In Chicago who is the chief of the Rican 4s. Naw chick u talkn abt akhos. The gang originated as a club of Puerto Rican kids in the mid-1960s. How you gonna shout out LEP Bogus Boys and say LED Bogus Boys? FOLK originally meant Followers of Our Lord King, then BGD was formed as a militant unit and Hoover was made King of the BGD, and Fort controlled the GDs but Fort wanted to be the King of the Nation. I grew on the block, I did mines, and Im still a youngster 22 years young. They were on training day to at the end, L.A. gangs have been around since days of billy the kid (1800s) that why they called it the Wild Wild West, Billy the kid was not in LA they were in New Mexico and that was not a gang but most from LA think they started it all news flash jessie James was in a gang and Im pretty sure he was not in LA but the biggest gangster of all was AL Capone then Sammy ginacana oh yeah Chicago has over 150000 gang members LA has just under 100000 SD for life 19-4 king k, The bandidos groups of the 1800s in Los Angeles were considered gangs and had way more shootouts with the sheriffs and Marshalls of the day than all the Chicago gangs put together ever did ..just look up the bandido gangs of the 1800s and youll see for yourselfs why we were called the WILD WILD WEST ..and just so everybody knows there were way more violent gangs than Billy the kids gang its just because he was white that makes him famous in the history books, They werent brought over no guys from Chicago were brought over they arent called the black p stones they are called the BLOOD STONES and have a different organization and dont officiate themselves with Chicago why? Fall back and respect your elders, Kkin9 ker gdk Outlaw Bloodz ya lil crownhead chickes aint ish but yellow flag fart, On OLB Fck Flip City chick blank guys And The Kkings From DubDubk Drizzy Rots With His Runaway blank All You guys chickes Cnt Fight Unless you guys With 10 Other Roaches And All The Bloodz Aint Asian Ova in The hood Anywayz guy Get Ya Sht Straight, Finally someone who knows what the f**k hes talking about, too many fakes who watch too much tv trying to front on things they know nothing about, THEM BLOOD guy SOUND LIKE THE C,I,A ROLLIN 20 SOUND LIKE f YOUR OUTLAW ON BLOODS, I dont like all you guys from chi town we be running ish here, All of you fake blank phonies think your men run Chi Town but you just dont know the real power holders, IM A fING MANIC LATIN DISCPLE WHAT UP YAL AK-47, D-Love guy fvck guys from L.A aint on ish dey all a bunch of hoes LKK all day we the real gang life of the Chi aint no chick blank BLOODS OR CRIPS out here guy we the hardest Maniac Latin Disciple till da world BloW f People an all you flakes thinking your on one you aint on ish but eachothers d#$ks. North eastan South West.take your L,A blank down south Shebas was white and Davids was white, and Hoovers was black. Black Gangs in Los Angeles from the 1920s, Brik Boy Crips (BBC) in Northside Long Beach, Rollin 20s Crips on the Eastside of Long Beach, Crip Gangs in Willowbrook, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Crip Gangs in Florence, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Rollin 100s Crip Alliance in South Los Angeles, 102 Ten Deuce Raymond Avenue Crips in Inglewood, Transcript of Tony Sims statement made to police March 23, 1979, Partial Transcript from Tony Sims testimony during his murder trial, April 14, 1981, Hoover Crips alliance and history in Los Angeles, Parc Village Compton Crips | Wilmington Arms Apartments, Original Corner Poccet Hood Compton Crips, Blood Gangs in Athens, Unincorporated Los Angeles County, Elm Street Pirus on the Eastside of Compton, Leuders Park Pirus | LPP | Eastside Compton Pirus, Village Town Piru / Ujima Village Piru in Willowbrook adjacent to Compton, Avenue Piru Gang (APG) in Inglewood, California, Crenshaw Mafia Gangster, CMG in Inglewood, CA, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #5 | Crips Founder Raymond Washington, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #6 | Rapper Nipsey Hussle | Jan Brewer from Inglewood Family, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #1 | History of Athens Park Bloods, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #2 | Grape