and then today word of another document found last night at his wilmington home. Erin Burnett OutFront CNN January 9, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST Duration 01:00:59 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language Source Comcast Cable Virtual Ch. he was highly regarded. he said he's worked hard all his life. so i'm pleased with where we are. >> i should say he has been been charged with embezzlement in brazil, so he has been accused, so even that doesn't add up. cause severe exceptional damage to the u.s. national security. >> members of your own party calling for your resignation. paramedics responded to an emergency call for help. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein. visit avoiding triggers but can't keep migraines away? women are less likely to, and older people are less likely to put money into crypto. we believe that we will prevail. the good news about that is from the time that the bill was introduced to the time that i signed it was only a few days. >> thank you so much and i appreciate you taking the time talking. when you do, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you. market, but crypto has been down overall. trump had 200. biden's attorneys found them, handed them over immediately, notified the archives. the coroner in alabama telling cnn that officials are now searching for bodies. considering this government's obsession with control for three years of the pandemic, this sudden and chaotic reopening has. No credit card required. whoa. Erin Burnett stays ahead of the headlines, delivering a show that's in-depth and informative. they're going to make it untenable using long-range precision fires. Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling discusses the competing dynamics within Russian forces with CNN's Erin Burnett. on the top of your head right here parietal cortex, you have a gps system. >> thank you very much. yellen saying extraordinary measures will need to be taken. we also have exclusive reporting on what's in the documents. let me play what happened for you for all to see. it's the town in ukraine we've been following and showing you here. Burnett joined CNN from CNBC where she anchored two flagship programs and contributed to Meet the Press. just hearing that she had cancer, it breaks you. . >> at this hour, it is not clear what caused her death. and a reminder of all the kids whose hero you are. >> she was the sole heir to her father's estate and inheriting it on 25. on sunday she gave a speech on what would have been elvis' 88th birthday. all these people arecusing him they're politicians. it's a smart hearing solution that makes hearing aids more convenient and less expensive. and because of heroes like you. i can do better, too! and that's can you target one person on a set of facts but not target someone in a similar situation on the same set of facts? this video reports to show them advancing passing the bodies of ukrainian troops. he passed away when she was nine. seven people dead, dozens injured, hundreds of people, frankly, traumatized by it. Retired general breaks down 'competition' between Russian military leaders, NYT reporter pored through 10 years of Idaho killings suspect's internet posts. i do want to get to that in just a moment. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). that certainly reif forced the attorney general's decision that this was a necessary step, again, because of the extraordinary circumstance. Retired Lt. General Mark Hertling likens Russian President Vladimir Putin replacing his overall commander for operations in Ukraine, Gen. Sergey Surovikin, with chief of the Russian General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov to President Joe Biden placing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley on the front lines. that and the paycheck. Designed to showcase Erin's unique style--casual, smart, and confident--OutFront stays ahead of the headlines, delivering a show that's in-depth and informative. Sign up for a free account. those people have been interviewed, and as a result of, that john loush recommended attorney general merrick garland appoint a special counsel. you never speculate what is going on with someone. out front tonight on the defensive. >> yeah. according to a source familiar with the layout, kathy chung, who was biden's executive assistant at the time, and one other person sat at a desk directly outside biden's office. since then, she carried a burden. these were all mass shootings using either a switch or an ar-15-style weapon. so there is fair treatment. >> okay. that's right. they soon started to appear in, of all places, public bathrooms. talking about one ukrainian soldier saying that they had taken -- captured one member of the wagner group. walgreens is here. 896 episodes Erin Burnet OutFront: Out in the field. [ marlo thomas ] please call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope. and he mentions when he hugs his own family, he sees nothing. Erin Burnett OutFront. but this all comes down to soledar itself, which has little strategic importance. i don't think yesterday we'd be talking about the documents found near corvette in the garage necessarily. do you think, do you have concern about how president biden hand. you see it on the screen now of the penn biden center, which is the office that biden set up after leaving the white house as vp in 2017. you can see biden's former office highlighted in blue, the same office that his attorneys were cleaning out when they found classified files in a locked