I have had no contact with my husband, but I know God is working and I know he is feeling and doing just as you say, and that saddens me. Love your prodigal spouse with the same love God has for each of us-love without conditions . Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.". Like the prodigal son, we are prodigal wives. For letting go, you must forgive your partners mistakes. How much does Delta Dental cover implants? After all these years of asking God to bring him to sobriety, I feel like there's no point in continuing to pray, but I keep praying anyways." (You can read the story of how God used my brother's addiction to convict me and the beginning of the story here) And then I went to church this Sunday. That doesnt mean there is no hope of restoration if your spouse (or ex-spouse in some cases) doesnt desire to speak to you or spend time with you, but it may mean you have a longer road ahead if the latter situation is one you find yourself in currently. The Prodigal Spouse. God's truth needs to be sorted from the enemy's lies - this includes blaming yourself for your prodigal child and their hurtful actions. Believe the words out of Gods mouth. They are hurling insults your way. People make mistakes, and that's what makes them human. The pain adultery causes in a marriage relationship is extreme and traumatic, as a broken heart is one of the worst kinds of pain you can go through. Makes it easier for you to find your spouse.3. YOU HAVE POWER!! whenever I feel discourage, I read it again and again. I have a real sense of His presence and am confident that our marriage will survive this crisis. Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement. I still weep at times, but then I remember Gods promise to restore marriages. That prayer began to pierce my heart. I just came across this website and I am so grateful! Philippians 4:6, For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. And nothing is impossible for God. But having the right intention, keeping your priorities straight, and keeping it simple shouldnt cause much delay if you knock on the right door to get your spouse. God-ordained Spouses who God has standing and praying for your prodigal spouse will find themselves going through the stages below. Today is the day of salvation. I love him and miss him greatly, but i kn ow God will have his way. If your spouse has this trait, consider it one of the signs that God is restoring your marriage. Even as you live the role of the parent or spouse of a prodigal, we must remember that in relation to God, we are all prodigal sons and daughters. Things might not work out the way you planned after six months or a year of marriage. When their eyes are opened to the truth, they will come home. All About Marriage, Family and Relationships. Brian, NCP stands for Non-Covenant Person. I understand who the NCP is, but dont know what it means. Another word for grace is FAVOR! . Desiring your prodigal to have a restored relationship with the Lord should far outweigh the longing for a restored marriage. I would like to ask for prayer support as I also am in the midst of marriage problems. Shane got worse before he got better. 2. By watching and waiting for your prodigal's return, you are living a parable of God's undeserved love for us. Your spouse wants you to unleash your full potential. So my fall from grace I justified with his behavior. Thank you for allowing God to use you and speak through you. But having the right intention, keeping your priorities right, and keeping things simple shouldn't take long if you're knocking on the right door to find your spouse. God used our son to deepen our faith about God's goodness. To let go, you must forgive your partner's mistakes. If you find that your spouse loves you more than you expected, and the person appreciates your efforts, no matter how small, it is a strong sign that Allah has brought you together for your good, He is placing blessings in your life. Show your prodigal sacrificial love without expecting anything in return. Both of you, the husband and the wife will be happy that Allah SWT brought them together. Your spouse doesnt hold accountable for your past mistakes, neither do you. Here are 4 reasons God does not answer some prayers by Christians for a spouse. It's all a LIE, but we don't know that. On any given day your spouse might have as many as 50 to 60 reminders. A blessed spouse is the one who keeps all the promises and words even when things do not work well between the husband and wife. Prodigals dont know which way is up. God bless you. HES INTENTIONAL! Thank you so much for sharing this, Stephanie. If someone you love has been on your heart lately, just pray for them. When I hear your testamony, I hear the words of my wayward husband saying all of the same things. Stage 1: The Plot Against God-ordained Spouse. When both of you have this feature, regardless of just a few important numbers, it still shows that Allah SWT is with you. A blessed spouse is one who keeps all promises and words, even when things don't work out between husband and wife. When you spend quiet time with the Lord, you can pray for your current situation. But Im here to tell youof course it is! Your prodigal's return is not meant to heal your broken heart! I have recently started visiting this site and I flock to it daily, absorbing the prayers and reciting them daily. And if anything threatens to steal your hope you have to fight to hold on to it with everything you've got. I am praying and hurting, forgiving and loving, but just needed to know that this was not easy for him either. However, make no mistake thinking that peace means when everything goes in your favour. