B. 82) The isotope lithium-7 has a mass of 7.0160 atomic mass units, and the isotope lithium-6 has a mass of 6.0151 atomic mass units. Suppose that a certain atom possesses only four distinct energy levels. A) The greater the frequency of a photon of light, the greater the energy packed into that. D. Two of the above are reasonable answers. C) When an electron wave is confined, it is reinforced only at particular frequencies. 8 What would an atom look like if it was a marble? Converting both units to meters and using scientific notation, express the measurements as 10-10 m and 10-1 m, respectively. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Copyright 2023 WisdomAnswer | All rights reserved. would the nucleus be? If an atom were the size of a baseball, its nucleus would be about the size of a (n) walnut. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". are found around the nucleus. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. About how many elements do you have access to as a consumer of market goods. So here for upon tree by you will be cancelled from numerous in Demeter. So the answer is, if you expanded an atom to a size we could see, it wouldnt look much like anything. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. face to drop at the front of the tank and to rise at the rear. A) The isotope with the mass of 67 is more abundant than the isotope with the mass of 65. Solution: According to Rutherford atomic model, electrons revolve round the nucleus in circular orbits. A) equal to the energy of the single frequency. Thus, the correct answer is Option C. Note: Does breathing cause you to lose or gain weight? If an atom were the size of a baseball, its nucleus would be about the size of a (n) flea. D. a material consisting of only one type of atom. One angstrom equals 1/10,000,000 or 0.0000000001 m. The metric system makes it easy to convert between units because it is based on powers of 10. 130) According to the shell model, how many shells are required to describe the periodic table? So we have radius up. How do their combined energies compare to the energy of the single frequency that would be emitted by de-excitation from the fourth level directly to the first level? Given the information that 92.58 percent of all lithium atoms found in nature are lithium-7 and 7.42 percent are lithium-6, calculate the atomic mass of lithium, Li (atomic number 3). Which color of light comes from a greater energy transition: red or blue? As the elevator moves downward at a constant velocity, what is the direc, Question 40/1 pt 012 2 99 0 DetailsTarzan swings on a 65.7 m long vi, PainterA man of mass Mm 95 kg decides to paint his house To do this;he b, Unpolarized light with intensity 380 W /m? Yes. Does it make sense to say that a textbook is about 99.9 percent empty space? A. It was the first quantum theory of the atomic structure, applying the principles of quantum mechanics to the hydrogen atom. A. Electromagnetic radiation behaves both as a wave or as a particle depending on the circumstance. How would you describe light generated by heating pure elements if it was observed through a prism or spectroscope? Elements that are in the same ________ have a tendency to have very similar chemical properties due to periodic trends. Answer: The combined energies of the two frequencies emitted by the one electrons is. D) They are of the same age, which is appreciably older than the solar system. D. The isotope with the mass of 67 is more abundant than the isotope with the mass of 65. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Smaller units, such as centimeters and millimeters, typically used to measure small objects that can fit within your hand, are still much larger than a nanometer. If the newcleus of an atom was the size of a tennis ball an electron would be how far away. Most of the space in an atom is taken up by the electron cloud which surrounds the nucleus. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus B) One electron can be boosted to many different energy levels. A) Their outermost occupied shells are filled to capacity, 29) You could swallow a capsule of germanium, Ge (atomic number 32), without significant ill effects. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen, O2, and exhale carbon dioxide, CO2, plus water vapor, H2O. The atomic mass of bromine is reported in the periodic table as 79.904 atomic mass units. If an atom were the size of this pond, the nucleus would be the size of a pencil eraser1/5-inch diameter (about 5 millimeters)floating in the middle of the pond. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 25) Should the periodic table be memorized? 128) A beam of protons and a beam of neutrons of the same energy are both harmful to living tissue. B) You would see a series of very sharp lines of emitted light. Just as strings on a guitar have different frequencies and octaves, atoms with different protons and electrons have different wave patterns The electron can only have certain energies, and this explains a tremendous amount of things. Suppose you compare an atom that has a diameter of 0.1 nm with a size AAA battery that has a diameter of 1 cm. The shell model presented in this book is not very accurate. 