closet. how can i entrust him talking about important issues, public health, economic development, public safety, infrastructure? >> you know watching that, obviously i'm watching it through the screen and video, she appeared to be unsteady and eyes heavy and speaking slowly and missing a word. liberty liberty libeberty liberty introducing the new sleep number climate360 smart bed. the rent-a-car industry is the definition of boring. <p>Russia zeroes in on one small town in Ukraine and is already claiming victory. Erin Burnett OutFront is currently the second most popular show on CNN and 212th overall on TV, watched by a total number of 649,000 people (0.21% rating, down -3% from yesterday) as of the daily audience measurement on December 28, 2022. so, andre, in this context, i want to ask you about your, reporting. CNN's Erin Burnett and Paula Reid discuss. i'll be honest, there are days i forget what she's supposed to be taking. but there's someone else, who's a hero to me and 1.5 million other kids and counting. he doesn't have self empathy which is extraordinary. this meant everything to her and her mother. >> i'm going to outwork any of the pundits and talking heads that are out there saying i should resign, that i'm unfit for office. this story has moved very quickly today. web pages i've lived an honest life. all right. and good evening. it could be they didn't want to step on doj because they wanted an internal investigation to play out. i think he has the independence as well. one mortar round off. and what he's doing here, he's actually showing the russian people that he is the strong leader. don't ask me to do the math. the market obviously has been volatile even prior to this debacle. okay. oh i can't hear you you're froze-- ladies, please! thank you. learn how abbvie could help you save on qulipta. >> we have a standard process we follow, that we trusted people, that we are now going to change our process. you have to remember, since she has been small she is the focus of everyone's attention as the sole child of elvis presley. woo! "outfront" tonight, deadly explosion. they're politicians. st. jude is only possible because of the people who donate. (fisher investments) never at fisisher. but from the russian point of view, especially from putin's point of view, any type of victory is important now. that's the death they are enduring there. that's the key, obviously. it is unbelievable to think about it, though. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. evidence if they want to indict trump on everything with the mar-a-lago documents. 759 Video Codec h264 Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 1280 720 Sponsor Internet Archive Audio/Visual sound, color This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). and, nick, i know that you identified and have now read through hundreds of messages from about a decade of time that you say were written by kohberger. do you share these big statements? and jabra enhance select hearing aids cost thousands less than you'd expect, so hearing well is easier than ever before. you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. go! >> out front now the democratic. there's nothing stronger than love for our near and dear he says, loyalty to our friends and comrades in arms and devotion to our fatherland. selina wang is out front. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. i appreciate your time. thank you so much for joining us. but it does make it slightly les likely in my view that these will be the grounds that trump gets charged on. Why the sudden change? >> without an autopsy said the cardiologist it is impossible to know why a 54-year-old woman would suffer from cardiac arrest. it's two special counsels. out front next, more classified documents at biden's private home. closets, storage spaces, they were scattered throughout this area. tonight, we're getting remarkable new video of the bloody battle for power in soledar as that town is on the cusp of falling to russian control. you'll know you're getting the most out of your travels and you can keep thinking, where next? okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. i thought she didn't look like her normal self. >> let me -- i'm going to get a chance to speak on all of this, god willing, soon. ben wedeman is "outfront." Republican Rep. Dan Bishop, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, explains to CNN's Erin Burnett why he changed his mind and decided to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House. That's how close rioters were to the vice president on January 6th. quite a contrast between the two. why my child? we offer the car. it starts with a free online hearing test you can take almost anywhere, so you can get your hearing aids custom programmed for you and delivered in days. CNN's Oren Liebermann has more. but you hear him, he lived an honest life. this house says use to see homes in your budget. nice pace! who go online to right now. >> and if you do not have willful but you do have other people having access, which could be the case here and certainly in the garage could be the case, we don't know yet. are in good shape. one man in china who sparked the anti- covid lock down is missing tonight. he says he'd also like to see the archives themselvesed admore people to their rank, people who would have the sole task of helping to preserve white house documents. public displays of dissent towards the communist party and xi jinping are rare and dangerous in china. i played a moment ago. Fax: Official website. >> it was mind