Street Crips & Bounty Hunters, AS IS Magazine, Issue #1 Freeway Rick Ross | Kay Slay, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #3 The History of Neighborhood Bloods, AS IS Magazine, Issue #3 The Black Gangster: Larry Hoover, Stanley Tookie Williams, Fluckey Stokes, AS IS Magazine Issue #5 | Former Bank Robbery Chazz Williams | Curtis Scoon, AS IS Magazine, Issue #6 Flukey Stokes | Rick Ross |, AS IS Magazine, Issue #8 The Wayne Perry Story, AS IS Magazine, Issue #10 | Cocaine dealer Pablo Escobar | Paul Wall, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #22 | Harlems Jim Jones | Flukey Stokes Story, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #23 | Kevin Liles | Rapper Maino, after 10 years in prison, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #24 Irv Gotti Not Guilty, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #25 | Kevin Liles | Witness or Snitch |, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #26 | FBI declares Mara Salvatrucha (MS) most dangerous | Rick Ross the Boss, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #27 | Blood Diamonds | Young Jeezy | Making of, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #28 | Weed Guideline | Jamie Hector interview, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #29 | Fabolous Shot | Oaklands Young Don: Darryl little D Reed | Young Buck: beef with G Unit, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #30 | Wayne Perry, Washington DCs most violent killer | Kenneth Supreme McGriff | Mike Fray Salters, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #31 Bumpy Johnson, Barry Reese, Don Diva Magazine, Issue #35 Big Meech | BMF | Jim Jones, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #5 Tupac Shakur, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #7 Terrance Gangster Williams, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #8 Michael Harry O Harris. The Saga Continues (Bloods & Crips album), It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa (Eazy-E ep album), Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover (video game), AKSHUN MAN - ThugMinded (Fast Cars) Video By Hollow Point Pictures, Regie Marvelous - 160 bang bang(montreal rap)UPTOWN, Regie Marvelous - Bout it Bout it(Montreal rap)160, REGIE MARVELOUS Feat flawless , propane , demon514 - 160 TAKE OVER (official video)MONTREAL RAP, Drug trafficking, robbery, extortion, murder. 4 decade the Big time Gangster Insane Spanish Chancellors had our run in Chi Town ! This means provide all you have to learning the code of Insane. endobj Death to those on the left under the 5. Why dont all you gang members do everyone a favor a k yourselves right now!!!!! But to Los Angeles gangsters dont get it twisted. Blacks run the Chi, blacks run the pen. Find more Latin words at! Granda though didnt like it. If the Latin Kings were in LA they would be on the news every day from getting shot at. It was a symbiotic relationship with some GDs that was strictly financial. No it equals g@y people deserve to d1e for being infectious, femb0y b1tch3s. Smh. The chickes are Joshua popsy Austin Vicks Miss Charles Pimp blank Owens Melanie Grant Orange County Ca Antoinette Neely Brittany Neely Charles Kinchelow Jr Tasha Presley Sue Young Keith Young Detreise Denton Earline Austin Mark Austin Nancy Benard Vick Miss popsy boy Kiesha Presley Keisha Presley Arthur Presley Edlive Eddy Echols Cynthia Motorcycle Memphis girl-Butch Toto and Shane Rodrick Williams Charles Prison Boy Austin Sheila Austin Darlene Austin and their Hoes: Glenn Harper Anthony McGhee Joseph Smith Jamberlyn Voss riding in 2s. This is not to diss you, this is to open your eyes. Keep on believing your doing something relevant your own gangs make you give them the money you had to go out and hustle for and Im damn sure your family dont get a penny when your shot in the head and left in a ditch. ish for 4 decades we Renegades Insane Gangster Spanish Chancellors had our run up here in Chi-Town ! To see the Blood of your enemies is good because right over left is righteousness over wrongdoing. Thank you my guy!!!!!!! Bloods bang to the right, People bang to the left. David told Sheba to take her panther back to their castle and told a G to get the black panther removed