41) What does the following element description actually mean? Enter your email for an invite. If the average atomic mass of all the isotopes is 66.5 amu, what can be said about the relative abundance of the isotopes? 16) Which of the following elements is a halogen? a. the area of a rectangle with sides measuring $3 \times 10^{1} \mathrm{cm} \text { and } 3 \times 10^{-2} \mathrm{cm}$ b. the area of a rectangle with sides measuring $1 \times 10^{3} \mathrm{cm} \text { and } 5 \times 10^{-1} \mathrm{cm}$ c. the density of a substance having a mass of $9 \times 10^{5} g$ and a volume of $3 \times 10^{-1} \mathrm{cm}^{3}$ d. the density of a substance having a mass of $4 \times 10^{-3} \mathrm{g}$ and a volume of $2 \times 10^{-2} \mathrm{cm}^{3}$. D. a model that illustrates the tendency of an atom to undergo radioactive decay and the products it produces. 83) Which color of light comes from the higher energy transition, red or blue? 77) Which of the following statements describes an isotope? Which contributes more to an atom's size? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Which of the following is a property of light? A) physical; conceptual; physical; conceptual. This textbook answer is only visible when subscribed! Which of the following describes a nonmetal? Consider the various frequencies of the three photons emitted from the following three individual electron transitions in the figure below: n=3 to n=2; n=2 to n=1; n=3 to n=1. Most of the space in an atom is taken up by the electron cloud which surrounds the nucleus.. Explain what is going on from a molecular point of view. An atom absorbs or emits only particular frequencies of light. 37) Why are the atomic masses listed in the periodic table not whole numbers? C. very probable because of how incredibly small atoms are. If the abundance of the boron atom with a mass of 11 amu is 18.9 percent and the abundance of the other isotope is 81.1 percent, what would be the average mass of the boron atom? raisin. taken up by the electron cloud which surrounds the nucleus. What are 4 main causes of voter apathy What are 4 solutions? If an element has 10 protons and 11 neutrons and 10 electrons, which expression correctly identifies the element? If an atom were the size of a baseball stadium its nucleus would be about the size of what? Jenny Marder B) Neutrons carry no electric charge and thus have a greater likelihood of passing through the. The beam of neutrons, however, is less harmful. nucleus. 71) If a neutral element has the following chemical symbol, how many electrons does it have?235, 72) Oxygen, O, (number 8), sulfur, S, (number 16), and selenium, Se, (number 34) have such similar chemical properties because. 79) If a neutral element has the following chemical notation, how many electrons does it have? As a particle? B) The air we exhale has more mass; Breathing causes you to lose weight. White light bends into a glass prism and separates into a rainbow of colors. 99) Which of the following statements is true about Bohr s planetary model of the atom? What is the average 40 yard dash time for a 11 year old boy? B) The atomic masses are average atomic masses. A. equal to the energy of the single frequency. Evidence for the existence of neutrons did not come until many years after the discoveries of the electron and the proton. What makes up most of the volume of an atom? would be the size of a Baseball! 47) Does a shell have to contain electrons in order to exist? The repeating trends that take place when examining the elements are called ________. 43) How can a hydrogen atom, which has only one electron, have so many spectral lines? We are continually exchanging our atoms. C) Absorption of light shows particle behavior while bending of light shows wave behavior. Consider these atoms: (a) copper, Cu; (b) neon, Ne; (c) hydrogen, H. The isotope 14-nitrogen has a mass of 14.003 amu , and the isotope nitrogen-15 has a mass of 15.000 amu . 58) Would you use a physical model or a conceptual model to describe the following: a gold coin, dollar bill, car engine, air pollution, virus, spread of sexually transmitted disease? Give a possible explanation. Surrounding the nucleus is a cloud of electrons, which makes up most of the atoms volume. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 108) When we breathe we inhale oxygen, O2, and exhale carbon dioxide, CO2, plus water vapor, H2O. The neutron lacks an electrical charge. A. Transpires are both ingredients are equal. C. The electrons on the atoms repel other electrons on other atoms when they get close. The atomic radius of an Iron atom is about 30,000 times the size. What was Niels Bohr's explanation for the observation of atomic spectra? Major on DDE radius off nucleus off. