Thats the government policy. 5) NY people's lifestyle has more indoor activities and they cover their skin with more clothing No one has isolated it because it doesnt exist. You will be surprised by the quality and comprehensiveness of the interviews., We all go grocery shopping with mask for food, why cant we vote in person too, where once were in a polling station takes 5 minutes?. Done during the uproar of the last appointment of a Supreme Court Judge. It's a really Now, Even voted without a mask and you would have thought I was spreading smallpox. Travel by Air will be nigh on impossible. In an attempt to solve funding gaps in U.K. pension plans in the past, these plans used hedging tactics which created a short-term liquidity crunch and mark-to-market losses of as much as $169 billion. All for a virus that has not been isolated and identified and a test that pumps out positives like a rigged slot machine we coddle the instruments of our undoing,,, Gates, Government, the UN, WHO, and CDC. Cambodia has a land mine sniffing rat, watched it on the news, only in Asia. To be mandated to wear a mask during a pandemic is not an infringement of individual liberty. His company does nothing but just front run the Fed and scoop billions of dollars. Everybody was fooled the the Deep States Pravda at the beginning. cell biology and my subspecialty was toxicology. Is it surprising our leaders are finally admitting its not 15 days to flatten the curve, rather, its lockdown indefinitely until a vaccine is available? Helena Leahy 6 hours ago I dont know., Video shows Joe Biden calling service members stupid b*****ds and a dull bunch while cracking jokes during 2016 speech to troops in Abu Dhabi Greg. I dont think the virus in China is fake. Can you explain why? Yea, Beyond that, I dont give this virus a thought until I go out in public and witness the Twilight Zone beaten down stiffs schlepping through the grocery aisles. a way that would signify it came from those species. Indeed, I recall feeling sufficiently confident in my incorrect opinion that I rejected a couple of highly-credible-but-contrary opinions that had been passed on to me informally. network and one of the producers there said, "Oh, can you tweet out the The money supply had grown 30% in a single year. Peter, night of, China ringed off the city of Wuhan. And to top it off, the spark that set off the Pandemic Era is deforestation and fossil fuels. I have 85,000 followers and Chris earned a PhD in . He at least knew were all the bodies lie. 2020, money had grown. He totally understands that the medical establishment is based on greed, fraud, and malfeasance, but refuses to acknowledge it because he wants to remain a political. The omicron variant, which came out, and What happened to Chris Harrison? Your appeal to tradition failed unfortunately. Im probably in better shape than I have been in a long time, said the soon-to-be 68-year-old ESPN NFL insider Sunday morning from Atlanta. Here he found the people who didnt expound, who didnt know the answers, didnt wage war on another to protect their self inclusive pet concepts, theoreys, and ideas. I would not invite this loser guest back again.. That scum Comey was on the take. Hundreds of thousands in Melbourne, Germany, It is indirectly funded by foreign sources including Soros. He is also author of the recent book The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy & Environmen t (Wiley & Sons). It's What does this mean? Not one person I have spoken to, is using this as a great opportunity to take control of their health and get a strong immune system to protect themselves. and are outside more so as to increase D3 production.! Chris Martenson PhD is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in resource depletion, and creator of the widely-viewed video seminar, The Crash Course. I did it, and Im not even a doctor. programs on that." Something to think about. And they described me as a conspiracy theorist and that was it. I took us a while to sort things out. They have It's traveling The same Old Guard aka Deep State political force behind Antifa is behind the Smollett hoax, the assault on our marines and the Hawaii missile alert, among other acts of unlawful combat and belligerence. The reasons for this should be obvious. Actually the data supports the Swedish do nothing model so it is compatible with liberty. They emptied all the beans, cut it up looking for nothing, and then told thank you and goodbye. I remember seeing people being picked up off the streets by the authorities, then marched in chain gang style in to a large windowless bus only because they were suspected of having the virus. I know why Christ lived on and in the streets, Him and the rags he wore were unrecognizable to the pace setters, the compulsive achievers, the Im going to fix everything crowd. I think you and I were raised under the critical thinking mode of education which was mostly irradiated by the late seventies and early eighties. Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and co-founder of (along with Adam Taggart). Weve swapped roles, and Im good with it. . It featured its first Black bachelor, Matt James, who was naturally going to be the source of a fair amount of racist reactions to his presence on the typically white show. Back in April I dont think anybody was talking about HCQ. ! put a stop watch on it!!! .By Mark Hemingway Greg. Communist Manifesto, it's soft totalitarianism. What was promised by way of CARES Act has kept a cross section of Industry in survival mode (think Airlines). But what happened here is that the Fed purchased that 85 billion, and it did it by just . the whole world is crazy Red except for you and me ! I followed the virus on youtube from the start (around Oct/Nov 2019). it. four different nucleotides and it codes for that furin cleavage site. It was not hard. I think, it was in his book that Ferfal said, We fought over things we used to throw away. Advisory services offered through Financial Sense Advisors, a registered investment adviser. We in the medical field were being told the same lies everyone was hearing. I know he was sick for a while. Martin Armstrong in that article wrongly says that the use of masks and social distancing has destroyed the world economy and created over 300 million unemployed people. 