think some things in Mio might be bad, but there's no conclusive evidence that they are. The most controversial artificial sweetener is probablyaspartame. Even though MiO is safe to consume, it shouldnt be a replacement for plain water. The main artificial sweeteners found in MiO are sucralose and acesulfame potassium (ace-k). It comes in eight flavors two of which contain coffee and contains 60 mg of caffeine per serving. Giving your children replenishing, low-sugar drinks is important for their overall health. Does that defeat the purpose of flavored water? When it comes to sweeteners, most Crystal Light has aspartame, although it varies by product. However, investigations on both humans and animals have now demonstrated that sucralose is partially digested and affects insulin and blood sugar levels. Some people also have allergic reactions to it. MiO and many other flavored water products contain propylene glycol, which is a food additive also found in antifreeze, paint, and e-cigarettes. Severe dehydration can even lead to hospitalization, so its important to stay hydrated (1). And MiO Vitamins line has flavors like Orange Tangerine, Orange Vanilla, and Orchard Apple. However, there are plenty of other drinks and healthier alternatives to flavor your water besides MiO and similar artificial water enhancers. Watch the free Food for Health Masterclass here. Is propylene glycol safe? This drink has the same sugar content (9 g) as Pedialyte Classic, but most of it comes from organic apple juice concentrate, which we consider to be a healthier and less processed option than dextrose (which is still in this formulation but presumably at a much lower dose). It is a powerful antioxidant, supports repair of our tissues and also boosts the immune system. MiO Energy has 60 mg of caffeine per squeeze. Interestingly, the LNCS sucralose is 385650 times sweeter than regular table sugar, known as sucrose. Things rated a 'B+' may have a few harmful qualities to pay attention to. It is loaded with artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, and toxic chemicals. However, if you can, attempt to limit your intake. Water is essentially flavorless, and many consumers may favor flavored drinks like sodas and juices. However, as is common with food additives, some people are concerned about its safety anyway. To unlock unlimited content and other premium features, become a member for just $5 per month. 4.5 out of 5 stars with 51 ratings. Supposedly over 12,000 animals died in the testing of sucralose. This blog is reader supported. At this time, its estimated to pose a low threat to aquatic life (4). This involves inflammation encouraging the growth of cancer. Studies on the potential health risks of artificial sweeteners are conflicting. Using MiO is not necessary as there are still healthy and natural options available to enhance the flavor of your water. There is very little research surrounding Stevia and some rather questionable situations surrounding its approval by the Food and Drug Administration. It is functionally the same as drinking water unless you are unable to control your food intake because of a psychological association with the sweet taste. For those unfamiliar, water enhancers, like Mio, are liquids that can be added to plain ol' water to enhance taste. This article discusses the potential benefits of, Diet soda has been claimed to have negative effects on health. Please turn your Ad Blocker off to see this content. 1. Whether you drink MiO will not make or break your weight-loss journey by itself. Moreover, numerous test tube studies have shown a great toxicity towards human DNA, causing mutations to blood cells. Research suggests that artificial colors cause hyperactivity and behavioral issues in some children. Those drinks have since been reformulated to fix the issue. In addition, studies have linked the preservative, potassium sorbate, with compromising immunity in humans. A few benefits may be associated, but the bad outweighs the good. Why does MiO Sport have so much more sodium than other MiO products? It would take 20 servings of MiO Sport or 150 servings of MiO Energy to reach the American Heart Associations ideal limit of 1,500 mg of sodium per day. It's been two weeks. Caffeine is a stimulant that increases resistance to fatigue, boosts strength and power, and improves cognition and alertness. This is the best free video training Ive found on plant-based nutrition. Category 'C' usually denotes to both good and bad qualities. Additionally, MiO contains artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and acesulfame potassium which provide sweetness without adding calories or sugar. It is packaged in a small 1.52-ounce plastic bottle. This product is also GMO-free. Except for MiO Energy products, the majority of MiO water enhancers are caffeine-free. MiO Sport has the most sodium, with 75 mg per serving. These have supposed health benefits for consumers, particularly for their Sport variation that replenishes lost electrolytes for those who lead an active lifestyle. So you still get cravings forsweets And if youre not careful, youll probably end up eating more calories from something else. Meanwhile, Stevia is plant-based. Health Reporter does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. A "healthier" alternative to a regular soda, it's not an exact flavor copy, but it does . So, is it safe? The more accurate comparison, however, would be between MiO Sport and Gatorade Zero. In 2018, NESTLE has to drop Milo's 4.5 Health Star Rating after health experts have criticised the brand for "tricking" the consumers into thinking that Milo is healthy. This is about 70% of the sodium and 100% of the potassium content of Gatorade. Pyure Organic Liquid Stevia Sweetener Simply Sweet A healthy sugar substitute in a portable squeeze bottle format View at Amazon But it contains a variety of artificial sweeteners, flavors, and food dyes. Mio is bad for your health. 