TCO Territorial Coordinating Officer DARPA Defense Advanced Research Project(s) Agency COL 1) Colonel SCD Service Computation Date 2) Chemical Materials Agenc GGI&S Global Geospatial Information and Services GVO Green Vinyl Overboot AWOL Absent Without Leave MHW Mean High Water R&D Research and Development To perform building triage, rescuers must:1. 2) [Refers to the] FAIR Act JPAC Joint Planning Augmentation Cell (for CBIRF) These positions are located at DDS/Metro Region Group Homes operated by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. kHz kiloHertz NAI North American Initiative ERB Economic Resources Board NPC 1) National Paralympic Committee FONSI Finding Of No Significant Impact MOX Mixed-Oxide Fuels LOMC Letter of Map Change VISIT Visitor & Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (affiliated with BTS/CIS) kW Kilowatt(s) BIWG Bilateral Interdiction Working Group IFB Invitation for Bid NCCC National Council of the Churches of Christ SGTR Steam Generator Tube Rupture ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces NMSAC National Maritime Security Advisory Committee RLP Repetitive Loss Property CPSP Comprehensive Passenger Screening Profile SSFSD Secret Service Forensic Sciences Division At 1 year post surgical recommendation no significant differences in constant or UCLA scores in those who had compared with didn't have surgery. LID Low-Impact Development DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency REMT Regional Emergency Management Team ESF 05 Emergency Management SOS Status of Studies SFIP Standard Flood Insurance Policy FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act SVOS Secure Voice System SBI Special Background Investigation PEAD Presidential Emergency Action Document GTR 1) Government Technical Representative SOSC State On-Scene Coordinator NAOS North American Atmospheric Observing System NAFSMA National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies FED-STD Federal Standard ATWC Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (obsolete; see WCATWC) FEFFLA Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act MRT Medical Response Team RAWS 1) Remote Automated Weather Station PMR 1) Patient Movement Request NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory 3) Assembly Point FPI Floodplain Information Report OTD Office of Training & Development ARCHIE Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation MPPP Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program TSDR Toxic Substance and Disease Registry ANG Air National Guard ECA Earth-orbit Crossing Asteroid HTML HyperText Markup Language The course is based on FEMA P-259, Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures, Third Edition. CBET Computer Based Education and Training CIA Central Intelligence Agency 2) Wideband GOV Government Owned Vehicle DAC 1) Disaster Application/Assistance Center SCM Survivable Crisis Management DTSA Defense Technical Security Agency PSGP Port Security Grant Program 2) Infrastructure Sector Advisory Committee EPG Emergency Planning Guide TRP Tactical Response Plan LEVEL 1 EST Full EST activation level (NRCC) 2) Planning and Assessment NEO 1) Near-Earth Orbit GDSS Global Decision Support System EA 1) Eastern Area DTAPPS Disposable Toxicological Agent Personal Protection System DLL Dynamic-Link Library(ies) FRB Federal Reserve Board SAFECOM 1) Safe Community (DHS program) DP Disaster Preparedness PEO Public Education and Outreach GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities are also determined CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager MIEP Mass Immigration Emergency Plan CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing ANI 1) American Nuclear Insurers HCF Height Correction Factor 2) Information and Planning STAR 1) Science-based Threat Analysis and Response Programs BAREPP Bay Area Regional Earthquake Preparedness Project TMC 1) Transportation Management Center NCPI National Committee on Property Insurance ECG 1) Emergency Coordination Group NNOB National Network Operations Branch DHHS Department of Health and Human Services IRP 1) Institutional Removal Program PIC 1) Pilot In Charge 2) Alternate Care Facility JIALO Joint Interagency Liaison Officer HAN Health Alert Network HC Health Canada SW Soil and Water OPT Operations and Planning Team SONET Synchronous Optical Network MACDIS Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances ESF 09 Urban Search and Rescue JIATF Joint Interagency Task Force WHO World Health Organization GPS Global Positioning System FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration AR 1) Acknowledge Receipt IDENT Automated Biometric Fingerprint Identification System TPFDD Time-Phased Force Deployment Data WO 1) Warrant Officer CSREES Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service 2) Individual Assistance 2) Compact Disc VISTA Volunteers In Service To America 2) Congressional Affairs Representative NSPD National Security Presidential Directive AAER Average Annual Erosion Rate ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education ISOC 1) Information Security Oversight Committee ANSER Analytic Services, Inc. 2) Church World Service MCC 1) Major Cities [police] Chiefs RA 1) Risk Assessment APT Administrative Payment Team FSL Federal, State, Local CUREE Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering AYE Alternate Year Exercise 3) Operational Planning System NIRSC National Interagency Radio Support Cache Acronym Full Term Acronym Full Term Acronym Full Term; ACHP : . Q&A Question(s) and Answer(s) HERT Hospital Emergency Response Team 204 ( 5134) Interagency Task Force 2) Per Diem RSS Remote Storage Site 2) Training Aids for Dam Safety SAAM Special Airlift Assignment Mission SSHS Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale POLREP Pollution Report AMSLAN American Sign Language LR Limited Response 2) Authority to Participate ESA Endangered Species Act GIL Grant-In-Lieu 3) Environmental Officer HDD Heating Degree Days FRCM FEMA Regional Communications Manager HSDN High Seas Drift Nets FOD Foreign Object Damage 501 ( 5191) Procedure for Declaration AAFB Andrews Air Force Base HQ Headquarters CMAT Consequence Management Advisory Team JTF-CM Joint Task Force - Consequence Management 2) Portable Document Format These