick found it decidedly awkward to keep holding the king captive, and released him. He married Joan Bittlesgate in 1403. Its blown my mind as I just watched a every episode of Vikings in the last 8 days. Despite the shock of her recent bereavement, Jacquetta refused to be cowed by the accusations, and wrote to the mayor and the aldermen of London for their assistance, which they granted. The two were actually related, having known each other. He died on August 22, 1371. [4][5], Elizabeth Woodville was born in about 1437 (no record of her birth survives), at Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire. Lord Hastings, the late king's leading supporter in London, initially endorsed Gloucester's actions, but Gloucester then accused him of conspiring with Elizabeth Woodville against him. 7. 17. Visit the places where prisoners were once tortured, the spot where Anne Boleyn was executed, the Church which was Anne Boleyns resting place after her execution and the lasting memorial on Tower Green. 26. The kings choir followed, forty-two of them, who sang excellently. 1637 d. Apr 10 1673); Jane Seymour (b. Wydeville himself was the son of John Wydeville, a Northamptonshire landowner. Napoleon also had two acknowledged illegitimate sons, Charles Lon Denuelle * (1806-1881) and Alexandre Colonna Walewski * (1810-1868), both . Elizabeth subsequently played an important role in securing the accession of Henry VII in 1485. Richard Wydeville of Grafton, son of John Wydeville and Isabel Godard was born between 1385-1387. We know that Anne Boleyn was one of three siblings born to Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire and Elizabeth (Howard) Boleyn. Anne Boleyn [b. Instead, Elizabeth Woodville's rise led to her family gaining many favors. Je krlovna Albta pbuzn s Johnem z Gauntu? The skeleton found underneath a car park in Leicester in September 2012, now declared beyond reasonable doubt to be that of King Richard III, whose remains had been missing for 500 years. John Wydeville, son of Richard Wydeville and Elizabeth Lyons was born in 1341. In fact, they knew each other from childhoodand are cousins. * Through Nicola Orsini, Elizabeth Woodville was descended from King John of England and his wife,Isabella of Angouleme. Kates ties to the British monarchy go back a little further than her marriage to Prince William. Travis Thornton is an education expert who has dedicated his life to helping students achieve their academic goals. She died in 1489. Direct descendants to the legendary Boleyns!! The Woodvilles, though an old and respectable family, were gentry rather than noble, a landed and wealthy family that had previously produced commissioners of the peace, sheriffs, and MPs, rather than peers of the realm. <p>Peter of Luxembourg and Margherita del Balzo had the following children (mother, aunts, and uncles of Elizabeth Woodville): Elizabeth Woodville also had ten children by her last husband, Edward IV. [11] Three of her sisters married the sons of the earls of Kent, Essex and Pembroke. Ive discovered Im a descendant of a Bullen from Norfolk who was born in the late 18th century, but I find it quite difficult to research further back than this. There are no other surviving children of Thomas Boleyn. Follow the connections of Elizabeth Woodville's family on the following pages. I am pleased to know that you traced back to Mary Boleyn > Catherine Carey >> I wish all of you to get together for one big happy occasion one day!