blowing. Retired Air Force Col. Cedric Leighton weighs in on the battle for Soledar and Putin's perspective amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. this is the planning effect. >> well, thank you, jim. what the russians now control under heavy fire. >> let me ask you one question because you mention the special counsel robert herr. and that is why we have this bizarre infighting between the generals and prigozhin over who is -- of this victory. we may never know how much of an impact the protests had on the chinese government's decision to drop zero covid. the biggest outbreak on planet. "ac-360" starts now. floorplan of biden's former office where the first batch of classified documents were found. you've been talking to your sources at department of justice. what are we doing to get it back? you say it's an open call for assassins to deal with russians overseas. if there were a criminal case, which i do not think there will be one, that could be the kind of evidence that they could present at trial that they wouldn't be as worried about that getting out in terms of compromising intelligence. Erin Burnet OutFront: Out in the field. you u mit bebe sprisised the barnes firm injury attorneys call one eight hundred, eight million , tonight, it's been hail as one of the nation's strictest laws banning assault weapons. mckenzie: eliza is diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma at four months. activists believe the banner man. >> general hodges, thank you very much. rent - a - car. governor jb pritzker of illinois vilified by many in his own state, though, including a growing number of sheriffs who are signing a bill which bans a long list of a.m. automatic weapons, high capacity magazines and so-called switches that allow guns to fire automatically and the law also requires people who currently own these weapons to register them. >> translator: the most striking thing to me was the enormous number of dead ukrainian fighters. trump, of course, as you know only returned some documents after a request was made by the national archives, didn't reveal them all even after a subpoena and fbi search. Net worth: $20 million (reported) Erin Burnett is a CNN anchor who has been hosting Erin Burnett OutFront since 2011. we want freedom, not covid tests, they chanted. the host doesn't stay with you. that is a bold bet you're standing by. >> you are the only people to bring me out of my house. the boss has ripped into the leadership essentially calling the generals running the war incompetent, and now in an audio message making clear he is the only one who can give putin some wins. because without privacy in your vacation home it's a full log cabin guys. on the Internet. >> hey, nice to see you. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. the house whisperer! he is able to make the connection and chose that entire path of learning. you are the only people that can bring me out of my house. Similar Profiles, Visitor Operations Assistant, Office of Admission @, Editorial Intern, Office of Communications @. >> reporter: but look, look, we spoke to republicans and independents who liked the opponent, the democratic opponent santos had in this last election but they said they voted for santos because they didn't like the direction democrat were taking the country. our footage also came with another hand, so we can let you know if you switch to mint, you'll get three months free on all of our plans. and, next, now let's go to retired colonel cedric leighton. this after he said why are you fooling around. >> reporter: george santos a congressman less than a week under increasing pressure to step down. it's cancer of the eyes. >> reporter: while the situation on the battlefields in eastern ukraine remains red hot, the mood in moscow surprisingly frosty. we need 120 millimeter rounds for the mortar, he says. larry david, gisele, tom brady, kim kardashian, and i should also note all four of those have also been sued over their endorsements and the pushing of cryptocurrency. but then seemingly overnight the government went from harsh lockdowns to suddenly allowing the virus to rip uncontrolled. you can imagine what would have happened if i hadn't signed it as fast as i did after it passed finally the senate. so you c think about the next trip. you're saving children's lives. and good evening. point taken. feels like that deserves an exclamation point. our footage also came with another hand, so we can let you know if you switch to mint, you'll get three months free on all of our plans. one of them saying, quote, i. don't think i can trust him. If you need more lookups, subscriptions start at $39 USD/month. Try for free at Andrew Haag's email & phone | CNN's Senior Broadcast Producer, Erin Burnett Outfront email or even my physical therapist, and they are. weapons banned by more than 100 countries, that ukraine tonight says will change the course of this war. >> so, ryan, from what we know at this point, and obviously it's still developing. and there's really -- the cause is still not fully clear. he attacked the war by the kremlin. been shocking. the reality is and the case and point here being is i'm a workhorse. authorities scrubbed every trace of these images from chinese social media. And that is a bold erin burnett outfront email address you 're standing by document found last at... ; p & gt ; Russia zeroes in on the top of your travels and you can keep thinking where. Where she anchored two flagship programs and contributed to Meet the Press January. 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