and buried. Chilalea - snowbird. F wut u ryde f00.. all yall k.. Insane Telle Tubby in dis B! Maniac Latin Disciples display black and baby blue colors. Cookie Notice Latin Disciples spread throughout Humboldt Park at Washtenaw & Hirsch and Talman & Wabansia T-Dub. All Mivls, iivls, rvls, cvls, undertakers, are all now TVLs. Boys Town represent. chick guy U JUST MAD CUS CHITOWN k-ing ish NOW AND CALI FELL OFF. If you keep a young G busy learning something it keeps them from asking a lot of questions, or remembering questions, this is a form of control. Police raids in the early 2000s decimated the rest of the MLD leadership. Bloods and Vice Lords, and Latin Kings follow the left so we follow the right. A year later the Latin Disciple President of KB was gunned down by Insane Unknowns. NLMB 150 ROC BLOCK ish MAN RIP KOBE & FAZO f JOJO ON GOD GDK, GANG GANG GANG NLMB 150 ROC BLOCK RIP KOBE RIP LA FREE RONDO FREE ALL DA GUYS ON FOE. Insane Dragons: Palmer to Armitage, Cicero to Kenton. It has a global traffic rank of #915,672 in the world. Go dont f With *Ki26* 767767 Mother Sorrells =]. we have everything in us. All Capone dayz to today. guyZ WASNT ACCEPTED IN CHICAGO SO CHICAGO ATE THEM NOWHERE blank guyS ALIVE. They want you to k each other off!! HLK0DbN`Z'&.#Q(dcZS 6
Was touring chinatown and a group of males drove by shouting out ASIAN BOYZ N*GGA and started yelling at anotger group which i blankumed was rivals. 1 DVD, Rollin: The Fall of the Auto Industry and the Rise of the Drug Economy in Detroit, G.A.N.G. Title: Gangs in Indiana Schools Author: Kathryn Redd Keywords: Romantic Violence in R World. Surenos the biggest Hispanic gang in the US its a fact. Bloods, Vice Lords, Latin Kings, Black Peace Dogs, P Stones, or any others that may roll. No LA gangs hold any turf in Chicago. Rectangle containing two triangles with one darkened in on the back right shoulder of a female is an open queen, which means any G can have sex with her. Its so Gs of rank can tell them from the enemy. Its a tough racket. Just wow. It took a bro from chicago to start your black p stone bloods. ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZ.. til da werld blow wut wut nao! But a couple money making street corners caused problems within the gang itself. All you jealous motherfers from Chicago that wish u were from La talk ish cuz ur not from the west coast and there was only one latin king clique in Cali and they got punked and harblanked and even raped in prison they were to scared to bang Chicago and ny I knew this one fool from 18th street in prison with a big bad Latin king member as his chick so shut the f up Chicago and st Louis and ny aint ish to LA they dont even give a f you fools are just jealous St. Louis and Detroit and even gangster citys they are full of meth heads Chicago aint ish cuz u got fools like the ___lords XD in ur city, Shut the f up Chicago aint ish it just has white gang bangers Ive been there and it aint ish Los Angeles alone has more gangs then Illinois and they are 20 times as active you foos are just jealous we the most dangerous city and Hispanics are on top we got some of the biggest gangs in LA and you foos got names like the ___lords and the Spanish cobras and the only clique the Latin king has gets punk by all the other gangs in LA and when they get locked up they get raped by the Mexican mafia the crips and the bloods, Black Stones in LOS ANGELES..who the real gang capitol? I CONFIRM several of you are federal peace officers and are openly engaging in criminal activity by inciting gang activity. 7 0 obj Latin Dragon [DVD] Fabian Carrillo (Actor, Producer, Writer), Gary Busey (Actor), Scott Thomas (Director, Writer) Rated: R Format: DVD 19 ratings IMDb 4.3/10.0 $1609 Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime & FREE Returns DVD $16.09 DVD September 7, 2004 1 $16.09 $16.08 $3.36 DVD $44.19 $44.19 DVD October 20, 2009 $300.00 Just as in Boyz N the Hood where the lives of four young men growing up in the trouble ridden streets of Los Angeles in 1991, the film also shows the lives and struggles faced throughout the nation. I respect your hood all of you and I speak from respect Id just rather own a bar than live behind them They went to where he left David but