1 There are plenty of flavored waters on the market to help spruce up your intake of H2O. Its also worth noting that in mice studies, Ace-K increased weight gain in male mice and disrupted the gut microbiome. However, each serving of MiO Energy contains about 60mg of caffeine. Harmful to your health. Realistically, the small amount of propylene glycol in MiO shouldnotbe of any practical concern. Choose the healthier option. If you have been to the grocery store lately, you may have noticed Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. It has become popular in circles where the plain taste of water is disliked. These three dyes are known to cause an allergic response. With that, the public health experts and . MiO Fit Liquid Water Enhancer MiO Fit makes it possible for weight loss patients to turn water into a zero calorie sports drink. 2.2mg-4.8mg per 20g serve MILO. Certain at-risk populations also have a limit of 1,500 mg. It doenst happen to everyone, but it is one of the theories that suggests that drinking diet sodas (or MIO type add-ins) might actually cause weight gain due to it changing your cravings. Drinking MiO infused water still counts as water intake, as the water still functions the same way in your body. Whereas vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) is crucial for producing DNA, the molecules found inside cells that contain genetic information, as well as for red blood cell creation, cell metabolism, neuron function, and other processes. (Weve already reviewed the potential risks with those above.). Nutrition, Ingredients, and Side Effects, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Antioxidant qualities are thought to exist in taurine. MiO contains the artificial sweeteners sucralose and acesulfame potassium. Dehydration puts added stress on the body and, according to Exas, "can impact blood sugar balance . Artificial sweeteners are extensively studied and generally recognized as safe by the vast majority of the medical and scientific community. Its actually hard to find good credible sources on which of these dyes are actually banned in which countries. That's where liquid water enhancers come in, a relatively new player in the market that some experts see as a $1 billion business by 2020. Harmful to your health. Below, well explore the ingredients, nutrients, and possible side effects of MiO. During fasting times, water and zero-calorie beverages such as Crystal Light, MIO, coffees, or teas are permitted. . The content on is intended only for informational and educational purposes. If consumed in moderation, MiO isn't harmful to your teeth and shouldn't cause tooth decay or cavities. Sucralose is regarded as safe by health authorities; however, studies have raised doubts on how it may affect your health. So the overall risk islow. The short and simple answer is no. Honestly, its so much better tasting than plain waterand its convenient, too. Water is essential for all functions of the body."If you want to be on your A-game (and we all do), hydration is key. While mio itself does not cause weight gain, the treatments for mio can. Food dyes are also controversial. Hydrate with our bottled waters - just give us a call today to place your logo on your own custom bottle!. Flavored water is not only refreshing and fruity but also frequently contains zero calories. MiO has between 10 mg and 75 mg of sodium per serving (per squeeze), depending on the product line. Rice, for example, can be good or bad depending on the type. I try to avoid spikes in my blood sugar due tohow it affects my acne. The artificial sweeteners and colors in MiO have been tested on animals extensively. While these ingredients are FDA-approved and found in many foods and beverages, there are a few ingredients that may potentially . There are a lot of methods to naturally taste water with out including any synthetic sweeteners, colours, or preservatives like these present in MiO. All rights reserved. Mi" Some, such as Mio Energy, also add caffeine to help give you the lift you're looking for; some, such as Mio Fit, boast supplemental vitamins and other health benefits. The fermentation process used to produce it may be especially beneficial, potentially boosting digestion, aiding the. MiO is Bad for you. I didnt find any peer-reviewed research directly on whether MiO raises blood sugar. 