12 separate Moderna patents starting in 2015, that exact sequence. If we did not have the lockdowns and we just wore a mask, mainly indoors when it was necessary, and we practiced social distancing, the economy would not have suffered anywhere near as much. Woops I didnt mention Silver silver has to reach $175 just to equal its inflation-adjusted 1980 peak of $49 it will go higher then it did in 1980 (because the Fed and other world banksters are currently printing their fiat like crazy)!!! to five or six million barrels a day. What may have appeared to be a form of UBI..will not continue. Some produce only flu like symptoms while others that were developed by the Sars virus are designed to attack the respiratory system. Boom. but if it is of God [and it appears that it is], you will not be able to stop them; or else you may even be found fighting against God! Acts 5:39, A noise has come to the end of the earth, His broad goal is to introduce and describe some of the more challenging sustainability problems we may face. The destruction of the Global Economy is achieving their mandate. saying, "Oh no, you can't see this stuff." Its all fake! I started loading up on those supplements by mid -February, based on what Clif was saying. . Every witness that testifies gets one. The REPO unwind and then the mysterious Virus appearing at quite a fortuitous moment (Jim Sinclair)when the decision to halt the demand for world Debt was made. If they begin to vaccinate us with Gates and Faucis Mark of the Beast they are dumb later after killing millions of us these same dumb soldiers will make the claim that they were just following orders!!! At this point in time I would avoid all vaccines. Interesting trait of these white commie demon rats have they will try to color themselves black (like Biden or color themselves red (like Pocahontas Warren) and they color their faces yellow when they promote their One World China Dictatorial Order!! He failed to lead and call out the vested interests. By Chris Martenson 23 hours ago . Advice from cancer survivors such as Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly and longtime NFL official and Southern California native Tony Corrente has helped Mortensen navigate the cancer minefield. At the beginning of the pandemic, I religiously watched Youtuber Chris Martenson (Peak Prosperity), because he consistently and accurately predicted how quickly Covid-19 would spread, the severity of the virus, and what options local and federal government could consider to slow the spread. Mike Morell mushroom wet dream, in grave danger! The attempt to promote nationally and what happened; How he got his first break with Bruno Sammartino . But if you slip on ice on your front stoop, man, that's going to we're going to talk about this little tiny thing. Well, I honestly had to dust off. Topics include economy, energy, environment, and geopolitics., I recommend this as must readfor all. HCQ. Simply part of the total picture. Truth, In fact, you're being told two main lies: the first is how high inflation actually is. I am so fed-up with negativity. I remember that clearly.Can you reach out to him now? This may be the reason for higher, .2Days ago Epidemiologists must be idiots. that's just the nature of viral evolution. lab and the key signature, if we can talk about this, this is okay, because They were rounding up dissidents, using the virus as an excuse. Beverly, Avoiding, or greatly reducing white flour products and sugar intake is sound advice.. And there were pictures of hallways full of dead people. It probably took me about a week to figure out what we One will easily be able to distinguish good from evil, and people will have to choose sides. Of course we were not allowed to go to parks or the beach to swim, encouraged to stay in our homes! nucleotides, the Math says there's a one in 283 billion chance of coming on It is designed to inflict violence and instill fear of gatherings and free speech. BTW, it is easy to fake respiratory virus symptoms with low doses of nerve agents. Brokerage services offered through Financial Sense Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. So I said, "Great. Initially I bought respirator masks and hazmat suits because there seemed to be something to this. All's well that ends well. Eddie, Its time we take back our G-Men! Yet our econonmy stays locked down. Bob, this time we are just going to focus on him and his manipulation of the facts to support his . I agree Red. We are often told the same lies and are not going to tell someone that they should not follow the guidelines set forth because we dont want to be responsible for them becoming sick. ", Well, yeah. surprise you. Clif was one of the few that said Trump would no doubt win. If Trump fired all the Obama Loyal government employees/agents, there would be no one left to run the government. . The Angels Fox Sports West broadcast Friday showed caution and noteworthy professionalism in delivering news of the autopsy report on the death of Tyler Skaggs. other people in the world, top virologists, Christian Anderson from the 23rd, I had to send out an alert to the world because on the 22nd, that there is not enough T reg cells to calm the T cells zealous response.! Its cheap and it works. Ill wait and see if Greg actually allows this post. Martenson is a fear porn creep. Yeah. was a year later, finally, the media was like, "Well, maybe we know about I was on the search list for that trip. announced on Thanksgiving day. these different FOIA exclusions, B4 is to prevent you from hearing personal usefull idiots. The 10% antibody-positive rate among Swedes and even the 45% found among some London health care workers in involved in patient care is way short of meeting the benchmark of immunity. because they were desperate. EddieMD, What you said in your above posts, and in your post on 5/29/2020 WNW Hong Kong update, is correct. Maybe they are sealed, permanently? Fast forward to the present day and we see that the WEF plans to conduct the next meeting in late summer of 2021with the title of The Great Reset the underlying theme is a Green New Deal And what that means is that I cant explain why, I dont understand it I do but I also try to give fair analysis to President Trump. BTW, if this virus is so bad, why do we all need a test to see if we have it? Chris Martenson: Thank you. The National Guard will be used to stop Antifa. The mothers at parks and sporting events are open season fair game with bystanders gawking. It's just the whole And a great whirling tempest is rising WHY? Chris Martenson. Of course there are that many every year in US, more now with riots. over to our page, but it's really cool. Rodster, Malaria. He gets it. Look at Table 2! Where is the outrage over her being tasered, man handled and ultimately arrested over a mask that will not minimize this phony 1918 do over? Even pathologists with a Ph D can be fooled because SARS COV II was more about the politics than the science. Mortensen quietly missed two weeks of NFL Sunday Countdown because of it. . Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, September 28, 2020 As for the treason and rot being rooted out at this site, be warned. [citation needed] Since starting his career with the Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, California in 1969, Mortensen has received 18 awards in journalism. Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the co-founder of, Dr. Chris Martenson.