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A textbook like all material things is made up of atoms, which are considered to be 99.9 percent empty space. A) helium is most similar to other group 18 elements. In other words, the nucleus is from to 10 000 to 50 000 times 46) Strontium, Sr (number 38), is especially dangerous to humans because it tends to accumulate in calcium-dependent bone marrow tissues (calcium, Ca, number 20). In atomic physics, the Rutherford-Bohr model or Bohr model or Bohr model of the atom was first proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913. If you remove two protons and two neutrons from a gold atom (Au), what new element is formed (if any)? Electrons could only move in discrete energy steps within an atom. So the power three a bomb New radius off the dome. The nucleus is 5 orders of magnitude smaller then the atom. In what sense can you truthfully say that you are a part of every person around you? So now this is new radius off you call this off, hydrogen atom. 107) The shell model presented in this book is not very accurate. C. elements that have some properties like metals and some like nonmetals. 109) If a baseball were scaled up to the size of planet Earth, each of its atoms would be about the size of. White light bends into a glass prism and separates into a rainbow of colors. Choose the most likely set of mass numbers for these two bromine isotopes. 26) Which of the following elements is in the fourth period? It is primarily concerned with the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and the processes by which these arrangements change. Two frequencies of light are emitted. See from here, buddy. A sheet of paper is about six orders of magnitude thicker than an atom. D) all of the above(It is a particle,It is a wave,Its energy comes in packets of uniform size.). B. Boron has primarily two isotopes, one with an atomic mass of 11 amu and another with an atomic mass of 10 amu. 63) The nucleus of an electrically neutral iron atom contains 26 protons. The model of the atom must be 5 10 4 times larger than this. Best ball time radius off Adam Upon release off Nicholas No, By blending different values here we have a star baseball equal to 3.65 times 10 to the power minus two meter radius up with a muse, 5.3 times tended a power minus 11 meter of on let yourself nucleus is 0.5 times attended a power minus 15 meter. a gas at room temperature. A) Protons contribute more to an atom's mass while electrons contribute more to its size. But the nucleus is tiny, so fantastically tiny, that if the full atom was the size of your thumbnail, the nucleus would be no bigger than one cuticle cell in that thumbnail, says Jim Kakalios, a physics professor at University of Minnesota and author of the book, The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics.. Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. D) A physical model represents shape and form while a conceptual model describes behavior. When converted to meters and expressed in scientific notation, you can easily compare the measurements. C. No, because there would be no molecules traveling to our nose. In B. look at the street lamps through a spectroscope and match their spectral patterns to their respective atomic spectra. This is she find 65 times 10 to the power minus two meter. The thickness of a sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers or 105 nm. In some instances electromagnetic radiation behaves like a wave. A. See meter African right. ( the history of the element,the name of the element,the number of electrons in an atom of an element.). Why are the atomic masses listed in the periodic table not whole numbers? Which of the following is said to be quantized? If an atom were the size of a baseball its nucleus would be about the size of a (n) Answer No one rated this answer yet why not be the first? B) The neutron lacks an electrical charge. Which of the following elements are in the same group as silicon (Si)? A. 100) Which of the following might best explain the reason why electrons are restricted to certain energy levels in an atom? Which of the following is not the name of a chemical family? Big Picture (students dont have to state): Eukaryotic cells can hold an enormous number of. Scientific notations help you to express these measurements and assign a value to the differences. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Nobody comparing. She worked as a researcher and analyst in the biotech industry and a science editor for an educational publishing company prior to her career as a freelance writer and editor. D. When an electron wave is confined, it is reinforced only at particular frequencies. (b) How does the pressure vary with $h$, the vertical To make things a little weirder, the electron cloud isnt an actual cloud, in which electrons can be nailed down to a physical point in space. You can determine the order of magnitude using scientific notation to express these measurements and quantify the differences. Considering how small atoms are, what are the chances that at least one of the atoms exhaled in your first breath will be in your last breath? Describe the body parts involved in the treatment, using correct directional and regional terms. If the energy spacing between the levels were equal, would this affect the number of spectral lines? 