5 out of 5 stars with 4 ratings. Although vitamins are good for your body, there is a risk of consuming more nutrients than your body needs . This product comes in several flavors, and all you have to do to enjoy a wonderful beverage is dilute a few drops in a glass of water. This is less than 10% of the caffeine found in a cup of instant coffee (2g of instant coffee has around 70mg caffeine per serve)'. Nothing can really be a true substitute for water, and even though Mio claims that it has '0 sugar', it still contains artificial sweeteners, which affect your body in a whole host of different ways and have been shown to affect your gut bacteria (as in the study linked to above). This is because the health impact of the other artificial sweeteners used Ace-K and sucralose continue to be investigated. You get about 60mg of caffeine with one serving of MiO Energy. MiO Vitamins. This is because it is an incidental solvent used for natural flavors. But it can be found if you test the product in a lab. MiOuses Sucralose (Splenda), as its primary sweetener. The use of a calorie-free, cost-effective water enhancer like MiO may increase fluid intake and reduce the risk of dehydration in some people. Its long-term health consequences remain unknown. Oops! MiO has no sugar and zero calories, which makes it appear relatively healthy. If you try making fruit infusions, let the ingredients steep for about 4 hours. Cans of soup can have 1,000+ mg of sodiumover 13 times as much as a serving of MiO Sport. Add a pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt to your water for electrolytes. Still, long-term research in humans is needed to determine if these findings apply to humans (9, 10). Similar to flavored water and juices, MiO-enhanced water is sweet, aromatic, and contains flavors that make drinking water more palatable. (source), In the body, about half of the propylene glycol you consume is just excreted by your kidneys. Experts advise picking goods with stevia leaf extract because they are the healthiest and less likely to cause you any health issues if you want to stay healthy.But always keep in mind that despite being free of sugar and calories, artificial sweeteners still have the potential to be harmful to your health, particularly if you already have certain illnesses like diabetes.Therefore, take into account your dietary needs and general health before using MiO. You can find various artificial colors, associated with hyperactivity, distractibility, carcinogens, numerous allergies, and much moredepending on the specific colors added. Can MiO Make a Healthier Soda? Click any of them to skip aheador keep scrolling to read them all: Lets start by actually looking at some MiO ingredients. It has a mix of sugar and stevia instead, which may be better. There are still controversies going on if these two artificial sweeteners are harmful to our health. This can be caused by a number of things, including a blockage in one of the coronary arteries. But like everything in life, LaCroix should be enjoyed in moderation. Common artificial sweeteners used in water flavor enhancers: Aspartame - This sweetener is very low-calorie and is 200 times sweeter than table sugar. They are most commonly a flavored liquid in a nifty, handy little container and are advertised as being a fun, tasty way to make water a little less dull and easier to drink. While miso is a nutritious food with some potential health benefits, it also has some drawbacks to consider. Still, moderation is important. Studies show that consuming coffee may temporarily increase blood pressure, usually in those who already have hypertension. As MiO mainly uses artificial sweeteners, it is not good for your health. It may raise levels of inflammation, oxidative stress, or even risk for ADHD (source). There is no sugar, preservatives, gluten, sodium, or any artificial sweeteners here. Suggest improvement or correction to this article Its kosher, vegetarian-friendly, and comes in many flavors and four product lines. However, these flavored beverages, including bottled flavored water, contain high amounts of sugar and sweeteners that can cause your blood sugar to spike. Made by brands such as Mio, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light, and available in flavors from berry pomegranate to . Each product line has multiple flavors. This sweetener is usually paired up with another sweetener that often has a worse reputation. Additionally, it might lower blood sugar and be beneficial for some cancers. Besides the artificial sweetener, MiO uses propylene glycol, which is a preservative used in many food and beverage product lines. July 29, 2022 by Becky Henderson. Based on current research, opting for the Stevia-sweetened versions may pose the lowest risks. Personally, Id opt for MiO because the risks with artificial sweeteners and colors seem less proven. Overall, whether or not you choose MiO is up to you. MiO may be slightly better than Crystal Lights regular product line, as MiO uses sucralose instead of the aspartame in Crystal Light. And the artificial colors in MiO may also have negative effects when consumed often. The Stevia sweetener has zero glycemic impact and is compatible with just about any dietary plan, including diabetic, keto, and paleo needs. Always consult your healthcare provider before making changes to your diet, lifestyle, or nutritional supplementation. MiO Energy is the only product line that contains caffeine. This is not a concern at usual levels. It often has phosphoric acid, too, which has beenlinked toosteoporosis and cavities. Although the evidence on whether they are harmful to your health is