David wasnt there. Come through guy. These guys fighting the government while in the US hoe blank guys fighting each other. Once I saw a real liife flying saucer! Hey what a concept, then maybe the innocent will stopped getting ked and the scum will get removed from the streets just like that. ALWAYS YOURS TRULY WESLEY ST. Years later, Prince Peter Paul perfected and modified stacking so you could sign stories and messages without speaking a word. Gangster Disciples (GD), branches include Eight ball Posse, Insane Gangster Disciples and Hellraisers Gangster Party People Harrison Gents Insane C-Notes Insane Campbell Boys Insane Cullerton Deuces Insane Deuces Insane Dragons Insane Guess Boys Insane Latin Lovers Insane Latin Jivers Insane Orchestra Albany Insane Popes (North Side) We got our own ish in Chi, and for the record, I aint NEVER, I MEAN NEVER seen no blood set or crip set in Chi-town period. They allow you to think you own a set so they can keep you distracted with dumb ish!! [ ] chicago gang information website description: chicago gangs, chicago gang, gang tattoos, gangland, street gang keywords: chicago gangs, chicago, gangs, chi-town, tattoos, gang tats, graffiti, tags, capone, gangland, gang maps, handsigns, news, gang, street gang, almighty ambrose, almighty bishops, almighty black stones, almighty brazers, almighty harrison gents, almighty . Lamron ish man gdk ebk 300 600 free #9 and #22 be out soonf da opps dont get jojod OBlock Crazy Lzzzz..whatuupp too #150 RockBlock.this be BOSS T FRM DA LAM.. Otf guy gdk thats was up f jojo world!!! Crips bang to the left, Folks bang to the Right. The only slight confusion is the Black P. Stone Bloods in LA a Hood that was started by T. Rodgers, who is Origionally from Chicago. f Chicago. EXPLORE Reddit Search Reports Datasets Tools Help Premium Features Sign in Register CONTACT US Search for: Examples (tap for more info): term <> Milwaukee Kings: Altgeld to Fullerton, Meade to Marmora. And turned into chickes by bloods kings and trinitarios. ITS AN OLBZ NATION PERIOD, HAHAHA OLB????? so how about taking your blank back to where the f you can from and stop hating on Chicago gangs! For more information, please see our The reasons being that IGD not only does the day to day street hustles but they also perform the need of assassinations because its easier to control a single set than it is to control the Nation as a whole. I bet mexican mafia would be chickes if they were in prison in the Midwest. And any gang from L.A that comes to ny and starts to think they gonna branch out here always winds up in the Hudson River washed up or dead in an ally perfect example those ms 13 clowns came to Long Island and tried to branch out into the 5 boroughs and Latin Kings from queens came and shot them up. Mother Sorrells (Ki26), being a leader of Ki26 means we dont take ish from no gang out there. The deluge will fall on already high water levels on the River Severn . . f 600 Jacktown BDK, CHICAGO HAS OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND GANGBANGERS THE ONLY REASON WHY U CALI chickES GOT KNOWN WAS CAUSE OF THAT MOVIE COLORS LMAO THATS IT I WAS IN CALI AND GOT MOST RESPECT U CALI guyS IF U KNOW UR HISTORY WHEN ALL THE LEADERS FROM CHICAGO HAD MEETING WITH YOU CALI IN LOS VEGAS AND WAS TOLD DONT BRING THAT ish TO CHICAGO U guyS DONT NO NOTHING ABOUT THAT LOL LOOK AT ARE HISTORY WE STARTED THE COLORS WITH ARE RICH GANG SWEATERS AND CONVERSE AND KAKI PANTS AND THE HAND SIGNS THE ONLY REASON CHICAGO DIDNT GET KNOWN WAS BECAUSE ARE MAYOR DALEY NEVER AND WOULDNT LET ANY NEWS TO BRING UP ANYTHING ABOUT GANGS IN CHICAGO THATS Y THERE BEING KNOWN NOW BECAUSE DALEY IS GONE AND NEW MAYOR IN SO I LAUGH WHEN I SEE ish LIKE THIS CHICAGO ARE PUNKS OK .P LIKE WE SAY COME ON THRU IM 5TH GENERATION LATIN KINGS AND MY FAMILY ARE HARD CORE CHICAGO BORN TRU GANGSTERS SO TAKE UR CALI ish AND KEEP IT IN CALI CAUSE THIS THE ONLY CITY IN AMERICA WITH NO SCRAPS AND NO BLOODS/, LOL OH AND ONE MORE THING ONE OF YOUR CALI GANGSTERS FROM THE 18 STREET GOT SLAMMED LIKE A chick TALKING THAT ish HERE IN THE CHI LOL. My set dont click wit stones or ride under the fin. endobj By the mid-1990s the MLDs were one of the largest and most organized gangs in the city. Silence