6) The following statement describes which subatomic particle best?It is electrically charged. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. cubes fit along each edge of the cell cube (40 m = 4 x 10, C atoms along each edge of a cube, there are (10, The second way takes the volume of the cell cube and divides it by the volume of either a cube 4A, Dividing by the volume of a cubical atom gives the same answer as, The volume of a spherical atom is 4/3*pi*2A, almost twice as large, but that in reality it would be impossible to pack C atoms together to take, A third way, more realistic, but the math is harder (and not described here) would take advantage. D. It is the outermost shell of electrons in an atom. No, In the second gives, we want to in los the size of nucleus equal to the size off baseball. 17) Helium(He) is a nonmetallic gas and the second element in the periodic table. 38) Which of the following is most easily understood to be quantized? izontal, where tan $\theta=a$/$\mathrm{g}$, a being the horizontal accelera- 3 How does the size of the nucleus compared to the size of the atom? 2 What is located outside the nucleus in the electron cloud? It introduced the Bohr radius and the concept of quantum levels to explain the discrete nature of the spectrum of the hydrogen atom. D. helium is most similar to other group 18 elements. The isotope lithium-7 has a mass of 7.0160 atomic mass units, and the isotope lithium-6 has a mass of 6.0151 atomic mass units. here we are given the radio self hard in a town equal to 5.3 times 10 to the power minus 11 meter. Which of the following could NOT be represented by a conceptual model? 53) Which chemical family is composed almost entirely of man-made elements? passes first through polarizing f, The turd IS launched ata speed of 51 ms at an angle 0f 60 degrees above the , 10.0 cmF =?2710.0 N40.0 cmThe blue bar shown above connected, A given thick spherical shell has a volume charge distribution of p = A/r, w, One of the moons of Jupiter; named Io_ has an orbital radius of 4.22 X 108 m, For lead 82Pb208 (atomic mass 207.976630u) obtain (a) the mass defect in ato. Assuming that all transitions between levels are possible, how many spectral lines will this atom exhibit? In the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons. Bruce Edward Bursten, Catherine J. Murphy, H. Eugene Lemay, Matthew E. Stoltzfus, Patrick Woodward, Theodore E. Brown, Calculate the areas and densities. What does the following element description actually mean? if an atom were the size of a baseballcindy jessup now Non ci sono articoli nel carrello. A. CO2. Is the nucleus of an atom the size of a baseball? In the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons. size of a stadium of 100-500 m. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Which likely has more mass: the air we inhale or the same volume of air we exhale? If an atom were the size of a baseball, its nucleus would be about the size of a. einsteindude. And there would be a large volume all around it thats mostly empty space If I were to model a nucleus, especially something with 20 or more protons and neutrons, I would get magnetic beads, and I would probably shape them into a sphere.. Choose the most likely set of mass numbers for these two bromine isotopes. 49) What does the following element description actually mean?238, D) a uranium atom with 92 protons and 146 neutrons. It does not store any personal data. C. A broad spectrum of all colors would be observed. Unendingly hell Neuter this off, Adam. 88) In what sense can you truthfully say that you are a part of every person around you? Referring to Problem $1,$ suppose the nucleus of the hydrogen atom were enlarged to the size of a baseball (diameter $=7.3 \mathrm{cm} ) .$ At what typical distance from the center of the baseball would you expect to find the electron? The Bohr model of the atom had a significant influence on the development of quantum mechanics, and was instrumental in the development and validation of quantum mechanics. heisenberg148369 table tennis ball Find Physics textbook solutions? Helium, He, is a nonmetallic gas and the second element in the periodic table. Here we are, given the diameter of baseball die. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So we have one in one nucleus upon William. 13) What is the main tenet of Plank's quantum hypothesis? For the hydrogen atom, if the nucleus were the size of the sun, the actual atom size (Bohr Radius) would extend about 6 times farther than the distance to Pluto. The exponent makes large numbers with a lengthy series of zeros or small numbers with many decimal places much more manageable. You didn't specify which atom since there are many sizes of atoms, so I am going to take carbon atoms as default. 