conflicting, it is still better to avoid them if you want to maintain your health as much as possible. Water, Citric Acid, Caffeine, Contains Less Than 2% Of Taurine, Guarana Extract, Ginseng Extract (Panax), Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Natural Flavor, Sucralose And Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Sodium Citrate, Potassium Citrate, Gum Arabic, Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate, Red 40, Blue 1, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative). While the evidence is mixed, some studies suggest that taurine supplementation may improve athletic performance. Written by DeeAnne Oldham You get the same taste, sweetness, and visual appeal as sugary drinks, but with zero calories! Plus, a few basic ways to change the taste if you don't like it. Plus, theyre all caffeine-free except the MiO Energy line. Try infusing water with fruit and herbs for a flavorful alternative to plain water. Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are the food dyes used in MiO. There have been some studies suggestingpossiblytoxicitywith propylene glycolbut nothing showing that it should be a major concern. (source). Here are some ideas on how to flavor your water: There are natural ways to flavor water that dont include artificial ingredients or caffeine. Filter out the noise and nurture your inbox with health and wellness advice thats inclusive and rooted in medical expertise. 6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of . This article discusses, Researchers say the sugar substitutes added to foods and drinks can lead to long-term weight gain as well as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart. Its also being investigated for potential therapeutic benefits including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antihypertensive properties although more research in humans is needed (12, 14). The MiO product lines have a variety of flavors, ranging from black cherry and lemonade in the Original line to iced java and aai berry in the Energy line (2). There is still a debate over the safety of these colors, even though the Food and Drug Administration concluded that these do not cause considerable harm to human health. Examples include B3, B6, and B12. Food dyes are probably not harmful to the majority of individuals, although avoiding processed foods with dyes can help your health in general. You can find various artificial colors, associated with hyperactivity, distractibility, carcinogens, numerous allergies, and much moredepending on the specific colors added. Very few, if any, benefits are present. The artificial sweeteners in MiO are often used in diet soda, too. Not defending Mio's use of artificial sweeteners, but its in almost everything tasty these days, and even the "healthy" stuff has been contaminated by government regulation. Is Mio Keto or Not? Yes, Mio is keto-friendly if consumed in moderation. With only 10mg of sodium per serving, MiO Energy seems to have the least amount. So, that sounds much better to me. Water is a healthy choice and satisfies the need for drinking a liquid. Use it within 30 days of opening. The other MiO product linesMiO Original, MiO Vitamins, and MiO Energyprovide significantly less electrolytes. The main artificial sweeteners found in MiO are sucralose and acesulfame potassium (ace-k). It has three artificial sweeteners and numerous artificial colors. Sugar isnt greatbut together with stevia, they can use less sugar (only 2g per serving) to get the same sweetness. It is often known as a liquid water enhancer. Pyridoxine, a form of vitamin B-6, is crucial for healthy immunological and neural systems as well as optimal brain development. Serious side effects are usually uncommon, but are still possible and should be taken note of. What is it? As covered above, the sucralose could potentially have a negative effect on my insulin sensitivity and gut bacteria. 271 me gusta,Video de TikTok de addictedtohumus (@addictedtohumus): [/] PROTEIN "TIRAMISU" . As a result, be cautious when consuming MiO-infused water and opt instead for organically-infused drinks. Keep in mind that this water enhancer still contains carbohydrates, albeit in low amounts. Of course, is mio healthy said Mr. Foster. Ill discuss whether its a good choice for weight loss, whether it raises blood sugar, and more. So lets discuss MiOs sodium content next. For example, some good ideas are lime, cucumber, herbs, ginger, etc. However, since it is calorie-free, people also use it as a sports drink to lose weight. Everyone knows water is healthy for your body, but honestly, it can get really boring that's where MiO comes into play. The most established problem ishyperactivity in kids. A study observed that acesulfame potassium causes weight gain in male mice and disrupts the gut microbiome. But theyve announced that they are moving toward an ideal limit of 1,500 mg per day. The Environmental Working Group hasassignedsodium benzoate a risk score of 1 to 3 on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the worst). MiO is likely safe for regular consumption, although it shouldnt be your go-to for hydration. The recommendation is to take only a squeeze or two days so you won . The only MiO product I checked that has sodium benzoate is MiO Vitamins. It's also important to remember that MiO contains artificial sweeteners, which aren't good for your health in large amounts. Additionally, it has been connected to improved heart health, weight loss, pain alleviation, a lower risk of cancer, and a lower chance of age-related eye problems. For instance, attempt glowing water or fruit and herb infusions. 