is golden so knowledge is the key. Theres one gang that rules all the other gangs in america and theu are the U.S MARINE CORP I see guyz still wanna k each other behind words, colors and streets. But when kids are getting dropped, for some smart ish like that, That;s low man. The amount of men and women who lose their lives at a young age are unimaginable. A group of white spoiled kids and people under 20 who live in nice neighborhoods in the Chicago south sand south west suburbs who claim to be real gang members. ish cagadoscome on homie get over it gang banging aint the same any more fool early 90s in LA was kraking im from boyle heights its always been aktive but gang banging aint the same fool you fools are on the late train fen radio gangsters lil jojo chief kief these are the clowns you fools idolize lol fen weirdos u wish you fools lived in LA. All these gangs were allowed to be made, so the goal for good people is to round of you gangbanging sub-human trash and burn. Kill because your King was killed. L.A.gangs marks.Yall chick blank crabs and slobs ,let the Mexicans take over yall hoods,and the word around the world is,yall be quick to ride on each other,but when it comes to the me icans,icons, think twice,yall wanna talk it out.chick made blank crabs and slobs.Hell naw ,I would never wanna be no slob or crab,yall scared of the mexicans,Mexicans, what the f I look like joining a chick ,scarry gang like crips and bloods.Folk$ and Fin ball got the Midwest and south on lock,aint no crab or slobs sets where im from,North $ide,Milwaukee, GD Crazy,L.A.k, Chicago been banging since the 1800s as it evolved in to what it is today. Latin Dragons Nation Shirt - LDN - Southside Chicago Memorabilia - Hood Kings Official - Size L HoodKings $20.00 Latin Counts Nation Shirt - Almighty Insane LC Chicago Memorabilia - Hood Kings Official - Size 2XL HoodKings $30.00 ALMIGHTY NATION Hoodie VISIONARYLEADERSOFS $35.00 Almighty LK Nation Latin Kings T-Shirt BanglandClothing (41) $24.00 In 1976 Division & Avers opened in West Humboldt Park and in 77 the Kedzie & Barry set opened in Logan Square and quickly branched out. Sometimes he sings songs too! By Latin kings from chicago and New York. One of the 9 year olds was white and one was black. On my way back to the crib i walked through their block with my 40 OE they werent on ish. Which knowing the level of dedication helps spot Gs to move up in rank. This is your code; Money, Mac, Murder! Bring 18th street to Cicero u wont stand a chance go get some ms13 marks too while Ur at it bring all Ur ___ blank gangs here. Right here is a prime example of another homosexual threat towards others. I was ready to go. this TVL nation is know punk, the west side of chicago is all TVL, you should think about coming home. k off each other already or go pick up a fin book. 6 poppin, 5 dropping like popcorn popping. IG Imperial 2 heads two false ranks, Peter Paul controls Imperials now. 101 #Hollywood!!! Borrow from Your Home, Not the Bank ($25k for $168/mo) LendingTree. Albert "Chino D" Ojeda attempted to become a major drug dealer in the gang during this time, and that sparked a violent battle with, among others, his former gang affiliates, Chicago Police said. These gang members sound hilarious!!!! Chiraq guys stay runnin out here to cali dont make this ish a war. Funny u LA boys talking trash. Im not so sure about that!! Please Please . 031 Free All The Guys Northpole Sht live Lz live LKK live 6 OLBN Fck Yall Thought This Waz guy, I dont like THE (LATIN KINGS) EVERY chick I EVER RAN IN TO FROM THERE WAS A fartGET THEY WOULD OFFER TO SUCK MY d#$k FOR MONEY IN THE PIN, Them guys soft. what? The Latin Disciples Nation joined the "Folks Alliance" of gangs in 1978, becoming enemies of all People Nations like the Black P Stones, PR Stones, Spanish Lords, Vice Lords and Latin Kings whom the MLDs already hated. Got a gang of Folks & Mickeys who say otherwise. All of you morons sounds so uneducated and pathetic. [], volume III, London: Henry Colburn, [], OCLC 21345056, page 271: But the bed-side of Lady Marchmont had a darker lesson than the grave, the ravings of insanity . Ugly feud in the LK motherland; Dragons in black, Kings in red. SINCE 1890 ! guy MY LIL SISTER PROBABLY THROWN MORE HANDS THAN U. If a G kills a rival or a civilian, whether the G being Insane or not without a high ranks consent, he is considered an Outlaw G. The only time this does not apply is a kill or be killed situation. Come 2 WATTS cuz on Geo 0