135) The oldest known elements in the periodic table are the ones with, 136) The most massive subatomic particle is the, Bruce Edward Bursten, Catherine J. Murphy, H. Eugene Lemay, Matthew E. Stoltzfus, Patrick Woodward, Theodore E. Brown, Find $y^{\prime}$ and $y^{\prime \prime}.$ $y=e^{\alpha x} \sin \beta x$. The Bohr model of the atom was the first to explain the discrete spectrum of hydrogen and how the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom were split into multiple spectral lines in a phenomenon called the fine structure. Bear some simple maths here. 64) Which of the following physical properties would you expect for krypton (Kr)? Their outermost occupied shells are filled to capacity. If two protons and two neutrons are removed from the nucleus of an oxygen atom, a nucleus of which element remains? with nonbonded C atoms at the optimal distance apart, about, Assume the optimal van der Waals distance is 4A (nucleus to nucleus) for C atoms interacting with, The eukaryotic cell could be a spherical oocyte, but to make the math easier, consider the cell as a cube with a length. 129) Which of the following is a property of light? So we have radius our baseball equal to seven pointy centimeter upon to which is equal to 3.6 centimeter are we can ride. How big would the nucleus be of the atom was the size of an Olympic swimming pool? A. 22) The following statement describes which subatomic particle best?It has a relatively large mass. Embrace security in tow. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus Which of these properties describes a metal? The Rutherford-Bohr model of the atom was based on Max Planck's quantum theory of radiation, which explained the spectrum of blackbody radiation, and Albert Einstein's theory of the photoelectric effect, which explained the origin of the spectrum of line emission from atoms. How can a hydrogen atom, which has only one electron, have so many spectral lines? 133) The following statement describes which subatomic particle best? (A shell is just a conceptual model; hence; it doesn t really exist with or without the electron,A shell is just a region of space which may or may not contain electrons,A shell is a form of energy that requires electrons in order to exist.). Choose the most likely set of mass numbers . 59) What property of an electron makes it possible to use electron microscopes? Appendix $E$ describes a useful study aid known as concept mapping. 1 See answer Advertisement lamiaa16 Your answer would be Flea A) Blue is a higher frequency and therefore corresponds to a higher energy level transition. Which of the following elements is an alkali metal? Germanium, Ge (atomic number 32), computer chips operate faster than silicon, Si (atomic number 14), computer chips. Explain, What volume, in liters, of 4.0 M LiBr solution can be made using 100.0 g LiBr?, What is the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 2.25 mol KOH in enough water to make 8.0 L of solution?. In other instances electromagnetic radiation behaves more like a particle. If the atom were the size of a baseball stadium, the nucleus would be smaller than the baseball. B) All components interact with each other. Although it is very small, the nucleus is massive compared to the rest of the atom. 56) Which of the following is not the name of a chemical family? 76) If two protons and two neutrons are removed from the nucleus of an oxygen atom, a nucleus of which element remains? See all Class 12 Class 11 Class 10 Class 9 Class 8 Class 7 Class 6 500 Selected Problems In Physics for JEE Main & Advanced So we have read yourself nucleus. 24) What was Niels Bohr's explanation for the observation of atomic spectra? Which of the following best explains what is happening when an atom emits light? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. C. Absorption of light shows particle behavior while bending of light shows wave behavior. 90) How is it possible to deduce the identity of an element from its electron configuration? What do the components of a conceptual model have in common? Does a shell have to contain electrons in order to exist? 52) Which of the following elements will most likely be shiny and malleable? D) Yes. C, B, A. A) elements that have some properties like metals and some like nonmetals. Has 10 protons and a beam of neutrons did not come until many years after the discoveries the. Breathe, we inhale or the same age, which has only one electron, have so many lines... Makes up most of the two frequencies emitted by the electron cloud which surrounds the of. Its nucleus would be about the relative abundance of the spectrum of the isotopes is 66.5 amu, can! Lamps through a spectroscope and match their spectral patterns to their respective atomic spectra radiation! Boron has primarily two isotopes, one with an atomic mass units, and exhale carbon,... Only four distinct energy levels when examining the elements are in the fourth period explains what the... One electrons is sheet of paper is about 30,000 times the size of photon. 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