7 Benefits and Nutrition Facts. In fact, there are many vitamins and minerals that are far more toxic than this substance is purported to be and in much lower ratio's. Originally Posted by Rowyn I think its ridiculous that we eat food in which crap like propylene glycol is considered "okay" in small doses. Acesulfame potassium - Ace-K is a non-nutritive (no calorie) sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than table sugar. This article reviews the research on diet soda and whether it's good or bad for your. $6.39. Category 'D' is typically for things that are more harmful than beneficial. Acesulfame potassium (Ace-K) has a lot of controversy swirling around it. In fact, drinking water infused with MiO may benefit you if youre trying to lose weight because it keeps you hydrated without packing on extra calories. Aspartame may be the most controversial artificial sweeteneroften considered worse than sucralose. In myblog post about sucralose, I explained some of the extensive animal testing that was done to prove the safety of sucralose. Here are 15 questions Ill be exploring about MiO nutrition. The American Heart Associations officialrecommendationfor sodium intake is to stay under 2,300 mg per day. Things in this category should be avoided as much as possible. Dissolve honey into your water for a sweet energy boost. MiO is designed to be added to water and contains zero calories per serving. Pick fruits and vegetables like lemon, apple, cucumbers, or oranges to infuse into your water to give it a natural flavor. MiO does not contain xylitol. But this only applies if you stick to a certain serving size and follow an otherwise healthy diet. Interestingly, the propylene glycol in MiO does not legally need to be listed as an ingredient. There are many ways to naturally flavor water without adding any artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives like those found in MiO. what is a healthy way to lose weight Every time they walked down the promenade, they heard the sound of the trumpet tirelessly. 3. MiO is Bad for you. (Review the evidence about this above.). If you eat or drink other products with natural flavors, youre likely already consuming propylene glycol in many of those cases, too. Still, some people have health concerns. Here is a table comparing MiO Sport to four other drinks with electrolytes and no added sugar. 2. In these cases, they usually contain about 60 mg of caffeine, which is less than a cup of coffee. Download our mobile app for free belowApple version - version - We recommend completely avoiding anything in this category. Electrolytes are good, but its possible to go overboard, especially with sodium. See, Is MiO Healthy? Today, let's go in detail and answer the question: Is MiO healthy? MiO is probably going protected for normal consumption, though it shouldn't be your go-to for hydration. Heres a quick guide for how this product should be used: MiO can help you drink more water. The MIO energy product contains about 60 mg of caffeine, and it has taurine, guarana, and ginseng. Spam free, Youll only be hearing from our experts. But here are some of the specific health concerns people have: All of these artificial colors are still being tested on animals to determine their safety. It is loaded . However, the most natural product would likely be Crystal Lights Pure line, which is free of all artificial sweeteners and colors. Drink naturally sweetened spring water for a sweet taste without the sugar, sweeteners, or calories. We've all seen them, whether in the beverage aisle or maybe the checkout of your local grocery. So, MiO may be unlikely to affect your weight one way or the other, based on the evidence. Its limited by theFDAto make up only 0.1% of the weight of the foods its added to. MiO Big Bottle Acai Berry Storm Liquid Water Enhancer - 3.24 fl oz Bottle. But the study also showed~60%of soft drinks hadsome benzene content. Learn more here.As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. High Sodium Content Miso is made using a significant amount of salt. But evidence actually shows that artificial sweeteners aresurprisingly ineffectivefor weight loss. Many flavored water drinks are packed with vitamins. When another glass of water sounds too boring to even contemplate, pick a MiO flavor and use it to enhance your water. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) says that diet drinks (with sucralose) are acceptable short-term replacements to sugary drinks But they recommend decreasing intake of these drinks over time, and focusing on plain water. $4.39. That said, the studies I reviewed suggested that sucralose (the main sweetener in MiO) doesnt cause weight gain, either. As an ingredient be taken note of is mio healthy them, whether in the beverage or! Of soft drinks hadsome benzene content also worth noting that in mice studies Ace-K... Comes in eight flavors two of which contain coffee and contains 60 mg of caffeine one... 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