words not only form an acronym for C.A.R.E., they are our guiding principles and create the framework for all our relationships with customers, team members and community at large . CAC 1) Citizens' Advisory Commissions CRS 1) Catholic Relief Services 3) Disasters Emergency Committee CAER Community Awareness and Emergency Response LISS Linear Imaging and Self-Scanning 6) Purchase Order SPOE Seaport of Embarkation DEP 1) Department of Environmental Protection CAI 1) Chemical Accident/Incident eMerge2 electronically Managing enterprise resources for government effectiveness and efficiency ARG Accident Response Group BPS Bits Per Second PD 1) Paid NFFE National Federation of Federal Employees VCC Venue Control Cell (affiliated with EPR) ETIS Emergency Traffic Information System SIF Standard Interchange Format IEA 1) Immigration Enforcement Agent NIRT Nuclear Incident Response Team PCCIP President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection PNOV Preliminary Notice of Violation 2) Agency Confirmation Report 3) Resources Planning Act BEP Budget Execution Plan v volt AFMLS Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section Rehabilitation (Center, Hospital, &c) Medical. 423 ( 5189a) Appeals of Assistance Decisions OC Operations Center RMI Republic of the Marshall Islands FTS 1) Federal Telecommunications (or Telephone) System (or Service) AT Antiterrorism LTL Less-than Truckload STC 1) Satellite Teleregistration Center 2) Priority Intelligence Requirement TOCDF Tooele Chemical Disposal Facility COLA Cost-of-Living Allowance CUSP Central United States Partnership CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center PEDS Portable Emergency Data System EIPT Exercise Integrated Process Team CAX Capability Assurance Exercise SLO State Liaison Officer The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) seeks compassionate nursing professionals to apply for our LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE I (LPN I) positions.This an excellent entry level nursing opportunity for potential candidates who are interested in furthering their . SAME Specific Area Message Encoding 3) Crisis Coordination Center IMAC Infrastructure Monitoring, Analysis, and Coordination 2) Transportable Communications Center CAPPS II Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (II equals 2nd generation) CPPS Certified Professional Property Specialist EIO Emergency Information Officer AM 1) Amplitude Modulation JMRO Joint Medical Regulating Office SARS 1) Security Activities Reporting System NTMS National Telecommunications Management Structure 2) Deputy Chief of Staff HMC Hazard Mitigation Coordinator HSTTIG Homeland Security Terrorist Threat Intelligence Group 2) Branch Chief CNC 1) Central Network Control As a Certified Nursing Assistant, you are delegated the . SERT 1) Secretary's Emergency Response Team (DHHS) (7) Business & Finance (4) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) RNA Rapid Needs Assessment RFO 1) Ready For Occupancy STA Special Temporary Authority ERT-A Emergency Response Team - Advance Element ARAA Advanced Radiological Accident Assessment SET Source Evaluation Team ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum LFEOC Local Federal Emergency Operations Center k kilo FRCA Findings Requiring Corrective Action NAFAX National Facsimile Network I-Team 1) Incident Team ACAP 1) Agency-wide Corrective Action Program MOPP Mission-Oriented Protective Posture CDBG Community Development Block Grant IFR 1) Instrument Flight Rules CBPMO [US] Customs and Border Protection Modernization Office BOXER Bulk-Only X-ray Enhanced Region 2) Food & Agricultural Organization (UN) SPOT 1) Satellite Positioning and Tracking STOC Sniper Tactical Operations Center TITLE IV Major Disaster Assistance Programs SEI Software Engineering Institute FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas 2) Defense Communications Agency VoID Voice over Internet Protocol RAC AC Regional Assistance Committee Advisory Council NLETS National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System ICPO (see INTERPOL) FMSIS Flood Map Status Information Service ISEMA Indiana State Emergency Management Agency . 2) Cadre of On-call Response Employees DFRN Disaster Federal Register Notice 2) Civil Emergency Planning (NATO) DSCO Deputy State Coordinating Officer IACP International Association of Chiefs of Police UC/IC Unified Command / Incident Command 2) Post Meridiem TIER Treasury Information Executive Repository DTIC Defense Technical Information Center ISI Immigration Security Initiative ISMA International Security Management Association
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2) Non-Intrusive Inspection NAII National Association of Independent Insurers ISOO Information Security Oversight Office GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District USMRICD United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense AMO Air and Marine Operations CAP-SSSE Corrective Action Program - State Support Services Element URL Uniform Resource Locator 2) Standard Form 5) Purchase Officer NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations 2) FEMA Storage Center JIOC Joint Investigative Operations Center REX Readiness Exercise ADD Automated Deployment Database ECCV Emergency Command and Control Vehicle TWVP (see TWOV) NTF-NCR Joint Task Force - National Capital Region SGTS Standard Gas Treatment System HD Hurricane Day EO 1) Electro-Optical TAC-DESK Tactical Desk PANYNJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey AEA American Economic Association 2) Critical Review Phase MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act ANCA Anniston Chemical Activity IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Association SDLO Senior Disaster Logistics Official/Officer Each zone reflects the severity or type of potential flooding in the area. DASH Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health 325 ( 5165c) Public Notice, Comment, and Consultation Requirements FOS 1) Family of Services RWP Regional Work Plan 2) Country of Citizenship APSRS Aerial Photography Summary Record System PDASH Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health TLC Territory Logistics Centers 424 ( 5189b) Date of Eligibility; Expenses Incurred Before Date of Disaster