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. "Father, please allow their path to be filled with misery, frustration and irritation." (verse 6a) This isn't to be mean. A Good Intention Converting to Islam for marriage, Before Considering a Proposal How to Pray Istikhara for Marriage, Friendship Between Man and Woman in Islam. God bless you. YOU ARE THE OVERCOMER! You are so bold to share this..Thank You, Jesus! A couple should remind each other of worship and religious obligations to make sure their iman is strong, and they can handle tough situations with that strength. I have a renewed hunger and thirst for God and I now love and desire my spouse and my marriage again after really believing I never would. If you feel that your relationship is better now than the previous one, its one of the signs that God is working on your marriage, and hopefully, it will get better gradually. II. Next month he will be elligable to obtain a divorce under New Zealand law, but I am praying God will block him in this. The sub-plots and lesser-known lessons that most believers miss, are blowing my mind. Now, it may happen that you don't have that much money or a steady job to provide for your family's necessities. Luke 6:27-28, 36. God's first two children ever created both became prodigals. And hes now battling with the idea of how to break it off with the NCP and all the people he will hurt in the process. 12. After four months, my husband finally returned home, and two years later, Im happy to say that we are fully committed and very much in love. This will reduce the chances of unnecessary arguments. Peace. Perhaps Im rambling; but this is my pointthere is no peace for the prodigal!!! It's always what we cling to when marriage gets hard. If your prodigal is agreeable to prayer, that is a great sign that God is at work! I knew that the Lord would be faithful. Pray for each other and remember to worship, 13. I lived and breathed by its words and the hope it gave me; it gave me complete faith that God would keep His promise. Continue spreading your testimony and encouraging Covenant Spouses to take the narrow road and Stand in the gap for their Covenant Spouses while they are away in the far country. Ive had a real problem with my feelings, so thats really a big help to me. It was as if my wife had written it, because she has said/done nearly all of what you have mentioned. We believe that we are really happy, but thats not so, and our hearts even tell us that. And I am so looking forward to what is to come and that my husband will be back in a right relationship with the Lord. They don't work their . Prodigal spouses who are truly repentant will express genuine thankfulness to God and their deserted spouses for what they've done. If you feel that your relationship is now better than before, it is one of the signs that God is working in your marriage and we hope that it will gradually improve. Thank you again and God Bless You! And no matter what I see or hear, I know that God is going to do what He says. Praise God! But be patient because it might take some time. Praying for Each Other and Reminding About Worship, 13. "I didn't love my husband. Similarly, if you are already married, and facing some issues, still you will see signs that Allah is helping you to get everything fixed. It could be that your prodigal spouse seems to believe in God, still goes to church, but if they are living in sin, such as adultery, they are deceived and do not walk with the true and living God. The enemy thinks hes winning and begins to mock God by saying things such as Lets see if the God he/she serves will save you., In the death stage is when you see your god-ordained prodigal spouse off with the counterfeit. If you are unable to identify them, this section will help you in that regard. Thank you, your testimonies always encourage us. Makes It Easier for You to Find Your Spouse, 4. This book will open your eyes to your . Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. I was contemplating giving up my stand this weekendBUT GOD! So stand firm and keep loving us and victory will be yours (Deuteronomy 20:4). He can send the storm in so many different ways. Im standing for my marriage and praying for my husband and the NCP as well (and for her marriage as well). Theirexpectations may not be met There will be ups and downs, sadness and happiness too. No matter how hard it is for him/her to do a thing if that thing has to do anything with your happiness, your spouse will not even think twice before doing it. "Father, please make them unable to clearly see what to do; please cause confusion." (verse 6b) 3. It did not happen immediately, but in time, God revealed the fruit from his labor. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2. Its been hard for me to pray since the divorce, so everything you said was reassuring. And there were times that the guilt of my actions overwhelmed and consumed me so much that I could not enjoy the time with the NCP. So wipe your tears just like I had to tonight, and get up and act like a child of the most high God!!!! Our two daughters professed Christ at an early age . When God does bring your spouse back, you need to be strong . Ive actually been inspired to start praying for all marriages; those that need to be restored and those that are headed that way. Regardless of your financial condition, work stress, kids issues, and other problems, if you find peace and contentment with your marriage life, rest assured that God wanted you to be with someone to reduce stress from your shoulders. Im so familiar with that particular passage of Scripture and cant believe I made such a mistake! . He took a deep breath and began to exit the car. God bless you. Im standing for my marriage to my wife of seven years, who left and moved in with her cousin. GODS FAVOR RESTS WITH YOU! I will not allow satan to have the final word. And the prodigal does what FEELS right; not what IS right. I have let go and let God. If you are continually working on yourself, and the same applies to your spouse, both of you are working on being better spouses for each other, that is a very bold sign of Allah SWT's mercy. In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!! Thank you, Stephanie, and thank you all. Please keep praying for me. Whether it's for friends, colleagues, family, and other non-influencers, it's never healthy for your relationship. God is not interested in how you feel, but who you are; your character, your relationship with him, and your salvation. Repentance is necessary before reconciliation can occur and Gods Word calls us to reconcile relationships. The devil has had a field day with marriages and its time for that to stop! That's why we must lean on God and His grace. The most important thing you can do is pray and reflect on the Word of God. Signs that God is Working in Your Marriage. As a husband and wife, both of you want to make it till the Jannah. And He is not interested in what makes you comfortable. 