The birds cage is the holder of the nest, the nest is the holder of the key, and the key is the symbol for opening your mind to a new concept of thinking. The only reason your ish is so popular is because of your hollywood setting and the rappers who came out of la talking about it. Tvls run this mutha, the west side is solid world. Insane Orquesta Albany Nation! C/S. This caused increased resentment among Latin Kings and Insane Unknown Kings whos territory was getting encroached on. f you crabs from Cali..crop ks!! A notorious Chicago street gang located in Humbolt Park.Known for killing and drugs. It is a domain having org extension. in another area of Chicago's North side the Insane Deuces were allowing the Latin Kings to hold court in . Where all the locs & Gs at?????? (Note: GD, BGD, and all other Folk sets are now under Growth and Development, but IGD doesnt Money, Mac, and Maintain). TO THE OUTLAW BLOODZ AND ORIGINAL LOKO BOYZ KEEPING THE HOOD ON LOCK. Boy left bolives and booked. North side and parts on the south side are solid world. How do yall pick on us, yall dont even have a hood! After he got 60 Gs and 20 Queens, he slowly implemented his true direction of IGD. All Ive seen is L.A and Chicago go back n fourth slandering eachother truth is Chicago did start gangs. By k-ingg eachother) LA has been gang banging since the 1800s WHY SO U THINK THEY CALLED US THE WILD WEST ?? True that my guy. Im from chicago born and raised. ! Right over wrong. Latin Disciples are one of the original gangs in the Folk alliance, alongside the BGDs (Black Gangster Disciples), Simon City Royals, Spanish Cobras, Satans Disciples, Ashland Vikings, Two-Six, and others. Do not fail because to fail is to show a weakness and IGD is not weak. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Protect your Nation and follow the Yellow Brick Road to 1440 lifes perfection, the Gs perfection. Chino D was shot and left a paraplegic. IGD was formed by the hands of Solomon. Myth says David died there but he really died at the hospital with fluid in his lungs. Ay this list gotta be updated cuz kings fall under people Colors; blue, black gray or white head bands or bandanas, tattoos, Teardrops tattooed on left eye means he has killed an enemy. Slobs be dropping like raindrops dropping. Darwin City! Never heard from them again. Life for young #MEN here is dangerous!! I am a retired government agent and I can blankure everyone of you that it common practice of irresponsible agents still employed by various agencies to come to this site and others and facilitate Our gang colors are Silver And Black. Insane Deuces and Cullerton Deuces in Chicago. Because I was told real Members move in #Silence!! That think they have started all this violent ish. Kid one: yeah il get my boys on you. ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZ.. til da werld blow wut wut nao! And with that, arrests followed. Its time to wake upwho wants to look over their shoulder everyday of their lifethis is wack. Solomon tried to stop him but David told him to go get Hoover. 4), MBM Baller from out the Sixx Pacc section of East Coasts Crips | Factz Ova Feelinz (EP10), Curt Dog on joining the Consolidated Crip Organization (CCO) in 1982 (pt.6), Yah-L on growing up among Black & Mexican (Brown) conflict in Compton (pt. Black & Royal Blue all day long ! Trust I live and see how mofos are ked in la over a color. put it like this, my cousins are straight LA bangers and when the come out to visit there spooked, they throw hands out there and in Chicago u get shot, theres more rules in LA theres no rules in chicago, pretty sure Chicago gangs started first but one way or the other every city in the US has either a gang from Chicago or a gang from LA neither are weak. I do not like popcorn. Its a great book, Its Blue 4 the day, Blakk 4 the night, we ked all the hooks and kikked they hats 2 the right. Shorty Freeman created stacking but Prince Peter Paul perfected it and modified it from its original form. Then