21 Signs God Is Restoring Your Marriage - Daily Marriage Forever, Defend your marriage. (Deuteronomy 3:24) Do you believe I can bring you through this?, So when you are hurting, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 147:3. When you are angry, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 135:14. When you are tearful, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 126:5. When you are fearful, rememberits not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Isaiah 41:10. And when you are disappointed or discouraged, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 34:18.. You are precious in His sight, and He will always provide for you. Give me my share of our marital property.' So they divided everything between them 50/50. Today, your prodigal spouse is distant; tomorrow pleasant; the next day angry; and the next happy-as if life couldn't be better. But there is a side of love that's difficult to face. Speak life into a young adult. He constantly draws them to himself and will be with them even when we can't. Look to a brighter future. Also, as long as it doesn't involve prohibited matters, both must respect each other's opinions and actions. Your spouse will do anything to please you. It really helps me understand where my husband is at and to not give up. It might sound weird but not all couples feel close to each other. 4. "God, Change My Spouse" Today's message is from Bob, who was a prodigal who returned home and was remarried to me for an additional 23 years before the Lord took him home to Heaven. If your Lord wants you to get married, he will show you signs, and make it easy for you to find a life partner, and get married. They think that the bible has nothing to offer them in this day and time. So be careful not to display that negativity to us, because it will send us packing. In this case, the door of rizq or barakah can be opened after you get married. 1.) You have no idea how much you helped me! I know this battle is God's that only he will be able to change my spouse.but am i strong enough to be continually lied to, and to sit here and care for him and the kids and act like nothing is wrongI honestly don't know. The way Christ loved the prodigal son. As soon as your spouse enters your house, Allah SWT will increase your rizq and bless your earnings. 13 Signs God is Working on Your Marriage September 20, 2022 by Noble Marriage Marriage is one of the signs of Allah SWT, and oftentimes there are signs God is working on your marriage that you might not even realize. We get trapped in a vicious cycle of self contempt and fleshly pleasure. Here is the Prodigal Prayer Strategy I received from the revelation of Holy Spirit giving me direction as I continued to pray for my own daughter - it's something that each of you can combine with your own revelation from the Lord as you spend time in prayer for your prodigal. Thanks again and may God richly bless you! Pray out of deep love for not only your prodigal but for your Lord: "Jesus, not only is my heart breaking while my prodigal spouse, child, brother, etc. I will stand with the LORD and fight for the restoration of my marriage. Standing FIRM in my faith has been the BEST journey through the most difficult times! When to believers come together it is a POWERFUL thing! May Yeshua bless you richly in every area of your life! Making mistakes after marriage is quite common. Prayer #3: Lord, I ask for brokenness. Find ways to love and serve your prodigal without expecting anything in return. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant . Its important to use discernment when addressing your prodigal. The more you show us the Christ like love and peace within you, the more restless, uneasy, uncomfortable and far from peaceful we become. Marriage is one of the signs of Allah SWT, and oftentimes there are signs God is working on your marriage that you might not even realize. 7. I have been believing for Gods restoration of my marriage and my Husbands salvation for two years next month. This really gave me more insight. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204, Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games. He did. Tweet Yes, it may be that your spouse is a Christian or you thought so, at one time. Congratulations! YOU ARE GODS CHILD!! Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 at 6:47 pm in Seeds Of Faith. 28. Someone just sent me this link and it helped me to understand what my husband is doing/feeling. It is so good to hear your words of wisdom from the Lord. This post was my mantra as I waited for my prodigal husband to leave his NCP, and I would turn to it whenever I got discouraged. Pray that that individual has a new hunger and thirst for the Lord and his word. Thank you, Stephanie, I am so grateful that you wrote this! Trust is vital in marriage. So again, you could find many suggestions and ways of viewing your spouse, which you could find in that topic, to apply. Ive been married three years and separated for six months. His sacrifices did not go unnoticed. I know God is speaking to him (he has said so); yet he still chooses sin over the Lord. Thats actually Proverbs 21:30. I was so tempted to stop standing for my marriage this weekend, and this brought me hope. Even if it's not a physical relationship.there is lying and hiding and trust is broken. Whether in relationships with friends, family, my spouse, or God, I find myself consistently creating a facade for myself that I hope others will like better than who I am. 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