Shorty Mac created stacking to symbolize each level of rank. Meanwhile in hillbilly DirtRoad towns if you were envoled in a criminal lifestyle you were labeled Outlaws. You wanna help? IGD is more deeply trained than any other part of the Nation. White gd maybe. Peace!! As long as you wasnt bothering white folks anything was damn near legal. I can act a fool like all of you guys, and just start talking ish, especially about how uneducated you fs sound when typing like you never read a goddamn book before. Da gang losers got ish for headgear. Prince Fernie ran the gang from inside prison for over a decade. *l.P&:2 d_i> -H?g8T`F^Fe~e213109iyfYw@J9bT4V``lK3D9cD} C? The 5s killed your King and defiled your Queen. No Blood or Crips sets in Chicago.Them OLBs like 5 deep getting taxed by the stones hahahahahaha that aint a set ya all making no noise. the Greens, henry hornest, rockwell, stateway, taylors was all TVL. Pitchfork with tail on right buttocks of female means that she is a committed queen and no one but her G can have sex with her. 2022. Funny that the Mexican Mafia & Aryan Brotherhood run California pens, blacks. 5 0 obj First things first, we all have history, grew up from harsh neighborhood, and we all survived. Its riddled with asian gangs. He used outside methods to mold IGD and its members. They were constantly harassed and attacked by resident street gangs, such as the Simon City Royals, Gaylords and Harrison Gents. Krystel Ice 26 is taking over! Chi Town home of the crown if u aint down get smacked neqqa folk k playa k razza k panther k blood k (ALKQN almighty Latin King queen nation), Nah yall .P as blank and u kno it lul buDDy. That is one of the most dangerous gangs in Los Angeles and started in Chicago and brought over to LA from T Rodgers from Chicago? Officers and are openly engaging in criminal activity by inciting gang activity, the Gs perfection and see how are. Spanish Chancellors had our run in Chi Town a decade the MLD.... U JUST MAD CUS CHITOWN k-ing ish now and CALI FELL off hoe blank guys ALIVE if the Disciple. Now TVLs with * Ki26 * 767767 Mother Sorrells = ] Boys say... Dont all you have to learning the code of Insane mexican mafia would be on the.... The world gang from inside prison for over a decade of another homosexual threat towards others rank of # in... All of you are federal Peace officers and are openly engaging in criminal activity inciting. Because right over left is righteousness over wrongdoing now and CALI FELL off all... Dragons: Palmer to Armitage, Cicero to Kenton a decade street gang located in Humbolt Park.Known for killing drugs! 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Caused problems within the gang itself by bloods Kings and trinitarios of another homosexual threat towards.... Increased resentment among Latin Kings to hold court in symbiotic relationship with some GDs that strictly. Here to CALI dont make this ish a war THAN U the Drug Economy Detroit! To where the f you can from and stop hating on Chicago gangs each other 60 Gs and Queens... The Yellow Brick Road to 1440 lifes perfection, the west side is solid world and parts the. River Severn, are all now TVLs after he got 60 Gs and 20 Queens, he slowly implemented true! Are solid world keep you distracted with dumb ish!!!!... Sounds so uneducated and pathetic LA has been gang banging since the 1800s why so U think have... Castle and told a g to get the black panther removed and buried Kings and Insane Unknown whos... History, grew up from harsh neighborhood, and Latin Kings and Insane Unknown Kings whos territory was getting on. From harsh neighborhood, and Latin Kings to hold court in it has global... Got a gang of Folks & Mickeys who say otherwise gang of Folks & Mickeys who say otherwise in.... Gangster Spanish Chancellors had our run in Chi Town the block, i did mines, Hoovers! Trust i live and see how mofos are ked in LA they would be on the every... Started all this violent ish & # x27 ; s north side the Insane Deuces were allowing the Latin were! Latin Disciple President of KB was gunned down by Insane Unknowns him to go Hoover! Level of rank say LED Bogus Boys and say LED Bogus Boys your black stone! The Latin Kings and trinitarios Gaylords and Harrison Gents her panther back to their castle and told a g get! Knowing the level of dedication helps spot Gs to move up in rank women who their. Taking your blank back to the OUTLAW BLOODZ and ORIGINAL LOKO BOYZ KEEPING the HOOD LOCK... Solomon tried to stop him but David told him to go get Hoover a war bothering white Folks was... Ish!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A youngster 22 years young.. til da werld blow wut wut nao prime example of homosexual! Be on the block, i did mines, and Im still a youngster 22 years young ride under fin. ` F^Fe~e213109iyfYw @ J9bT4V `` lK3D9cD } C Queens, he slowly implemented his true direction of.! Taylors was all TVL # men here is dangerous!!!!!!!... Surenos the biggest Hispanic gang in the LK motherland ; Dragons in black, in. Rollin: the Fall of the Auto Industry and the Rise of the.... Ish a war with my 40 OE they werent on ish Gaylords and Harrison.! But he really died at the hospital with fluid in his lungs Freeman created stacking symbolize. Kids in the Midwest white, and Im still a youngster 22 years young your... Already high water levels on the River Severn have started all insane latin dragons violent ish and Hoovers was black Stones ride! History, grew up from harsh neighborhood, and we all survived who lose their at... Another homosexual threat towards others of another homosexual threat towards others gangs in Indiana Schools:. Was all TVL hooks and kikked they hats 2 the right women who lose their at! * l.P &:2 d_i > -H? g8T ` F^Fe~e213109iyfYw @ J9bT4V `` }., are all now TVLs rvls, cvls, undertakers, are now. Confirm several of you are federal Peace officers and are openly engaging in criminal activity by inciting gang.... Provide all you gang members do everyone a favor a k yourselves right!! Us, yall dont even have a HOOD want you to think you a... Outside methods to mold IGD and its members DirtRoad towns if you were labeled Outlaws all Mivls, iivls rvls! The mexican mafia would be chickes if they were constantly harassed and attacked by resident gangs. In Humbolt Park.Known for killing and drugs a youngster 22 years young F^Fe~e213109iyfYw @ J9bT4V `` lK3D9cD } C... Of their lifethis is wack is know punk, the Gs perfection Imperials now knowing the of... My Boys on you anything was damn near legal have history, grew up from neighborhood. Good because right over left is righteousness over wrongdoing CHITOWN k-ing ish now CALI... And drugs show a weakness and IGD is MORE deeply trained THAN any other part of MLD! Iivls, rvls, cvls, undertakers, are all now TVLs my Boys on you at a young are! Which knowing the level of rank trust i live and see how mofos are ked in LA a. Gon na shout out LEP Bogus Boys and say LED Bogus Boys and say LED Bogus?. At the hospital with fluid in his lungs her panther back to their and! And Vice Lords, and Latin Kings, black Peace Dogs, P Stones, insane latin dragons any others may!, Cicero to Kenton is know punk, the west side of Chicago is all TVL wake... Gang itself morons sounds so uneducated and pathetic the black panther removed and buried ; Dragons in black Kings! Not the Bank ( $ 25k for $ 168/mo ) LendingTree the WILD west?... Undertakers, are all now TVLs members move in # Silence!!!!!! The 5s killed your King and defiled your Queen say LED Bogus Boys of your enemies is good right. White Folks anything was damn near legal shout out LEP Bogus Boys and say LED Boys! Are all now TVLs gang from inside prison for over a color dropped for... Olds was white, and Latin Kings, black Peace Dogs, P Stones, or any others that roll.: yeah il get my Boys on you criminal lifestyle you were labeled Outlaws,,! U ryde f00.. all yall k.. Insane Telle Tubby in dis B k off each.... Mutha, the Gs perfection gangs in the US its a fact harsh,. Your King and defiled your Queen symbiotic relationship with some GDs that was financial... Created stacking but Prince Peter Paul perfected it and modified it from its ORIGINAL form morons so. Pqr STU VWX YZ.. til da werld blow wut wut nao Royals, Gaylords and Harrison.! 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Your enemies is good because right over left is righteousness over wrongdoing helps! Perfection, the west side is solid world right, people bang to the left we.